SDK ML Utils
class HOGDescriptor
struct ProducerConsumerSynchronization
Synchronizes one producer with a consumer.
The producer checks if the consumer is ready (previous work is finished), it prepares the data for the consumer, and signals the consumer.
On its side, the consumer waits for data to be computed and applies a function as soon as the data is ready
Public Functions
inline ProducerConsumerSynchronization()
Creates a ProducerConsumerSynchronization object.
inline void data_is_ready()
Sets data available for the consumer.
This function should be called by the producer only
inline void producer_wait(std::atomic<bool> &done)
Waits for the consumer to be ready (should be called only by the producer)
- Parameters
done – Boolean to release the condition. If done become True, the producer exits the function
template<typename L>
inline void consumer_wait(std::atomic<bool> &done, L &&lambda_function) Waits for data to be computed.
- Parameters
done – Boolean to release the condition. If done become True, the producer exits the function
lambda_function – Function to be called on data provided by the producer
inline void notify()
Notifies either producer or consumer to wake it up.
inline ProducerConsumerSynchronization()
inline cv::Mat Metavision::RectTools::subwindow(const cv::Mat &in, const cv::Rect &window, int borderType = cv::BORDER_CONSTANT)
Extracts a copy of the subimage and adds border if parts of the subimage are missing.
- Parameters
in – Input image from which the subimage is extracted
window – Description of the subimage bounds
borderType – Method to generate the borders
- Returns
A copy of the subimage with its borders if required