SDK Base Utils

Header helpers classes and functions

template<typename EventType>
void Metavision::write_DAT_header(std::ostream &os, const GenericHeader::HeaderMap &header_map)

Writes the DAT header of a file.

Template Parameters

EventType – The type of events stored in the DAT file

  • os – The stream used to store the DAT data

  • header_map – An optional map of data to be stored in the header

template<typename EventType>
std::string Metavision::get_DAT_header_as_string(const GenericHeader::HeaderMap &header_map = GenericHeader::HeaderMap())

Convenience function to get the DAT header as string.

Template Parameters

EventType – The type of events stored in the DAT file


header_map – Additional information to be stored in the header


The string representing the DAT header

inline GenericHeader Metavision::make_DAT_header_map_with_geometry(int width, int height)

Convenience function to create a DAT header map to be added in the header using the camera geometry.

  • width – Width of the camera sensor

  • height – Height of the camera sensor


The DAT header map

class GenericHeader

A utility class to hold and format headers information.

A header is composed of fields composed of key (string) / value (string) pairs

Public Types

using HeaderMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>

Alias for the internal map holding the header information.

Public Functions


Default constructor.

GenericHeader(std::istream &stream)

Builds the header map by parsing the input stream.

The stream internal is expected to point to the start of the header (if any) This method effectively places the stream cursor at the end of header. The position of the cursor remains unchanged if no header is actually present.


stream – The input stream to parse a header from

GenericHeader(const HeaderMap &header_map)

Builds the header map using a copy of the input HeaderMap.


header_map – The header map to use for initialization

bool empty() const

Returns if the header is empty.


True if the header is empty, false otherwise

void add_date()

Adds the current date and time to the header (in the format Y-m-d H:M:S).


The date is updated at each call to this method

void remove_date()

Removes the date if there was any in the header.

std::string get_date() const

Gets the date and time at which the associated file was recorded.


The current date and time in string format if it is found, or an empty string otherwise.

void set_field(const std::string &key, const std::string &value)

Adds a new field in the header.

  • key – The key of the field in the header

  • value – The value of the field

void remove_field(const std::string &key)

Remove the input field (if exists)

std::string get_field(const std::string &key) const

Gets the value associated to the input key.


The value associated to the input key if it exists, or an empty string otherwise

const HeaderMap &get_header_map() const

Gets the HeaderMap holding the header information.


The header map

std::string to_string() const

Serializes the header map.


The header in a string format


template<class T, bool acquire_shared_ptr = false>
class ObjectPool

Class that creates a reusable pool of heap allocated objects.

The ObjectPool allocates objects that are returned to the pool upon destruction. acquire is used to allocate or re-use a previously allocated object instance. The object are made available through a std::unique_ptr or a std::shared_ptr according to the template acquire_shared_ptr. The smart pointers are given a custom deleter, which automatically adds the object back to the pool upon destruction.

Template Parameters
  • T – the type of object stored

  • acquire_shared_ptr – if true, the object are wrapped by a std::shared_ptr, otherwise a std::unique_ptr is returned instead

Public Functions

inline ObjectPool()

Default constructor that builds an unbounded object pool with an initial number of objects allocated make_unbounded.

inline void add(std::unique_ptr<T> t)

Adds an object to the pool.


t – A unique_ptr storing the object

template<typename ...Args>
inline ptr_type acquire(Args&&... args)

Allocates or re-use a previously allocated object.


args – Optional arguments to be passed when allocating the object


A unique or shared pointer to the allocated object

inline bool empty() const

Checks if the pool is empty.


true if the pool is empty, false if the pool contains object ready to be re-used

inline size_t size() const

Gets the number of objects in the pool.


The number of previously allocated and ready to-reuse objects in the pool

inline bool is_bounded() const

Checks the memory pool type i.e. bounded or unbounded.


true if the memory pool is bounded, false if it is unbounded

template<typename ...Args>
inline size_t arrange(size_t size, Args&&... args)

Ensure that the pool contains ‘size’ available objects, ready to be acquired.


Only works for unbounded pool

  • size – The maximum number of objects to be available

  • args – Optional arguments to be used when allocating the object


the number of newly allocated object in the pool

Public Static Functions

static inline ObjectPool<T, acquire_shared_ptr> make_bounded(size_t num_initial_objects = 64)

Creates an object pool with limited number of objects that can be allocated.

There won’t be memory allocation upon call to acquire if all objects in the memory pool are already used.


num_initial_objects – Number of objects initially allocated in the pool


An object pool with bounded memory

template<typename ...Args>
static inline ObjectPool<T, acquire_shared_ptr> make_bounded(size_t num_initial_objects, Args&&... args)

Creates an object pool with limited number of objects that can be allocated.

There won’t be memory allocation upon call to acquire if all objects in the memory pool are already used.

  • num_initial_objects – Number of objects initially allocated in the pool

  • args – The arguments forwarded to the object constructor during allocation


An object pool with bounded memory

template<typename ...Args>
static inline ObjectPool<T, acquire_shared_ptr> make_unbounded(size_t num_initial_objects = 64)

Creates an object pool with expendable memory usage.

A pool with unbounded memory will allocate a new object when all objects in the pool are already used and acquire is called.


num_initial_objects – Number of objects initially allocated in the pool


An object pool with unbounded memory

template<typename ...Args>
static inline ObjectPool<T, acquire_shared_ptr> make_unbounded(size_t num_initial_objects, Args&&... args)

Creates an object pool with expendable memory usage.

A pool with unbounded memory will allocate a new object when all objects in the pool are already used and acquire is called.

  • num_initial_objects – Number of objects initially allocated in the pool

  • args – The arguments forwarded to the object constructor during allocation


An object pool with unbounded memory

template<typename T>
using Metavision::SharedObjectPool = ObjectPool<T, true>

Convenience alias to use a ObjectPool returning shared pointers.

Template Parameters

T – the type of object stored in the pool

typedef long long Metavision::timestamp

Type to represent time in microseconds.

struct SoftwareInfo

Stores information about the version of the software.

Public Types

enum class VersionSuffix

Supported version suffixes.


enumerator NONE
enumerator DEV

Public Functions

SoftwareInfo(int version_major, int version_minor, int version_patch, const std::string &version_suffix_string, const std::string &vcs_branch, const std::string &vcs_commit, const std::string &vcs_date)


  • version_major – Major version number

  • version_minor – Minor version number

  • version_patch – Patch version number

  • version_suffix_string – Version suffix string

  • vcs_branch – VCS branch name

  • vcs_commit – VCS commit’s hash

  • vcs_date – VCS commit’s date

int get_version_major() const

Returns major version number.

int get_version_minor() const

Returns minor version number.

int get_version_patch() const

Returns patch version number.

std::string get_version_suffix() const

Returns version suffix string.

std::string get_version() const

Returns version as a string.

std::string get_vcs_branch() const

Returns version control software (vcs) branch.

std::string get_vcs_commit() const

Returns version control software (vcs) commit.

std::string get_vcs_date() const

Returns version control software (vcs) commit’s date.


enum class Metavision::LogLevel

Enumeration used to control the level of logged messages that are allowed to pass through.


enumerator Debug

This level is reserved for internal debugging purposes


These messages are simply ignored when the code is compiled in Release even if setLogLevel is called with the Debug level

enumerator Trace

This level should be used for external debugging purposes.

enumerator Info

This level should be used for general information for the user.

enumerator Warning

This level should be used when a potential problem could occur that requires the user attention.

enumerator Error

This level should be used when a problem occurs, possibly leading to a failure of the application.

class LogOptions

Struct that defines the settings used for the logging behaviors.

Public Functions

LogOptions(LogLevel level = LogLevel::Info, std::ostream &stream = std::cerr, bool level_prefix_padding = false)

Construct a LogOptions object.

  • level – The current level of logging

  • stream – The stream that will be used to issue the logs

  • level_prefix_padding – If enabled, the [level] prefix is padded with whitespace to a fixed length

LogOptions &setLevel(const LogLevel &level)

Sets the current level of logging.

Any message that has a higher or equal level will be enabled to pass through, and any message that has a lower level will be ignored


By default, the level is LogLevel::Info


It is also possible to set the current level of logging by setting the environment variable MV_LOG_LEVEL with one of the following (string) value : DEBUG, TRACE, INFO, WARNING, ERROR. If the environment variable is set, it will have precedence over the value set by this function.


The environment variable MV_LOG_LEVEL is only read once at initialization of the logging utility, if the value of the environment variable is changed after, its value won’t be reflected unless you explicitly call resetLogLevelFromEnv


In Android the environment variable for logging must be set by using one of the following commands:

  • works until next reboot, has higher priority to persist property

    adb shell setprop debug.metavision.log.level <LEVEL>

  • root permissions requested, works permanently

    adb shell setprop persist.metavision.log.level <LEVEL>


To reset a property in Android environment use the following command:

adb shell setprop \<property_name\> \"\"


level – The minimum level of messages allowed to pass through


The current LogOptions object

LogLevel getLevel() const

Gets the current level of logging.

See also



The current level of logging

LogOptions &setStream(std::ostream &stream)

Sets the current stream in which all messages are logged.


By default, the stream is std::cerr.


If you want to log in a file, you can pass your own file stream, but you have to manage its life time.


It is also possible to set the current stream to point to a file by setting the environment variable MV_LOG_FILE with the path corresponding to the desired log file. If the environment variable is set, it will have precedence over the value set by this function.


The environment variable MV_LOG_FILE is only read once at initialization of the logging utility, if the value of the environment variable is changed after, its value won’t be reflected unless you explicitly call resetLogStreamFromEnv


stream – The stream in which all messages will be written


The current LogOptions object

std::ostream &getStream() const

Gets the current stream in which all messages are logged.


The current stream in which all messages are logged

LogOptions &setLevelPrefixPadding(bool is_padded)

Define if the [level] prefix should be padded with white spaces.


The current LogOptions object

bool isLevelPrefixPadding() const

Is the “[level]” prefix padded with white spaces.


a boolean that defines if the option is enabled

void Metavision::setLogOptions(LogOptions opts)

define global options to tweak logging behavior

See also

getLogOptions to retrieve current Log options


opts – The LogOptions to be globally set

void Metavision::resetLogLevelFromEnv()

Resets the current level of logging value read from the environment variable MV_LOG_LEVEL.

void Metavision::resetLogStreamFromEnv()

Resets the current logging stream read from the environment variable MV_LOG_FILE.

LogOptions Metavision::getLogOptions()

retrieve global logging options

See also

setLogOptions to set Log options


a copy of the global LogOptions object

template<LogLevel level>
class LoggingOperation

Base class for any logging operation.

This is a base class easing the use of the logging system This class uses classical C++ techniques to easily provide modifiers to automatically add spaces between messages tokens or an end of line character when the operation is finished It is much more convenient to use one of the MV_LOG_DEBUG, MV_LOG_TRACE, MV_LOG_INFO, MV_LOG_WARNING or MV_LOG_ERROR functions to return an instance of this class

Template Parameters

level – The level of this logging operation

Public Functions

LoggingOperation(const LogOptions &opts = LogOptions(), const std::string &prefixFmt = std::string(), const std::string &file = std::string(), int line = 0, const std::string &function = std::string())


Construct a LoggingOperation that will write in the stream message tokens, prefixed by the formatted prefixFmt

The prefixFmt can be any fixed string or a format string with the following known replacement tokens :

  • <LEVEL> : the level of the logging operation in upper case

  • <Level> : the level of the logging operation in camel case

  • <FILE> : the basename of the file where the logging operation is created

  • <LINE> : the line where the logging operation is created

  • <FUNCTION> : the function where the logging operation is created

  • <DATETIME:strftime_fmt> : the date and time formatted with a format as specified by std::strftime function (e.g. dHm), note that the formatted string can not exceed 1024 characters.


The replacement in the prefix format only occurs once, i.e. each token is searched only once and not replaced multiple times.

  • opts – The object that defines the general configuration for the logging mechanisms

  • prefixFmt – The prefix format to display

  • file – The file from which the logging operation was created

  • line – The line where the logging operation was created

  • function – The function in which the logging operation was created

LoggingOperation(const LoggingOperation&) = delete

Copy constructor A logging operation cannot be copy constructed.

LoggingOperation(LoggingOperation &&op)

Move constructor A logging operation can be move constructed.


op – The logging operation to be move constructed from

LoggingOperation &operator=(const LoggingOperation&) = delete

Copy assignment A logging operation cannot be copy assigned.

LoggingOperation &operator=(LoggingOperation &&op)

Move assignment A logging operation can be move assigned.


op – The logging operation to be move assigned from


The modified logging operation



void enableSpaceBetweenTokens()

Enables automatically adding spaces between message tokens.


This feature is enabled by default

void disableSpaceBetweenTokens()

Disables automatically adding spaces between message tokens.

void enableEndOfLineAtDestruction()

Enables automatically adding an end of line token when this operation is destroyed.


This feature is enabled by default

void disableEndOfLineAtDestruction()

Disables automatically adding an end of line token when this operation is destroyed.

std::string file() const

Returns the name of the file associated to this logging operation.

int line() const

Returns the line associated to this logging operation.

std::string function() const

Returns the function associated to this logging operation.

std::string prefix() const

Returns the prefix associated to this logging operation.

template<typename T>
void log(const T &t)

Logs the corresponding value.

Template Parameters

T – Type of the value to be logged


t – Value to be logged

void log(bool val)

Logs the corresponding value This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

template<typename T>
void log(const std::vector<T> &v)

Logs the corresponding value This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

void apply(std::ostream &(*manip)(std::ostream&))

Applies a stream manipulator.


manip – Stream manipulator

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr LogLevel Level = level

The level of this operation.


Returns a logging operation of DEBUG level.

Convenience function to return a logging operation of DEBUG level using the current logging stream, an optional prefix format prefixFmt and automatically adding an end of line token at the end of the logging operation

  • prefixFmt – (Optional) a format string that will be be output as the first message token


A logging operation of DEBUG level


Returns a logging operation of TRACE level.

Convenience macro to return a logging operation of TRACE level using the current logging stream, an optional prefix format prefixFmt and automatically adding an end of line token at the end of the logging operation

  • prefixFmt – (Optional) a format string that will be be output as the first message token


A logging operation of TRACE level


Returns a logging operation of INFO level.

Convenience function to return a logging operation of INFO level using the current logging stream, an optional prefix format prefixFmt and automatically adding an end of line token at the end of the logging operation

  • prefixFmt – (Optional) a format string that will be be output as the first message token


A logging operation of INFO level


Returns a logging operation of WARNING level.

Convenience function to return a logging operation of WARNING level using the current logging stream, an optional prefix format prefixFmt and automatically adding an end of line token at the end of the logging operation

  • prefixFmt – (Optional) a format string that will be be output as the first message token


A logging operation of WARNING level


Returns a logging operation of ERROR level.

Convenience function to return a logging operation of ERROR level using the current logging stream, an optional prefix format prefixFmt and automatically adding an end of line token at the end of the logging operation

  • prefixFmt – (Optional) a format string that will be be output as the first message token


A logging operation of ERROR level

namespace Log


template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &space(LoggingOperation<Level> &op)

Stream manipulator enabling the automatic addition of spaces between message tokens.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &&space(LoggingOperation<Level> &&op)

Stream manipulator enabling the automatic addition of spaces between message tokens.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &no_space(LoggingOperation<Level> &op)

Stream manipulator disabling the automatic addition of spaces between message tokens.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &&no_space(LoggingOperation<Level> &&op)

Stream manipulator disabling the automatic addition of spaces between message tokens.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &endline(LoggingOperation<Level> &op)

Stream manipulator enabling the automatic addition of an end of line token at the end of the operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &&endline(LoggingOperation<Level> &&op)

Stream manipulator enabling the automatic addition of an end of line token at the end of the operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &no_endline(LoggingOperation<Level> &op)

Stream manipulator disabling the automatic addition of an end of line token at the end of the operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &&no_endline(LoggingOperation<Level> &&op)

Stream manipulator disabling the automatic addition of an end of line token at the end of the operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &function(LoggingOperation<Level> &op)

Stream manipulator that outputs the function name associated to the logging operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &&function(LoggingOperation<Level> &&op)

Stream manipulator that outputs the function name associated to the logging operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &file(LoggingOperation<Level> &op)

Stream manipulator that outputs the file name associated to the logging operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &&file(LoggingOperation<Level> &&op)

Stream manipulator that outputs the file name associated to the logging operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &line(LoggingOperation<Level> &op)

Stream manipulator that outputs the line associated to the logging operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &&line(LoggingOperation<Level> &&op)

Stream manipulator that outputs the line associated to the logging operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &prefix(LoggingOperation<Level> &op)

Stream manipulator that outputs the prefix associated to the logging operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation

template<LogLevel Level>
LoggingOperation<Level> &&prefix(LoggingOperation<Level> &&op)

Stream manipulator that outputs the prefix associated to the logging operation.

Template Parameters

Level – The level of the logging operation


op – The logging operation modified by this modifier


The modified logging operation