SDK Analytics Python bindings API
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, cluster_ths: int, accumulation_time_us: int = 1) None
Class to count objects using Metavision Counting API.
- add_line_counters(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingAlgorithm, rows: list) None
Adds new lines to count objects
- process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingAlgorithm, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode]) None
Processes a buffer of events for later frame generation
- events_np
numpy structured array of events whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory
- reset_counters(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingAlgorithm) None
Resets the count of all lines.
- set_output_callback(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingAlgorithm, arg0: object) None
Function to pass a callback to get the last count
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingCalibration(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingCalibration) None
Class representing the counting calibration.
- static calibrate(width: int, height: int, object_min_size: float = 5, object_average_speed: float = 5, distance_object_camera: float = 300, horizontal_fov: float = 56.0, vertical_fov: float = 44.0, travelled_pix_distance_during_acc_time: int = 9) tuple
Finds optimal parameters for the counting algorithm.
- width
Sensor’s width in pixels
- height
Sensor’s height in pixels
- object_min_size
Approximate largest dimension of the smallest object (in mm). The value must be positive. It will be refined during the calibration
- object_average_speed
Approximate average speed of an object to count (in m/s). It will be refined during the calibration.
- distance_object_camera
Average distance between the flow of objects to count and the camera (in mm) Camera must look perpendicular to the object falling plane. It will be refined during the calibration
- horizontal_fov
Horizontal field of view (half of the solid angle perceived by the sensor along the horizontal axis, in degrees)
- vertical_fov
Vertical field of view (half of the solid angle perceived by the sensor along the vertical axis, in degrees)
- travelled_pix_distance_during_acc_time
Distance (in pixels) travelled during the accumulation time
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingDrawingHelper(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingDrawingHelper) None
Class that superimposes line counting results on events.
- add_line_counters(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingDrawingHelper, rows: list) None
Adds new line counter ordinates
- rows
list of line ordinates
- draw(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.CountingDrawingHelper, ts: int, count: int, image: numpy.ndarray) None
Updates data to display.
- ts
Current timestamp
- count
Last object count
- output_img
Output image
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantFrequencyEventsAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantFrequencyEventsAlgorithm, min_frequency: float, max_frequency: float, frequency_precision: float, min_count: int) None
Class computing the dominant frequency from frequency events
- compute_dominant_value(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantFrequencyEventsAlgorithm, input_frequency_events_np: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::Event2dFrequency<float>]) tuple
Computes the dominant frequency from frequency events
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantPeriodEventsAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantPeriodEventsAlgorithm, min_period: float, max_period: float, period_precision: float, min_count: int) None
Class computing the dominant period from period events
- compute_dominant_value(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantPeriodEventsAlgorithm, input_period_events_np: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::Event2dPeriod<float>]) tuple
Computes the dominant period from period events
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantValueMapAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantValueMapAlgorithm, min_value: float, max_value: float, precision_val: float, min_count: int) None
Class computing the dominant value of a map
We split the range [ min_val, max_val ] to get values spaced apart by precision_val . Bins are centered around these values and are of width step so that consecutive bins touch each other. For example, given the range [3, 5] and precision_val = 1, it will compute the bin centers {3, 4, 5}, the boundaries of which are given by {2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5}
- min_val
Minimum included value (lower bound of the histogram bins)
- max_val
Maximum included value (upper bound of the histogram bins)
- precision_val
Width of the bins of the histogram (same unit as the value to estimate)
- min_count
Minimum size of a given bin in the histogram to be eligible as dominant
- note
The histogram bins are initialized during the class construction and won’t change dynamically.
- compute_dominant_value(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.DominantValueMapAlgorithm, value_map: numpy.ndarray) tuple
Computes the dominant value from a value map
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.EventJet(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventJet) None
Struct representing a detected jet event.
- property count
Jet number.
- property previous_jet_dt
Time since the beginning of the last jet (in us). A negative value means this time-difference isn’t defined yet because so far there has only been at most one jet.
- property t
Timestamp of the beginning of the jet (in us).
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.EventJetAlarm.AlarmType(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventJetAlarm.AlarmType, value: int) None
Types of jet monitoring alarms.
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterBuffer(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterBuffer, size: int = 0) None
- numpy(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterBuffer, copy: bool = False) numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventSpatterCluster]
- Copy
if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory
- resize(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterBuffer, size: int) None
resizes the buffer to the specified size
- size
the new size of the buffer
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterView
- numpy(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterView, copy: bool = False) numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventSpatterCluster]
- Copy
if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataBuffer(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataBuffer, size: int = 0) None
- numpy(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataBuffer, copy: bool = False) numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventTrackingData]
- Copy
if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory
- resize(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataBuffer, size: int) None
resizes the buffer to the specified size
- size
the new size of the buffer
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataView
- numpy(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataView, copy: bool = False) numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventTrackingData]
- Copy
if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.FrequencyMapAsyncAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.FrequencyMapAsyncAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, filter_length: int = 7, min_freq: float = 10.0, max_freq: float = 150.0, diff_thresh_us: int = 1500) None
Class that estimates the pixel-wise frequency of vibrating objects using Metavision Vibration API.
- process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.FrequencyMapAsyncAlgorithm, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode]) None
Processes a buffer of events for later frame generation
- events_np
numpy structured array of events whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory
- set_output_callback(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.FrequencyMapAsyncAlgorithm, output_cb: object) None
Sets a callback to get the output frequency map.
- output_cb
Callback to call
- property update_frequency
Sets the frequency at which the algorithm generates the frequency map.
- Freq
Frequency at which the frequency map will be generated
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.HeatMapFrameGeneratorAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.HeatMapFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, min_value: float, max_value: float, value_precision: float, width: int, height: int, unit_str: str = '', do_invert_cmap: bool = True) None
Class that produces a BGR image of a floating point value map.
A colormap bar at the bottom of the image shows the color convention. Pixels for which a value was not computed are shown in black. Also pixels outside the defined minimum/maximum values are shown in black too.
- min_value
Minimum value
- max_value
Maximum value
- value_precision
Precision used to determine the number of decimal digits to display (0.5, 0.01, …)
- width
Sensor’s width (in pixels)
- height
Sensor’s height (in pixels)
- unit_str
String representation of the unit of measurement, e.g. Hz, us, m/s …
- cmap
Colormap used to colorize the value map
- do_invert_cmap
Flip the uchar values before applying the color map
- property full_height
Returns the full generated image’s height.
- property full_width
Returns the full generated image’s width.
- generate_bgr_heat_map(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.HeatMapFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, value_map: numpy.ndarray, out_image_bgr: numpy.ndarray) None
Draws the value map with a bar showing the colormap convention.
- value_map
Input value map, 1 floating point channel (CV_32FC1)
- out_image_bgr
Output image
- get_output_image(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.HeatMapFrameGeneratorAlgorithm) numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlarmConfig(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlarmConfig) None
Jet monitoring alarm parameters.
- property alarm_on_count
Activates/deactivates the alarm that is triggered when the jet count exceeds the expected_count value.
- property alarm_on_cycle
Activates/deactivates alarm on cycle time.
- property cycle_tol_percentage
Tolerance for estimated cycle time, in percentage of expected_cycle_ms.
- property expected_cycle_ms
Expected cycle time (in ms).
- property max_expected_count
Maximum expected number of jets.
- set_expected_cycle_ms(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlarmConfig, expected_cycle_ms: float, cycle_tol_percentage: float) None
Activates alarm on cycle time.
- set_max_expected_count(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlarmConfig, max_expected_count: int) None
Activates the alarm that is triggered when the jet count exceeds the expected_count value.
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm, algo_config: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig, alarm_config: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlarmConfig) None
Class that detects, counts, and timestamps jets that are being dispensed.
The algorithm starts by splitting the Region Of Interest (ROI) provided by the user into three parts. On the one hand, the central ROI is used to detect jets by identifying peaks in the event-rate. On the other hand, the two surrounding ROIs are used to analyze the background activity.
Jet Monitoring results are provided through callbacks to which the user can subscribe. The first two provide the Jet Monitoring results: - JetCallback : when a jet is detected - AlarmCallback: when an alarm is raised
While the other two provide contextual information on the time slice that has just been processed: - SliceCallback: detailed information about the time slice (See
AsyncCallback: end-timestamp and number of events of the time slice
- algo_config
Jet monitoring parameters
- alarm_config
Jet monitoring alarm parameters
- process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode]) None
Processes a buffer of events for later frame generation
- events_np
numpy structured array of events whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory
- reset_state(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm) None
Resets internal state.
- set_on_alarm_callback(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm, arg0: object) None
Sets the callback that is called when an alarm is raised.
- cb
Callback processing a const reference of EventJetAlarm
- set_on_async_callback(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm, arg0: object) None
Sets the callback that is called at the end of each slice to provide AsyncAlgorithm-related data.
- cb
Callback processing the time slice duration and the number of events processsed during time slice
- set_on_jet_callback(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm, arg0: object) None
Sets the callback that is called when a jet is detected.
- cb
Callback processing a const reference of EventJet
- set_on_slice_callback(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm, arg0: object) None
Sets the callback that is called at the end of each slice to provide JetMonitoring-related data.
- cb
Callback processing a const reference of JetMonitoringSliceData
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm.ROI(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithm.ROI, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig(*args, **kwargs)
Jet monitoring algorithm parameters.
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig, detection_roi: tuple, nozzle_orientation: Metavision::JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig::Orientation) -> None
__init__(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig, detection_roi: tuple, nozzle_orientation: Metavision::JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig::Orientation, time_step_us: int, accumulation_time_us: int, th_up_kevps: int, th_down_kevps: int, th_up_delay_us: int, th_down_delay_us: int) -> None
- get_detection_roi(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig) tuple
Gets the detection ROI.
- property nozzle_orientation
Nozzle orientation in the image reference frame. Jets are moving either upwards, downwards, leftwards or rightwards.
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig.Orientation(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig.Orientation, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringDrawingHelper(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringDrawingHelper, camera_roi: tuple, jet_roi: tuple, nozzle_orientation: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig.Orientation) None
Class that superimposes jet monitoring results on events.
- camera_roi
Region of interest used by the camera (Left x, Top y, width, height)
- jet_roi
Region of interest used by the jet-monitoring algorithm to detect jets (Left x, Top y, width, height)
- nozzle_orientation
Nozzle orientation
- draw(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringDrawingHelper, ts: int, count: int, er_kevps: int, image: numpy.ndarray) None
Updates data to display.
- ts
Current timestamp
- count
Last object count
- er_kevps
Event rate in k-ev per second
- output_img
Output image
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringSliceData(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.JetMonitoringSliceData) None
Structure that holds the data obtained by processing a time slice with JetMonitoringAlgorithm.
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClusterDrawingHelper(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClusterDrawingHelper) None
Class that superimposes event-clusters on the horizontal lines drawn on an image filled with events.
- draw(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
draw(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClusterDrawingHelper, image: numpy.ndarray, line_clusters: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputView) -> None
Draws colored segments along an horizontal line.
- InputIt
Iterator to a cluster such as LineClusterWithId. Required class members are x_begin, x_end and id. The ID refers to the ordinate of the line cluster :output_img: Output image
- first
First line cluster to display
- last
Last line cluster to display
draw(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClusterDrawingHelper, image: numpy.ndarray, line_clusters: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputBuffer) -> None
Draws colored segments along an horizontal line.
- InputIt
Iterator to a cluster such as LineClusterWithId. Required class members are x_begin, x_end and id. The ID refers to the ordinate of the line cluster :output_img: Output image
- first
First line cluster to display
- last
Last line cluster to display
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClusterTrackingConfig(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClusterTrackingConfig, bitsets_buffer_size: int, cluster_ths: int = 3, num_clusters_ths: int = 4, min_inter_clusters_distance: int = 1, learning_rate: float = 1.0, max_dx_allowed: float = 5.0, max_nbr_empty_rows: int = 0) None
Struct representing the parameters used to instantiate a LineClusterTracker inside PsmAlgorithm.
- bitsets_buffer_size
Size of the bitset circular buffer (accumulation_time = bitsets_buffer_size *precision_time_us )
- cluster_ths
Minimum width (in pixels) below which clusters of events are considered as noise
- num_clusters_ths
Minimum number of cluster measurements below which a particle is considered as noise
- min_inter_clusters_distance
Once small clusters have been removed, merge clusters that are closer than this distance. This helps dealing with dead pixels that could cut particles in half. If set to 0, do nothing
- learning_rate
Ratio in the weighted mean between the current x position and the observation. This is used only when the particle is shrinking, because the front of the particle is always sharp while the trail might be noisy. 0.0 is conservative and does not take the observation into account, whereas 1.0 has no memory and overwrites the cluster estimate with the new observation. A value outside ]0,1] disables the weighted mean, and 1.0 is used instead.
- max_dx_allowed
Caps x variation at this value. A negative value disables the clamping. This is used only when the particle is shrinking, because the front of the particle is always sharp while the trail might be noisy.
- max_nbr_empty_rows
Number of consecutive empty measurements that is tolerated
- property bitsets_buffer_size
Size of the bitset circular buffer (accumulation_time = bitsets_buffer_size *precision_time_us ).
- property cluster_ths
Minimum width (in pixels) below which clusters of events are considered as noise.
- property learning_rate
Ratio in the weighted mean between the current x position and the observation. This is used only when the particle is shrinking, because the front of the particle is always sharp while the trail might be noisy. 0.0 is conservative and does not take the observation into account, whereas 1.0 has no memory and overwrites the cluster estimate with the new observation. A value outside ]0,1] disables the weighted mean, and 1.0 is used instead.
- property max_dx_allowed
Caps x variation at this value. A negative value disables the clamping. This is used only when the particle is shrinking, because the front of the particle is always sharp while the trail might be noisy.
- property max_nbr_empty_rows
Number of consecutive empty measurements that is tolerated.
- property min_inter_clusters_distance
Once small clusters have been removed, merge clusters that are closer than this distance. This helps dealing with dead pixels that could cut particles in half. If set to 0, do nothing.
- property num_clusters_ths
Minimum number of cluster measurements below which a particle is considered as noise.
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputBuffer(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputBuffer, size: int = 0) None
- numpy(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputBuffer, copy: bool = False) numpy.ndarray[Metavision::LineClusterWithId]
- Copy
if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory
- resize(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputBuffer, size: int) None
resizes the buffer to the specified size
- size
the new size of the buffer
- metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClusterWithId
alias of dtype([(‘x_begin’, ‘<i4’), (‘x_end’, ‘<i4’), (‘id’, ‘<u8’)])
This is the numpy.dtype to represent numpy structured arrays of LineClusterWithId
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputView
- numpy(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputView, copy: bool = False) numpy.ndarray[Metavision::LineClusterWithId]
- Copy
if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrack
Structure storing information about a track of a particle matched over several rows.
- property id
Track id.
- property particle_size
Estimated size of the particle.
- property t
Track timestamp.
- property traj_coef_a
Coefficient a in the Linear Model X = a*Y + b.
- property traj_coef_b
Coefficient b in the Linear Model X = a*Y + b.
- property vx
Estimated speed of the particle along X-axis (in pix/us).
- property vy
Estimated speed of the particle along Y-axis (in pix/us).
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackDrawingHelper(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackDrawingHelper, persistence_time_us: int) None
Class that superimposes Particle Size Measurement results on an image filled with events.
- persistence_time_us
Time interval (in the events-clock) during which particle contours remain visible in the visualization. Since a track is sent only once, it will appear only on one frame if we don’t keep results in memory. We need to know how long we want to display these detected tracks
- draw(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackDrawingHelper, ts: int, image: numpy.ndarray, tracks: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackingOutput) None
Stores and draws particle tracks.
- InputTrackIt
An iterator type over a track of type LineParticleTrack :ts: Detection timestamp
- output_img
Output image
- begin
Begin iterator to the particle tracks to display
- end
Past-end iterator to the particle tracks to display
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackingConfig(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackingConfig, is_going_down: bool, dt_first_match_ths: int, tan_angle_ths: float = 1.0, matching_ths: float = 0.5) None
Struct representing the parameters used to instantiate a LineParticleTracker inside PsmAlgorithm.
- is_going_down
True if the particle is falling, false if it’s going upwards
- dt_first_match_ths
Maximum allowed duration to match the 2nd particle of a track
- tan_angle_ths
Tangent of the angle with the vertical beyond which two particles on consecutive lines can’t be matched
- matching_ths
Minimum similarity score in [0,1] needed to match two particles
- property dt_first_match_ths
Maximum allowed duration to match the 2nd particle of a track.
- property is_going_down
True if the particle is falling, false if it’s going upwards.
- property matching_ths
Minimum similarity score in [0,1] needed to match two particles.
- property tan_angle_ths
Tangent of the angle with the vertical beyond which two particles on consecutive lines can’t be matched.
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackingOutput(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackingOutput) None
Class collecting information about LineParticle tracks.
- property global_counter
Number of particles that have been matched over several lines.
- property last_count_ts
Timestamp of the last count (in us).
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.PeriodMapAsyncAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.PeriodMapAsyncAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, filter_length: int = 7, min_period: float = 6500, max_period: float = 100000.0, diff_thresh_us: int = 1500) None
Class that estimates the pixel-wise period of vibrating objects using Metavision Vibration API.
- process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.PeriodMapAsyncAlgorithm, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode]) None
Processes a buffer of events for later frame generation
- events_np
numpy structured array of events whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory
- set_output_callback(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.PeriodMapAsyncAlgorithm, output_cb: object) None
Sets a callback to get the output period map.
- output_cb
Callback to call
- property update_frequency
Sets the frequency at which the algorithm generates the period map.
- Freq
Frequency at which the period map will be generated
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.PsmAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.PsmAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, rows: list, detection_config: Metavision::LineClusterTrackingConfig, tracking_config: Metavision::LineParticleTrackingConfig, num_process_before_matching: int) None
Class that both counts objects and estimates their size using Metavision Particle Size Measurement API.
- process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.PsmAlgorithm, events: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], ts: int, tracks: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineParticleTrackingOutput, line_clusters: metavision_sdk_analytics.LineClustersOutputBuffer) None
Processes a buffer of events and retrieves the detected particles in one call.
- InputIt
Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent :it_begin: Iterator to the first input event
- it_end
Iterator to the past-the-end event
- ts
Upper bound timestamp of the events time slice
- tracks
Detected particles for each line
- line_clusters
Detected clusters for each line
- reset(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.PsmAlgorithm) None
Resets line cluster trackers and line particle trackers.
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.SpatterTrackerAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.SpatterTrackerAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, cell_width: int, cell_height: int, untracked_threshold: int = 5, activation_threshold: int = 10, apply_filter: bool = True, max_distance: int = 50, min_size: int = 1, max_size: int = 2147483647, min_track_time: int = 0, static_memory_us: int = 0, max_size_variation: int = 100, min_dist_moving_obj_pxl: int = 0, filter_type: metavision_sdk_analytics.SpatterTrackingConfig.FilterType = <FilterType.FilterNegative: 1>) None
Class that tracks spatter clusters using Metavision SpatterTracking API.
Builds a new SpatterTrackerAlgorithm object.
- width
Sensor’s width (in pixels)
- height
Sensor’s height (in pixels)
- config
Spatter tracker’s configuration
- add_nozone(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.SpatterTrackerAlgorithm, center: numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32], radius: int, filter_inside: bool = True) None
Adds a region that isn’t used for tracking.
- center
Center of the region
- radius
Radius of the region
- inside
True if the region to filter is inside the defined shape, false otherwise
- property get_cluster_count
Returns the current number of clusters.
- Returns
The current number of clusters
- process_events(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.SpatterTrackerAlgorithm, events: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], ts: int, clusters: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterBuffer) -> None
Processes a buffer of events and retrieves the detected clusters in one call.
- InputIt
Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent :it_begin: Iterator to the first input event
- it_end
Iterator to the past-the-end event
- ts
Upper bound timestamp of the events time slice
- clusters
Detected clusters
process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.SpatterTrackerAlgorithm, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode]) -> None
Processes a buffer of events for later frame generation
- events_np
numpy structured array of events whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingAlgorithm, sensor_width: int, sensor_height: int, tracking_config: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig) None
Class that tracks objects using Metavision Tracking API.
Builds a new TrackingAlgorithm object.
- sensor_width
Sensor’s width.
- sensor_height
Sensor’s height.
- config
Tracking’s configuration.
- static get_empty_output_buffer() metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataBuffer
- property max_size
Size of the biggest trackable object
- property max_speed
Speed of the fastest trackable object
- property min_size
Size of the smallest trackable object
- property min_speed
Speed of the slowest trackable object
- process_events(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingAlgorithm, arg0: metavision_sdk_core.RollingEventCDBuffer, arg1: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataBuffer) -> None
process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingAlgorithm, arg0: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], arg1: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataBuffer) -> None
process_events(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingAlgorithm, arg0: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, arg1: metavision_sdk_analytics.EventTrackingDataBuffer) -> None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.ClusterMaker(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.ClusterMaker, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.DataAssociation(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.DataAssociation, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.KalmanModel(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.KalmanModel, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.KalmanPolicy(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.KalmanPolicy, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.MotionModel(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.MotionModel, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.Tracker(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.Tracker, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.EllipseUpdateFunction(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.EllipseUpdateFunction, value: int) None
- class metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.EllipseUpdateMethod(self: metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingConfig.EllipseUpdateMethod, value: int) None
- metavision_sdk_analytics.draw_tracking_results(*args, **kwargs)
Overloaded function.
draw_tracking_results(ts: int, spatter_clusters: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventSpatterCluster], image: numpy.ndarray) -> None
Draws spatter cluster events.
Drawing function used to draw tracking results from the SpatterTrackerAlgorithm.
draw_tracking_results(ts: int, tracking_results: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventTrackingData], image: numpy.ndarray) -> None
Draws tracking data events.
Drawing function used to draw tracking results from the @ref TrackingAlgorithm (i.e. @ref EventTrackingData). Results are drawn as bounding boxes with tracked objects’ ids beside.