SDK CV Utils
template<typename Projection>
class CameraGeometry : public Metavision::CameraGeometryBase<Projection::underlying_type> Camera geometry’s implementation.
- Template Parameters
Projection – The projection model used to map points
Public Functions
inline virtual const Vec2i &get_image_size() const final
Gets the sensor’s size.
inline virtual T get_distance_to_image_plane() const final
Gets the distance between the camera’s optical center and the undistorted image plane.
inline virtual std::unique_ptr<CameraGeometryBase<T>> clone() const final
Creates a deep copy of this instance.
- Returns
The new instance
inline virtual void get_undist_norm_to_undist_img_transform(Mat3RMRef m) const final
Gets the transform that maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane (i.e. Z = 1) into the undistorted image plane (row major mode matrix)
- Parameters
m – [out] The transform
inline virtual void get_undist_norm_to_undist_img_transform(Mat3CMRef m) const final
Gets the transform that maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane (i.e. Z = 1) into the undistorted image plane (col major mode matrix)
- Parameters
m – [out] The transform
inline virtual void camera_to_img(Vec3RefConst pt_c, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img) const final
Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the distorted image plane.
- Parameters
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
inline virtual void camera_to_undist_img(Vec3RefConst pt_c, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img) const final
Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the undistorted image plane.
- Parameters
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
inline virtual void undist_norm_to_undist_img(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_undist_img) const final
Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the normalized image plane.
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
inline virtual void undist_norm_to_dist_norm(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_dist_norm) const final
Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted normalized image plane.
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the distorted normalized image plane
inline virtual void undist_img_to_undist_norm(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_img, Vec2Ref pt_undist_norm) const final
Maps a point from the undistorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Parameters
pt_undist_img – [in] The point in the undistorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
inline virtual void undist_norm_to_img(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img) const final
Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
inline virtual void img_to_undist_norm(Vec2RefConst pt_dist_img, Vec2Ref pt_undist_norm) const final
Maps a point from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
inline virtual void vector_undist_norm_to_img(Vec2RefConst ctr_undist_norm, Vec2RefConst vec_undist_norm, Vec2Ref ctr_dist_img, Vec2Ref vec_dist_img) const final
Maps a vector from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.
The output vector is normalized
- Parameters
ctr_undist_norm – [in] The vector’s starting point in the undistorted normalized image plane
vec_undist_norm – [in] The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane (the vector must be normalized)
ctr_dist_img – [out] The vector’s starting point in the distorted image plane
vec_dist_img – [out] The mapped vector in the distorted image plane
inline virtual void vector_img_to_undist_norm(Vec2RefConst ctr_dist_img, Vec2RefConst vec_dist_img, Vec2Ref ctr_undist_norm, Vec2Ref vec_undist_norm) const final
Maps a vector from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
The output vector is normalized
- Parameters
ctr_dist_img – [in] The vector’s starting point in the distorted image plane
vec_dist_img – [in] The vector in the distorted image plane (the vector must be normalized)
ctr_undist_norm – [out] The vector’s starting point in the undistorted normalized image plane
vec_undist_norm – [out] The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane
inline virtual void get_undist_norm_to_img_jacobian(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img, Mat2RMRef J) const final
Computes the distortion function’s jacobian (Row major mode matrix)
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_dist_img – [out] The point in the distorted image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
inline virtual void get_undist_norm_to_img_jacobian(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img, Mat2CMRef J) const final
Computes the distortion function’s jacobian (Col major mode matrix)
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_dist_img – [out] The point in the distorted image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
inline virtual void get_img_to_undist_norm_jacobian(Vec2RefConst pt_dist_img, Vec2Ref pt_undist_norm, Mat2RMRef J) const final
Computes the undistortion function’s jacobian (Row major mode matrix)
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_undist_norm – [out] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
inline virtual void get_img_to_undist_norm_jacobian(Vec2RefConst pt_dist_img, Vec2Ref pt_undist_norm, Mat2CMRef J) const final
Computes the undistortion function’s jacobian (Col major mode matrix)
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_undist_norm – [out] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
inline virtual void accept(CameraGeometryVisitor<T> &visitor) const final
Accepts a camera geometry visitor for implementation-specific processing.
- Parameters
visitor – The visitor to accept
template<typename T>
class CameraGeometryBase Base class for camera geometries.
A camera geometry is a mathematical model allowing to map points from world to image plane and vice versa. As this class uses virtual methods, it was not possible to make them templated. Therefore, eigen has been used for the vector and matrices types because it allows to map other types without copies (i.e. by using a combination of Eigen::Map and Eigen::Ref).
- Template Parameters
T – Either float or double
Public Functions
virtual ~CameraGeometryBase() = default
Default destructor.
virtual std::unique_ptr<CameraGeometryBase<T>> clone() const = 0
Creates a deep copy of this instance.
- Returns
The new instance
virtual const Vec2i &get_image_size() const = 0
Gets the sensor’s size.
virtual T get_distance_to_image_plane() const = 0
Gets the distance between the camera’s optical center and the undistorted image plane.
virtual void get_undist_norm_to_undist_img_transform(Mat3RMRef m) const = 0
Gets the transform that maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane (i.e. Z = 1) into the undistorted image plane (row major mode matrix)
- Parameters
m – [out] The transform
virtual void get_undist_norm_to_undist_img_transform(Mat3CMRef m) const = 0
Gets the transform that maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane (i.e. Z = 1) into the undistorted image plane (col major mode matrix)
- Parameters
m – [out] The transform
virtual void camera_to_img(Vec3RefConst pt_c, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img) const = 0
Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the distorted image plane.
- Parameters
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
virtual void camera_to_undist_img(Vec3RefConst pt_c, Vec2Ref pt_undist_img) const = 0
Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the undistorted image plane.
- Parameters
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
virtual void undist_norm_to_undist_img(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_undist_img) const = 0
Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the normalized image plane.
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
virtual void undist_img_to_undist_norm(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_img, Vec2Ref pt_undist_norm) const = 0
Maps a point from the undistorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Parameters
pt_undist_img – [in] The point in the undistorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
virtual void undist_norm_to_img(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img) const = 0
Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
virtual void img_to_undist_norm(Vec2RefConst pt_dist_img, Vec2Ref pt_undist_norm) const = 0
Maps a point from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
virtual void undist_norm_to_dist_norm(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_dist_norm) const = 0
Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted normalized image plane.
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the distorted normalized image plane
virtual void vector_undist_norm_to_img(Vec2RefConst ctr_undist_norm, Vec2RefConst vec_undist_norm, Vec2Ref ctr_dist_img, Vec2Ref vec_dist_img) const = 0
Maps a vector from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.
The output vector is normalized
- Parameters
ctr_undist_norm – [in] The vector’s starting point in the undistorted normalized image plane
vec_undist_norm – [in] The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane (the vector must be normalized)
ctr_dist_img – [out] The vector’s starting point in the distorted image plane
vec_dist_img – [out] The mapped vector in the distorted image plane
virtual void vector_img_to_undist_norm(Vec2RefConst ctr_dist_img, Vec2RefConst vec_dist_img, Vec2Ref ctr_undist_norm, Vec2Ref vec_undist_norm) const = 0
Maps a vector from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
The output vector is normalized
- Parameters
ctr_dist_img – [in] The vector’s starting point in the distorted image plane
vec_dist_img – [in] The vector in the distorted image plane (the vector must be normalized)
ctr_undist_norm – [out] The vector’s starting point in the undistorted normalized image plane
vec_undist_norm – [out] The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane
virtual void get_undist_norm_to_img_jacobian(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img, Mat2RMRef J) const = 0
Computes the distortion function’s jacobian (Row major mode matrix)
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_dist_img – [out] The point in the distorted image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
virtual void get_undist_norm_to_img_jacobian(Vec2RefConst pt_undist_norm, Vec2Ref pt_dist_img, Mat2CMRef J) const = 0
Computes the distortion function’s jacobian (Col major mode matrix)
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_dist_img – [out] The point in the distorted image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
virtual void get_img_to_undist_norm_jacobian(Vec2RefConst pt_dist_img, Vec2Ref pt_undist_norm, Mat2RMRef J) const = 0
Computes the undistortion function’s jacobian (Row major mode matrix)
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_undist_norm – [out] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
virtual void get_img_to_undist_norm_jacobian(Vec2RefConst pt_dist_img, Vec2Ref pt_undist_norm, Mat2CMRef J) const = 0
Computes the undistortion function’s jacobian (Col major mode matrix)
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_undist_norm – [out] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
template<typename FloatType>
class OcamModel Class implementing the Scaramuzza’s fisheye camera model.
(“A Toolbox for Easily Calibrating Omnidirectional Cameras”). The projection and distortion are done simultaneously.
- Template Parameters
FloatType – Either float or double.
Public Functions
EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW OcamModel(const Vec2i &img_size, const VecX &poly, const VecX &inv_poly, const Vec2 ¢er, const Mat2CM &affine_transform, FloatType zoom_factor = FloatType(1))
Builds a new OcamModel.
The intrinsics must correspond to a camera having:
its X axis pointing to the right
its Y axis pointing down, and
its Z axis pointing toward
- Parameters
img_size – [in] Sensor’s size
poly – [in] Polynomial used to undistort coordinates
inv_poly – [in] Polynomial used to distort coordinates
center – [in] Projection of the camera’s optical center in the image plane
affine_transform – [in] Transform that maps from the ideal sensor plane to the image plane
zoom_factor – [in] Scale factor indicating how the image appears once undistorted. The bigger is the factor, the smaller is the undistorted image (i.e. the more black areas in the image).
const Vec2i &get_image_size() const
Gets the sensor’s size.
FloatType get_distance_to_image_plane() const
Gets the distance between the camera’s optical center and the undistorted image plane.
template<typename M>
void get_undist_norm_to_undist_img_transform(M &m) const Gets the transform that maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane (i.e. Z = 1) into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
M – The 3x3 matrix’s type used
- Parameters
m – [out] The transform
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void camera_to_img(const V1 &pt_c, V2 &pt_dist_img) const Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the distorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The 3D point’s type used
V2 – The 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void undist_norm_to_img(const V1 &pt_undist_norm, V2 &pt_dist_img) const Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void camera_to_undist_img(const V1 &pt_c, V2 &pt_undist_img) const Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The 3D point’s type used
V2 – The 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void undist_norm_to_undist_img(const V1 &pt_undist_norm, V2 &pt_undist_img) const Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void undist_img_to_undist_norm(const V1 &pt_undist_img, V2 &pt_undist_norm) const Maps a point from the undistorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_img – [in] The point in the undistorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void undist_norm_to_dist_norm(const V1 &pt_undist_norm, V2 &pt_dist_norm) const Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the distorted normalized image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void img_to_undist_norm(const V1 &pt_dist_img, V2 &pt_undist_norm) const Maps a point from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2, typename M>
inline void get_undist_norm_to_img_jacobian(const V1 &pt_undist_norm, V2 &pt_dist_img, M &J) const Computes the distortion function’s jacobian.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
V3 – The output 2x2 matrix’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_dist_img – [out] The point in the distorted image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
template<typename V1, typename V2, typename M>
inline void get_img_to_undist_norm_jacobian(const V1 &pt_dist_img, V2 &pt_undist_norm, M &J) const Computes the undistortion function’s jacobian.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
V3 – The output 2x2 matrix’s type used
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_undist_norm – [out] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
inline const VecX &P() const
Gets the polynomial used for undistortion.
- Returns
The polynomial used for undistortion
inline const VecX &i_P() const
Gets the polynomial used for distortion.
- Returns
The polynomial used for distortion
inline const Mat2CM &A() const
Gets the affine transform that maps from the ideal sensor plane to the image plane.
- Returns
The affine transform
inline const Vec2 ¢er() const
Gets the projection of the camera’s optical center in the image plane.
- Returns
The projection of the camera’s optical center in the image plane
template<typename FloatType>
class StereoCameraGeometry Class representing the stereo camera geometry.
The stereo camera geometry implementation only supports pinhole camera models
- Template Parameters
FloatType – The floating point type used for the computations
Public Functions
StereoCameraGeometry(const CamGeometry &model_master, const CamGeometry &model_slave, Mat4RefConst T_s_m, bool initialize_rectified_geometry = false)
- Parameters
model_master – The pinhole camera geometry of the master camera
model_slave – The pinhole camera geometry of the slave camera
T_s_m – The 4x4 matrix mapping 3d points from the master camera coordinates to the slave camera coordinates
initialize_rectified_geometry – Whether to automatically initialize the rectified geometry or not
StereoCameraGeometry(const CamGeometry &model_master, const CamGeometry &model_slave, Mat4RefConst T_s_m, Mat3RefConst R_rect_master, Mat3RefConst K_rect_master, Mat3RefConst R_rect_slave, Mat3RefConst K_rect_slave)
- Parameters
model_master – The pinhole camera geometry of the master camera
model_slave – The pinhole camera geometry of the slave camera
T_s_m – The 4x4 matrix mapping 3d points from the master camera coordinates to the slave camera coordinates
R_rect_master – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular camera coordinates to rectified camera coordinates for the master camera
K_rect_master – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from rectified normalized coordinates to rectified image coordinates for the master camera
R_rect_slave – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular camera coordinates to rectified camera coordinates for the slave camera
K_rect_slave – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from rectified normalized coordinates to rectified image coordinates for the slave camera
void initialize_rectified_geometry()
Initializes the stereo rectified geometry.
This function does nothing if the rectified geometry is already initialized.
void initialize_rectified_geometry(Mat3RefConst R_rect_master, Mat3RefConst K_rect_master, Mat3RefConst R_rect_slave, Mat3RefConst K_rect_slave)
Reinitializes the stereo rectified geometry from the given matrices.
this function resets and reinitializes the rectified geometry even if it was already initialized.
- Parameters
R_rect_master – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular camera coordinates to rectified camera coordinates for the master camera
K_rect_master – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from rectified normalized coordinates to rectified image coordinates for the master camera
R_rect_slave – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular camera coordinates to rectified camera coordinates for the slave camera
K_rect_slave – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from rectified normalized coordinates to rectified image coordinates for the slave camera
void reset_rectified_geometry()
Resets the stereo rectified geometry.
StereoCameraGeometry clone() const
Clones the stereo camera geometry.
const CamGeometry &proj_master() const
Returns the pinhole camera geometry of the master camera.
const CamGeometry &proj_slave() const
Returns the pinhole camera geometry of the slave camera.
const RectifiedStereoGeometry &rect()
Returns the stereo rectified geometry.
This function initializes the rectified geometry if not previously done.
const RectifiedStereoGeometry &rect() const
Returns the stereo rectified geometry.
- Throws
std::runtime_error – if the rectified geometry has not been initialized
const RectifiedCameraGeometry &rect_master()
Returns the rectified stereo geometry of the master camera.
This function initializes the rectified geometry if not previously done.
const RectifiedCameraGeometry &rect_master() const
Returns the rectified stereo geometry of the master camera.
- Throws
std::runtime_error – if the rectified geometry has not been initialized
const RectifiedCameraGeometry &rect_slave()
Returns the rectified stereo geometry of the slave camera.
This function initializes the rectified geometry if not previously done.
const RectifiedCameraGeometry &rect_slave() const
Returns the rectified stereo geometry of the slave camera.
- Throws
std::runtime_error – if the rectified geometry has not been initialized
Mat3 R_s_m() const
Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix mapping 3d points from the master camera coordinates to the slave camera.
Vec3 t_s_m() const
Returns the 3x1 translation vector mapping 3d points from the master camera coordinates to the slave camera.
Vec3 pos_s_m() const
Returns the 3d position of the optical center of the slave camera expressed in the master camera coordinates.
Mat3 R_m_s() const
Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix mapping 3d points from the slave camera coordinates to the master camera.
Vec3 t_m_s() const
Returns the 3x1 translation vector mapping 3d points from the slave camera coordinates to the master camera.
Vec3 pos_m_s() const
Returns the 3d position of the optical center of the master camera expressed in the slave camera coordinates.
const Mat4 &T_s_m() const
Returns the 4x4 transformation matrix mapping 3d points from the master camera coordinates to the slave camera coordinates.
Mat4 T_m_s() const
Returns the 4x4 transformation matrix mapping 3d points from the slave camera coordinates to the master camera coordinates.
void camera_master_to_camera_slave(Vec3RefConst pt3_master, Vec3Ref pt3_slave) const
Maps a 3d point from the master camera coordinates to the slave camera coordinates.
void camera_slave_to_camera_master(Vec3RefConst pt3_slave, Vec3Ref pt3_master) const
Maps a 3d point from the slave camera coordinates to the master camera coordinates.
struct RectifiedCameraGeometry
Class representing the rectified geometry for a given camera.
Public Functions
explicit EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW RectifiedCameraGeometry(const CamModel &proj_model)
- Parameters
proj_model – The pinhole camera model
RectifiedCameraGeometry(const CamModel &proj_model, Mat3RefConst R_rect_undist_norm, Mat3RefConst K_rect, const cv::Mat &undist_rect_map1, const cv::Mat &undist_rect_map2)
- Parameters
proj_model – The pinhole camera model
R_rect_undist_norm – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular undistorted normalized coordinates to rectified normalized coordinates.
K_rect – The 3x3 projection matrix mapping from rectified normalized coordinates to rectified image coordinates.
undist_rect_map1 – The first map to wrap regular images into rectified images.
undist_rect_map2 – The second map to wrap regular images into rectified images.
void initialize(Mat3RefConst R_rect_undist_norm, Mat3RefConst K_rect, const cv::Mat &undist_rect_map1, const cv::Mat &undist_rect_map2)
Initializes the rectified geometry.
- Parameters
R_rect_undist_norm – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular undistorted normalized coordinates to rectified normalized coordinates.
K_rect – The 3x3 projection matrix mapping from rectified normalized coordinates to rectified image coordinates.
undist_rect_map1 – The first map to wrap regular images into rectified images.
undist_rect_map2 – The second map to wrap regular images into rectified images.
int width() const
Returns the width of the rectified image.
int height() const
Returns the height of the rectified image.
const Mat3 &R() const
Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular undistorted normalized coordinates to rectified normalized coordinates.
const Mat3 &K() const
Returns the 3x3 projection matrix mapping from rectified camera coordinates to rectified undistorted image coordinates.
cv::Mat_<uchar> get_mask(int border_size = 0) const
Returns the mask representing valid pixels in the rectified image, with an optional disabled border.
- Parameters
border_size – The size of the border to disable in the returned rectified image mask.
- Returns
The rectified image mask
void img_to_rect_undist_img(const cv::Mat &map_img, cv::Mat &map_rect_undist_img) const
Remaps a regular image to a rectified image.
- Parameters
map_img – The regular image to remap
map_rect_undist_img – The remapped rectified image
void img_to_rect_undist_img(Vec2RefConst pt2_img, Vec2Ref pt2_rect_undist_img) const
Maps a 2d point from regular image coordinates to rectified image coordinates.
void rect_undist_img_to_img(Vec2RefConst pt2_rect_undist_img, Vec2Ref pt2_img) const
Maps a 2d point from rectified image coordinates to regular image coordinates.
void camera_to_rect_camera(Vec3RefConst pt3_camera, Vec3Ref pt3_rect) const
Maps a 3d point from camera coordinates to rectified camera coordinates.
void rect_camera_to_camera(Vec3RefConst pt3_rect, Vec3Ref pt3_camera) const
Maps a 3d point from rectified camera coordinates to camera coordinates.
void rect_camera_to_rect_undist_img(Vec3RefConst pt3_rect, Vec2Ref pt2_rect_undist_img) const
Projects a 3d point from camera coordinates into the corresponding 2d point in rectified image coordinates.
void rect_undist_img_to_rect_undist_norm(Vec2RefConst pt2_rect_undist_img, Vec2Ref pt2_rect_undist_norm) const
Maps a 2d point from rectified image coordinates to rectified normalized coordinates.
explicit EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW RectifiedCameraGeometry(const CamModel &proj_model)
struct RectifiedStereoGeometry
Class representing the rectified stereo geometry for a given camera pair.
Public Functions
RectifiedStereoGeometry(const CamGeometry &proj_model_master, const CamGeometry &proj_model_slave, const Mat4 &T_s_m)
- Parameters
proj_model_master – The pinhole camera geometry of the master camera
proj_model_slave – The pinhole camera geometry of the slave camera
T_s_m – The 4x4 matrix mapping 3d points from the master camera coordinates to the slave camera coordinates
RectifiedStereoGeometry(const CamGeometry &proj_model_master, const CamGeometry &proj_model_slave, const Mat4 &T_s_m, Mat3RefConst R_rect_master, Mat3RefConst K_rect_master, Mat3RefConst R_rect_slave, Mat3RefConst K_rect_slave)
- Parameters
proj_model_master – The pinhole camera geometry of the master camera
proj_model_slave – The pinhole camera geometry of the slave camera
T_s_m – The 4x4 matrix mapping 3d points from the master camera coordinates to the slave camera coordinates
R_rect_master – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular camera coordinates to rectified camera coordinates for the master camera
K_rect_master – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from rectified normalized coordinates to rectified image coordinates for the master camera
R_rect_slave – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from regular camera coordinates to rectified camera coordinates for the slave camera
K_rect_slave – The 3x3 rotation matrix mapping from rectified normalized coordinates to rectified image coordinates for the slave camera
const RectifiedCameraGeometry &master() const
Returns the rectified geometry of the master camera.
const RectifiedCameraGeometry &slave() const
Returns the rectified geometry of the slave camera.
bool is_rectified_horizontally() const
Indicates whether the rectification is done horizontally.
void rect_camera_master_to_rect_camera_slave(Vec3RefConst pt3_rectmaster, Vec3Ref pt3_rectslave) const
Maps a 3d point from master rectified camera coordinates to slave rectified camera coordinates.
void rect_camera_slave_to_rect_camera_master(Vec3RefConst pt3_rectslave, Vec3Ref pt3_rectmaster) const
Maps a 3d point from slave rectified camera coordinates to master rectified camera coordinates.
FloatType disparity_to_depth(FloatType disp_master) const
Converts a disparity value in master rectified image coordinates to a depth value in master rectified camera coordinates.
Invalid disparities, recognized as std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::quiet_NaN(), are converted to a depth of -1.f.
void disparity_to_xyz(FloatType disp_master, FloatType pt2_rect_undist_img_x_master, FloatType pt2_rect_undist_img_y_master, Vec3Ref pt3_rect_master) const
Converts a disparity value and 2d point in master rectified image coordinates to a 3d point in master rectified camera coordinates.
Invalid disparities, recognized as std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::quiet_NaN(), are converted to a point with depth -1.f.
void disparity_map_to_depth_map(const cv::Mat_<float> &disp_map_master, cv::Mat_<float> &depth_map_master) const
Converts a disparity map in master rectified image coordinates to a depth map in master rectified camera coordinates.
Invalid disparities, recognized as std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::quiet_NaN(), are converted to a depth of -1.f.
void disparity_map_to_camera_point_cloud(const cv::Mat_<float> &disp_map_master, std::vector<Vec3> &point_cloud_master) const
Converts a disparity map in master rectified image coordinates to a 3d point cloud in master regular camera coordinates.
Invalid disparities, recognized as std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::quiet_NaN(), are ignored.
RectifiedStereoGeometry(const CamGeometry &proj_model_master, const CamGeometry &proj_model_slave, const Mat4 &T_s_m)
template<typename FloatType>
class PinholeCameraModel Class implementing the Pinhole camera model with radial and tangential distortion.
- Template Parameters
FloatType – Either float or double
Public Functions
EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW PinholeCameraModel(int width, int height, const std::vector<FloatType> &K, const std::vector<FloatType> &D)
Builds a new PinholeCameraModel.
- Parameters
width – [in] Sensor’s width
height – [in] Sensor’s height
K – [in] Camera’s intrinsics 3x3 matrix
D – [in] Camera’s distortion coefficients
const Vec2i &get_image_size() const
Gets the sensor’s size.
const Mat3 &K() const
Gets the camera’s intrinsics.
const Mat3 &Kinv() const
Gets the camera’s inverse intrinsics.
const Vec5 &D() const
Gets the camera’s distortion coefficients.
FloatType get_distance_to_image_plane() const
Gets the distance between the camera’s optical center and the undistorted image plane.
template<typename M>
void get_undist_norm_to_undist_img_transform(M &m) const Gets the transform that maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane (i.e. Z = 1) into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
M – The 3x3 matrix’s type used
- Parameters
m – [out] The transform
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void camera_to_img(const V1 &pt_c, V2 &pt_dist_img) const Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the distorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The 3D point’s type used
V2 – The 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void undist_norm_to_img(const V1 &pt_undist_norm, V2 &pt_dist_img) const Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void camera_to_undist_img(const V1 &pt_c, V2 &pt_undist_img) const Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The 3D point’s type used
V2 – The 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void undist_norm_to_undist_img(const V1 &pt_undist_norm, V2 &pt_undist_img) const Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void undist_img_to_undist_norm(const V1 &pt_undist_img, V2 &pt_undist_norm) const Maps a point from the undistorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_img – [in] The point in the undistorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void undist_norm_to_dist_norm(const V1 &pt_undist_norm, V2 &pt_dist_norm) const Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the distorted normalized image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2>
inline void img_to_undist_norm(const V1 &pt_dist_img, V2 &pt_undist_norm) const Maps a point from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
template<typename V1, typename V2, typename M>
inline void get_undist_norm_to_img_jacobian(const V1 &pt_undist_norm, V2 &pt_dist_img, M &J) const Computes the distortion function’s jacobian.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
V3 – The output 2x2 matrix’s type used
- Parameters
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_dist_img – [out] The point in the distorted image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
template<typename V1, typename V2, typename M>
inline void get_img_to_undist_norm_jacobian(const V1 &pt_dist_img, V2 &pt_undist_norm, M &J) const Computes the undistortion function’s jacobian.
- Template Parameters
V1 – The input 2D point’s type used
V2 – The output 2D point’s type used
V3 – The output 2x2 matrix’s type used
- Parameters
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_undist_norm – [out] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
template<typename T, typename Ti, typename To>
inline void Metavision::undist_norm_to_camera(const Ti &pt_norm, To &pt_c, T depth) Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the camera’s coordinates system.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
Ti – The input 2D point type used
To – The output 3D point type used
- Parameters
pt_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_c – [out] The point in the camera’s coordinates system
depth – [in] The depth of the point in the camera’s coordinates system
template<typename Ti, typename To>
inline void Metavision::camera_to_undist_norm(const Ti &pt3_cam, To &pt2_norm) Maps a 3D point from the camera’s coordinates system into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
Ti – The input 3D point type used
To – The output 2D point type used
- Parameters
pt3_cam – [in] The 3D point expressed in the camera’s coordinate system
pt2_norm – [out] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
template<typename Ti, typename To>
inline void Metavision::vector_camera_to_undist_norm(const Ti &v3_cam, const Ti &pt3_cam, To &v2_undist_norm, To &pt2_undist_norm, bool normalize = true) Maps a 3D vector from the camera’s coordinates system into the undistorted normalized image plane.
The output v2_undist_norm could be inf if \(v3^{cam}_z + pt3^{cam}_z = 0\).
- Template Parameters
Ti – The input 3D vector type used
To – The output 2D vector type used
- Parameters
v3_cam – [in] The 3D vector in the camera’s coordinates system
pt3_cam – [in] The vector’s starting point in the camera’s coordinates system
v2_undist_norm – [out] The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt2_undist_norm – [out] The vector’s starting point in the normalized image plane
normalize – The output is normalized (i.e. norm = 1) if this parameter is set to true
template<typename T, typename To>
inline void Metavision::get_undist_norm_to_undist_img_transform(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, To &m) Gets the transform that maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane (i.e. Z = 1) into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
To – The 3x3 matrix type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
m – [out] The transform
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
inline void Metavision::camera_to_img(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_c, T2 &pt_dist_img) Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the distorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The 3D point type used
T2 – The 2D point type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
inline bool Metavision::safe_camera_to_img(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_c, T2 &pt_dist_img, T epsilonz = T(1e-10)) Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the distorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The 3D point type used
T2 – The 2D point type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
epsilonz – [in] To be mapped, the point’s depth in the camera’s coordinates system must less than this value
- Returns
true if the point has been successfully mapped, false otherwise
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
inline void Metavision::camera_to_undist_img(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_c, T2 &pt_undist_img) Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The 3D point type used
T2 – The 2D point type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_c – [in] The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
inline void Metavision::undist_norm_to_undist_img(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_undist_norm, T2 &pt_undist_img) Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the undistorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The input 2D point type used
T2 – The output 2D point type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_undist_img – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted image plane
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
inline void Metavision::undist_img_to_undist_norm(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_undist_img, T2 &pt_undist_norm) Maps a point from the undistorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The input 2D point type used
T2 – The output 2D point type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_undist_img – [in] The point in the undistorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
inline void Metavision::undist_norm_to_img(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_undist_norm, T2 &pt_dist_img) Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The input 2D point type used
T2 – The output 2D point type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
pt_dist_img – [out] The mapped point in the distorted image plane
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
inline void Metavision::img_to_undist_norm(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_dist_img, T2 &pt_undist_norm) Maps a point from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The input 2D point type used
T2 – The output 2D point type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane
pt_undist_norm – [out] The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
inline void Metavision::vector_undist_norm_to_img(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &ctr_undist_norm, const T2 &vec_undist_norm, T3 &ctr_dist_img, T4 &vec_dist_img) Maps a vector from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.
The output vector is normalized
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The input 2D point type used
T2 – The input 2D vector type used
T3 – The output 2D point type used
T4 – The output 2D vector type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the vector
ctr_undist_norm – [in] The vector’s starting point in the undistorted normalized image plane
vec_undist_norm – [in] The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane (the vector must be normalized)
ctr_dist_img – [out] The vector’s starting point in the distorted image plane
vec_dist_img – [out] The mapped vector in the distorted image plane
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
inline void Metavision::vector_img_to_undist_norm(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &ctr_dist_img, const T2 &vec_dist_img, T3 &ctr_undist_norm, T4 &vec_undist_norm) Maps a vector from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.
The output vector is normalized
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The input 2D point type used
T2 – The input 2D vector type used
T3 – The output 2D point type used
T4 – The output 2D vector type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the vector
ctr_dist_img – [in] The vector’s starting point in the distorted image plane
vec_dist_img – [in] The vector in the distorted image plane (the vector must be normalized)
ctr_undist_norm – [out] The vector’s starting point in the undistorted normalized image plane
vec_undist_norm – [out] The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
inline void Metavision::get_undist_norm_to_img_jacobian(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_undist_norm, T2 &pt_dist_img, T3 &J) Computes the distortion function’s jacobian.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The input 2D point type used
T2 – The output 2D point type used
T3 – The output 2x2 matrix type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_undist_norm – [in] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_dist_img – [out] The point in the distorted image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
template<typename T, typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
inline void Metavision::get_img_to_undist_norm_jacobian(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, const T1 &pt_dist_img, T2 &pt_undist_norm, T3 &J) Computes the undistortion function’s jacobian.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The input 2D point type used
T2 – The output 2D point type used
T3 – The output 2x2 matrix type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
pt_dist_img – [in] The point in the distorted image plane at which the jacobian is computed
pt_undist_norm – [out] The point in the undistorted normalized image plane
J – [out] The computed jacobian
template<typename T, typename T1>
inline void Metavision::get_distortion_maps(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, T1 &mapx, T1 &mapy) Computes the distortion maps which are LUT used to distort coordinates.
The LUT are NxM matrices where NxM is the sensor’s resolution.
Such maps are used with cv::remap to undistort an image.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The output matrix type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
mapx – [out] LUT giving the distorted x coordinate of the input undistorted point (integer coordinates)
mapy – [out] LUT giving the distorted y coordinate of the input undistorted point (integer coordinates)
template<typename T, typename T1>
inline void Metavision::get_undistortion_maps(const CameraGeometryBase<T> &camera_geometry, T1 &mapx, T1 &mapy) Computes the undistortion maps which are LUT used to undistort coordinates.
The LUT are NxM matrices where NxM is the sensor’s resolution.
Such maps are used with cv::remap to distort an image.
- Template Parameters
T – The floating point type used
T1 – The output matrix type used
- Parameters
camera_geometry – [in] The CameraGeometryBase instance used to map the point
mapx – [out] LUT giving the undistorted x coordinate of the input distorted point (integer coordinates)
mapy – [out] LUT giving the undistorted y coordinate of the input distorted point (integer coordinates)
template<typename T>
std::unique_ptr<CameraGeometryBase<T>> Metavision::load_camera_geometry(const std::filesystem::path &json_path) Loads a camera geometry from a JSON file.
- Template Parameters
T – Either float or double
- Parameters
json_path – Path to the JSON file containing the camera geometry
- Returns
The camera geometry in case of success or nullptr otherwise
template<typename T>
std::unique_ptr<StereoCameraGeometry<T>> Metavision::load_stereo_camera_geometry(const std::filesystem::path &json_path, bool initialize_rectified_geometry = false) Loads a stereo camera geometry from a JSON file.
- Template Parameters
T – Either float or double
- Parameters
json_path – Path to the JSON file containing the stereo camera geometry
initialize_rectified_geometry – If true, the rectified geometry will be initialized
- Returns
The stereo camera geometry in case of success, or nullptr otherwise
template<typename Scalar>
struct TerminationCriteria Structure containing the parameters for deciding when to stop the minimization process.
Public Functions
TerminationCriteria() = default
Default constructor.
inline TerminationCriteria(unsigned int max_iterations, Scalar min_increment_norm, Scalar min_cost_decrease_fraction, Scalar max_cost_increase_fraction)
Initialization constructor.
- Parameters
max_iterations – Threshold on the maximum number of iterations
min_increment_norm – Threshold on the minimum norm of the parameter increment
min_cost_decrease_fraction – Threshold on the minimum relative decrease of the cost
max_cost_increase_fraction – Threshold on the maximum relative increase of the cost
Public Members
unsigned int max_iterations = 10
Threshold on the maximum number of iterations.
TerminationCriteria() = default
template<typename Scalar>
struct Report Structure containing information summarizing a minimization process.
Public Types
enum class State
Enumeration of the possible states of the solver.
(i.e. the optimization converged).
The threshold on the minimum norm of the parameter increment was reached
reached (i.e. the optimization converged).
The threshold on the minimum relative decrease of the cost was
The threshold on the maximum number of iterations was reached.
the algorithm was unable to reduce the cost).
The threshold on the maximum relative increase of the cost was reached (i.e.
it means the hessian matrix was singular).
An arithmetic failure happened in the course of the algorithm (most of the time,
happened in the course of the algorithm.
An external failure in the implementation of the AbstractLeastSquaresProblem<D,T>
enum IterationStatus
Enumerate used to define the status of a minimization’s iteration.
A minimization’s iteration’s status might consist in the combination of several of these values
It was not possible to compute the cost or the Jacobian.
It was not possible to solve the Gauss-Newton’s normal equation.
It was not possible to accumulate the parameter increment.
The cost decreased during this iteration.
The cost increased during this iteration.
It was not possible to compute the cost at the last step of the minimization process
The cost decreased at the last step of the minimization process.
The cost increased at the last step of the minimization process.
Tells whether the iteration corresponds to the last cost computation or not
Public Functions
inline Report()
inline void reset()
Resets the report.
inline IterationReport &get_new_iter_report()
Adds a new iteration report to the minimization process’s report.
- Returns
The newly added iteration report
std::ostream &print(std::ostream &stream) const
Prints the minimization process’s report.
- Parameters
stream – Stream to print the report into
- Returns
The stream in which the report has been printed
inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const Report &report)
Override of the operator<< to print the minimization process’s report into streams.
- Parameters
stream – Stream to print the report into
report – Report to print into the input stream
- Returns
The stream in which the report has been printed
struct IterationReport
Structure containing information summarizing a minimization’s iteration.
enum class State
template<typename Impl, typename Scalar, int DIM, template<typename I, typename S, int D> typename LeastSquaresProblemBase>
void Metavision::GaussNewton::solve(LeastSquaresProblemBase<Impl, Scalar, DIM> &problem, Report<Scalar> &report, const TerminationCriteria<Scalar> &term_criteria = TerminationCriteria<Scalar>()) Solves a non linear optimization problem using the Gauss-Newton method.
- Template Parameters
Impl – Type of the underlying least squares problem to solve
Scalar – Either float or double
DIM – Dimensions of the parameters to optimize
LeastSquaresProblemBase – Base least squares problem type, the CRTP design is used here
- Parameters
problem – Least squares problem to solve
report – Final summary of the optimization problem
term_criteria – Termination criteria used for deciding when to stop the minimization process
template<typename Impl, typename Scalar, int DIM, template<typename I, typename S, int D> typename LeastSquaresProblemBase>
bool Metavision::GaussNewton::solve(LeastSquaresProblemBase<Impl, Scalar, DIM> &problem, const TerminationCriteria<Scalar> &term_criteria = TerminationCriteria<Scalar>()) Solves a non linear optimization problem using the Gauss-Newton method.
- Template Parameters
Impl – Type of the underlying least squares problem to solve
Scalar – Either float or double
DIM – Dimensions of the parameters to optimize
LeastSquaresProblemBase – Base least squares problem type, the CRTP design is used here
- Parameters
problem – Least squares problem to solve
term_criteria – Termination criteria used for deciding when to stop the minimization process
- Returns
True if the minimization process succeeded, false otherwise
template<typename Impl, typename FloatType, int D>
class LeastSquaresProblemBase Base class for least-square problems to be solved using one of the generic solver implementations.
- Template Parameters
Impl – This class uses a Curiously Recursive Template Pattern design to avoid the cost of virtual methods. The input template parameter is expected to inherit from this class and this class should be declared as friend of the derived class.
FloatType – Either float or double
D – Dimension of the parameters vector to optimize
Public Functions
inline bool get_updated_innovation_vector(unsigned int iteration, Scalar &cost, CostJacobian *cost_jacobian, Hessian *cost_hessian)
Computes the updated sum of squared residuals, innovation vector and hessian matrix.
The innovation vector and hessian matrix are only required if non-NULL pointers are provided as input arguments
The behavior of this method must be implemented by implementing a get_updated_innovation_vector_impl method in the derived class.
- Parameters
iteration – [in] Integer indicating the current iteration
cost – [out] Reference of the value where the cost function evaluated at the current estimate should be stored
cost_jacobian – [out] Pointer to the DIMx1 vector where the Jacobian of the cost function evaluated at the current estimate should be stored. May be NULL, in which case the innovation vector is not needed.
cost_hessian – [out] Pointer to the DxD matrix where the hessian of the cost function evaluated at the current estimate should be stored. May be NULL, in which case the hessian matrix is not needed.
- Returns
true if the function succeeded, false if a fatal error occurred and the optimization algorithm should stop.
inline bool accumulate_parameter_increment(const Parameters ¶meter_increment)
Function to pass the estimated parameter increment and accumulate it in the parameter vector.
The behavior of this method must be implemented by implementing an accumulate_parameter_increment_impl method in the derived class.
- Parameters
parameter_increment – [in] Best parameter increment, estimated at the end of the current iteration, to be accumulated with the current parameter estimate
- Returns
true if the function succeeded, false if a fatal error occurred and the optimization algorithm should stop
inline bool cancel_parameter_increment(const Parameters ¶meter_increment)
Function to notify that the last parameter increment (given again as input argument) was not conclusive and should be canceled.
The behavior of this method can be redefined by implementing a cancel_parameter_increment_impl method in the derived class. Calls accumulate_parameter_increment with
by default.- Parameters
parameter_increment – [in] Last accumulated parameter increment to be canceled
- Returns
true if the function succeeded, false if a fatal error occurred and the optimization algorithm should stop
inline void notify_new_best_estimate(unsigned int iteration)
Function to notify that the parameter estimate obtained after the last increment is the best one so far.
The behavior of this method can be redefined by implementing a notify_new_best_estimate_impl method in the derived class. Does nothing by default.
- Parameters
iteration – Integer indicating the current iteration
inline void notify_starting_minimization()
Notifies that the minimization is starting.
The behavior of this method can be redefined by implementing a notify_starting_minimization_impl method in the derived class. Does nothing by default.
inline void notify_ending_minimization()
Notifies that the minimization is ending.
The behavior of this method can be redefined by implementing a notify_ending_minimization_impl method in the derived class. Does nothing by default.
inline void notify_last_jacobian_and_hessian(const CostJacobian &jacobian, const Hessian &hessian)
In case of minimization success this function notifies the Jacobian and Hessian matrices corresponding to the best estimate.
The behavior of this method can be redefined by implementing a notify_last_jacobian_and_hessian_impl method in the derived class. Does nothing by default.
- Parameters
jacobian – [in] Jacobian of the cost function evaluated at the best estimate
hessian – [in] Hessian of the cost function evaluated at the best estimate