SDK CV Python bindings API

class metavision_sdk_cv.ActivityNoiseFilterAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.ActivityNoiseFilterAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, threshold: int)None

Filter that accepts events if a similar event has happened during a certain time window in the past, in the neighborhood of its coordinates.

Builds a new ActivityNoiseFilterAlgorithm object.


Maximum X coordinate of the events in the stream


Maximum Y coordinate of the events in the stream


Length of the time window for activity filtering (in us)

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.ActivityNoiseFilterAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.ActivityNoiseFilterAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

process_events_(self: metavision_sdk_cv.ActivityNoiseFilterAlgorithm, events_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer)None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input/output. This should only be used when the number of output events is the same as the number of input events


Buffer of events used as input/output. Its content will be overwritten. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

class metavision_sdk_cv.AntiFlickerAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.AntiFlickerAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, filter_length: int = 7, min_freq: float = 50.0, max_freq: float = 70.0, diff_thresh_us: int = 1500)None

Algorithm used to remove flickering events given a frequency interval.

  • width (int) – Sensor’s width

  • height (int) – Sensor’s height

  • filter_length (int) – Number of measures of the same period before outputting an event

  • min_freq (float) – Minimum frequency of the flickering interval

  • max_freq (float) – Maximum frequency of the flickering interval

  • diff_thresh_us (unsigned int) – Maximum difference (us) allowed between two consecutive periods to be considered the same.

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.AntiFlickerAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.AntiFlickerAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

set_difference_threshold(self: metavision_sdk_cv.AntiFlickerAlgorithm, diff_thresh: float)None

Sets the difference allowed between two periods to be considered the same.


Maximum difference allowed between two successive periods to be considered the same

set_filter_length(self: metavision_sdk_cv.AntiFlickerAlgorithm, filter_length: int)bool

Sets filter’s length.


Number of values in the output median filter


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

set_max_freq(self: metavision_sdk_cv.AntiFlickerAlgorithm, max_freq: float)bool

Sets maximum frequency of the flickering interval.


The value given has to be strictly superior to minimum frequency :max_freq: Maximum frequency of the flickering interval


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

set_min_freq(self: metavision_sdk_cv.AntiFlickerAlgorithm, min_freq: float)bool

Sets minimum frequency of the flickering interval.


The value given has to be strictly inferior to maximum frequency :min_freq: Minimum frequency of the flickering interval


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

class metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry(*args, **kwargs)

A camera geometry is a mathematical model allowing to map points from world to image plane and vice versa

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, width: int, height: int, K: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32], D: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32]) -> None

  2. __init__(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, width: int, height: int, P: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32], IP: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32], cx: float, cy: float, A: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32], zoom_factor: float = 1) -> None

camera_to_img(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_c: buffer, pt_dist_img: buffer)None

Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the distorted image plane.


The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system


The mapped point in the distorted image plane

camera_to_undist_img(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_c: buffer, pt_undist_img: buffer)None

Maps a point from the camera’s coordinates system into the undistorted image plane.


The 3D point in the camera’s coordinates system


The mapped point in the undistorted image plane

get_distance_to_image_plane(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry)float

Gets the distance between the camera’s optical center and the undistorted image plane.

get_distortion_maps(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, mapx: buffer, mapy: buffer)None
get_homography_and_distortion_maps(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, H: buffer, mapx: buffer, mapy: buffer)None
get_image_size(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry)tuple

Gets the sensor’s size, returns a tuple: (width, height)

get_img_to_undist_norm_jacobian(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_dist_img: buffer, pt_undist_norm: buffer, J: buffer)None

Computes the undistortion function’s jacobian (Row major mode matrix)


The point in the distorted image plane at which the jacobian is computed


The point in the undistorted normalized image plane


The computed jacobian

get_undist_norm_to_img_jacobian(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_undist_norm: buffer, pt_dist_img: buffer, J: buffer)None

Computes the distortion function’s jacobian (Row major mode matrix)


The point in the undistorted normalized image plane at which the jacobian is computed


The point in the distorted image plane


The computed jacobian

get_undist_norm_to_undist_img_transform(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, m: buffer)None

Gets the transform that maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane (i.e. Z = 1) into the undistorted image plane (row major mode matrix)


The transform

get_undistortion_maps(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, mapx: buffer, mapy: buffer)None
img_to_undist_norm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_dist_img: buffer, pt_undist_norm: buffer)None

Maps a point from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.


The point in the distorted image plane


The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane

undist_img_to_undist_norm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_undist_img: buffer, pt_undist_norm: buffer)None

Maps a point from the undistorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.


The point in the undistorted image plane


The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane

undist_norm_to_dist_norm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_undist_norm: buffer, pt_dist_norm: buffer)None

Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted normalized image plane.


The mapped point in the undistorted normalized image plane


The mapped point in the distorted normalized image plane

undist_norm_to_img(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_undist_norm: buffer, pt_dist_img: buffer)None

Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.


The point in the undistorted normalized image plane


The mapped point in the distorted image plane

undist_norm_to_undist_img(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, pt_undist_norm: buffer, pt_undist_img: buffer)None

Maps a point from the undistorted normalized image plane into the normalized image plane.


The point in the undistorted normalized image plane


The mapped point in the undistorted image plane

vector_img_to_undist_norm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, ctr_dist_img: buffer, vec_dist_img: buffer, ctr_undist_norm: buffer, vec_undist_norm: buffer)None

Maps a vector from the distorted image plane into the undistorted normalized image plane.


The vector’s starting point in the distorted image plane


The vector in the distorted image plane (the vector must be normalized)


The vector’s starting point in the undistorted normalized image plane


The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane


The output vector is normalized

vector_undist_norm_to_img(self: metavision_sdk_cv.CameraGeometry, ctr_undist_norm: buffer, vec_undist_norm: buffer, ctr_dist_img: buffer, vec_dist_img: buffer)None

Maps a vector from the undistorted normalized image plane into the distorted image plane.


The vector’s starting point in the undistorted normalized image plane


The vector in the undistorted normalized image plane (the vector must be normalized)


The vector’s starting point in the distorted image plane


The mapped vector in the distorted image plane


The output vector is normalized

class metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm(*args, **kwargs)

Algorithm used to generate visualization images of dense optical flow streams.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, maximum_flow_magnitude: float, visualization_method: Metavision::DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm::VisualizationMethod, accumulation_policy: Metavision::DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm::AccumulationPolicy, resolution_subsampling: int = -1) -> None

  2. __init__(self: metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, maximum_flow_magnitude: float, accumulation_policy: Metavision::DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm::AccumulationPolicy) -> None

class AccumulationPolicy(self: metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm.AccumulationPolicy, value: int)None

Policy for accumulating multiple flow events at a given pixel





property name
DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, flow_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer)None

Processes a buffer of flow events.


Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventOpticalFlow or equivalent :it_begin: Iterator to the first input event


Iterator to the past-the-end event


Successive calls to process_events will accumulate data at each pixel until generate or reset is called.

class VisualizationMethod(self: metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm.VisualizationMethod, value: int)None

Method to visualize dense flow fields




property name
generate(self: metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, frame: numpy.ndarray)None

Generates a flow visualization frame.


Frame that will contain the flow visualization


Allocates the frame if true. Otherwise, the user must ensure the validity of the input frame. This is to be used when the data ptr must not change (external allocation, ROI over another cv::Mat, …).


In DenseColorMap mode, the frame will be reset to zero prior to being filled with the flow visualization. In Arrows mode, the flow visualization will be overlaid on top of the input frame. :invalid_argument: if the frame doesn’t have the expected type and geometry

generate_legend_image(self: metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, legend_frame: numpy.ndarray)None

Generates a legend image for the flow visualization.


Frame that will contain the flow visualization legend


Size of the generated image


Allocates the frame if true. Otherwise, the user must ensure the validity of the input frame. This is to be used when the data ptr must not change (external allocation, ROI over another cv::Mat, …) :invalid_argument: if the frame doesn’t have the expected type

process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.DenseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, flow_np: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventOpticalFlow])None

Processes a buffer of flow events.


Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventOpticalFlow or equivalent :it_begin: Iterator to the first input event


Iterator to the past-the-end event


Successive calls to process_events will accumulate data at each pixel until generate or reset is called.

class metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyBuffer(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyBuffer, size: int = 0)None


numpy(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyBuffer, copy: bool = False)numpy.ndarray[Metavision::Event2dFrequency<float>]

if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory

resize(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyBuffer, size: int)None

resizes the buffer to the specified size


the new size of the buffer

class metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyClusterBuffer(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyClusterBuffer, size: int = 0)None


numpy(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyClusterBuffer, copy: bool = False)numpy.ndarray[Metavision::Event2dFrequencyCluster<float>]

if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory

resize(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyClusterBuffer, size: int)None

resizes the buffer to the specified size


the new size of the buffer

class metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dPeriodBuffer(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dPeriodBuffer, size: int = 0)None


numpy(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dPeriodBuffer, copy: bool = False)numpy.ndarray[Metavision::Event2dPeriod<float>]

if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory

resize(self: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dPeriodBuffer, size: int)None

resizes the buffer to the specified size


the new size of the buffer

class metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer(self: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer, size: int = 0)None


numpy(self: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer, copy: bool = False)numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventOpticalFlow]

if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory

resize(self: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer, size: int)None

resizes the buffer to the specified size


the new size of the buffer

class metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, filter_length: int = 7, min_freq: float = 10.0, max_freq: float = 150.0, diff_thresh_us: int = 1500, output_all_burst_events: bool = False)None

Algorithm used to estimate the flickering frequency (Hz) of the pixels of the sensor.

  • width (int) – Sensor’s width height (int): Sensor’s height filter_length (int): Number of measures of the same period before outputting an event

  • min_freq (float) – Minimum frequency to output

  • max_freq (float) – Maximum frequency to output

  • diff_thresh_us (unsigned int) – Maximum difference (us) allowed between two consecutive periods to be considered the same.

  • output_all_burst_events (bool) – Whether all the events of a burst must be output or not

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

set_difference_threshold(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyAlgorithm, diff_thresh: float)None

Sets the difference allowed between two periods to be considered the same.


Maximum difference allowed between two successive periods to be considered the same

set_filter_length(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyAlgorithm, filter_length: int)bool

Sets filter filter length.


Number of values in the output median filter


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

set_max_freq(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyAlgorithm, max_freq: float)bool

Sets maximum frequency to output.


The value given has to be > minimum frequency :max_freq: Maximum frequency to output


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

set_min_freq(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyAlgorithm, min_freq: float)bool

Sets minimum frequency to output.


The value given has to be < maximum frequency :min_freq: Minimum frequency to output


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

class metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyClusteringAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyClusteringAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, min_cluster_size: int = 1, max_frequency_diff: float = 5.0, max_time_diff: int = 1000, filter_alpha: float = 0.10000000149011612)None

Fequency clustering algorithm. Processes input frequency events and groups them in clusters.

An event belongs to a cluster if it is connected (8-connectivity) to the cluster, its timestamp is within a certain threshold of the last update of the cluster and its frequency is within a certain threshold of the last updated frequency.

The final position of each cluster is a filtered version of the position of the events that get associated to it.

  • width (int) – Sensor’s width

  • height (int) – Sensor’s height

  • min_cluster_size (int) – Minimum size of a cluster to be output (in pixels)

  • max_frequency_diff (float) – Maximum frequency difference for an input event to be associated to an existing cluster

  • max_time_diff (int) – Maximum time difference to link an event to an existing cluster

  • filter_alpha (float) – Filter weight for updating the cluster position with a new event

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyClusterBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyClusteringAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::Event2dFrequency<float>], output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyClusterBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.FrequencyClusteringAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dFrequencyClusterBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

class metavision_sdk_cv.PlaneFittingFlowAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PlaneFittingFlowAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, radius: int = 3, normalized_flow_magnitude: float = 100, min_spatial_consistency_ratio: float = - 1, max_spatial_consistency_ratio: float = - 1, fitting_error_tolerance: int = - 1, neighbor_sample_fitting_fraction: float = 0.30000001192092896)None

This class is an optimized implementation of the dense optical flow approach proposed in Benosman R., Clercq C., Lagorce X., Ieng S. H., & Bartolozzi C. (2013). Event-based visual flow. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 25(2), 407-417.


This dense optical flow approach estimates the flow along the edge’s normal, by fitting a plane locally in the time-surface. The plane fitting helps regularize the estimation, but estimated flow results are still relatively sensitive to noise. The algorithm is run for each input event, generating a dense stream of flow events, but making it relatively costly on high event-rate scenes.


TripletMatchingFlowAlgorithm algorithm for a more efficient but more noise sensitive dense optical flow approach.


SparseOpticalFlowAlgorithm algorithm for a flow algorithm based on sparse feature tracking, estimating the full scene motion, staged hence more efficient on high event-rate scenes, but also more complex to tune and dependent on the presence of trackable features in the scene.

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PlaneFittingFlowAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PlaneFittingFlowAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

class metavision_sdk_cv.PlaneFittingFlowEstimator(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PlaneFittingFlowEstimator, radius: int = 3, enable_flow_normalization: bool = False, min_spatial_consistency_ratio: float = - 1.0, max_spatial_consistency_ratio: float = - 1.0, fitting_error_tolerance: int = - 1, neighbor_sample_fitting_fraction: float = 0.30000001192092896)None

Class computing the flow’s component in the normal direction of an edge moving in a time surface.

The flow is computed by selecting recent timestamp values in a time surface around a given location, fitting a plane to these timestamps using linear least-squares and inferring the flow from the plane’s estimated parameters. This class enables rejecting visual flow estimates based on two quality indicators. The first indicator is the plane fitting error on the timestamps of the timesurface, which is checked to lie within a configured tolerance. The second indicator, denoted spatial consistency, measures the consistency between the radius of the considered neighborhood and the distance covered by the edge during the time period observed in the local timesurface. The visual flow estimates the speed of the local edge and we can calculate the distance covered by the local edge between the timestamp of the oldest event used for plane fitting and the center timestamp. The ratio between this covered distance and the radius of the neighborhood can be seen as a quality indicator for the estimated visual flow, and can be used to reject visual flow estimates when the spatial consistency ratio lies outside a configured range.



Radius used to select timestamps in a time surface around a given location


Flag to indicate if the estimated flow should be normalized


Lower bound of the acceptable range for the spatial consistency ratio quality indicator. Pass a negative value to disable this test.


Upper bound of the acceptable range for the spatial consistency ratio quality indicator. Pass a negative value to disable this test.


Tolerance used to accept visual flow estimates with low enough fitting error. Pass a negative value to disable this test.


Fraction used to determine how many timestamps from the timesurface neighborhood are used to fit the plane.

get_flow(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PlaneFittingFlowEstimator, time_surface: metavision_sdk_core.MostRecentTimestampBuffer, x: int, y: int, c: int = 0, time_limit: int = - 1)tuple

Tries to estimate the visual flow at the given location


Input time surface


Abscissa at which the flow is to be estimated


Ordinate at which the flow is to be estimated


Polarity at which timestamps are to be sampled. If the value is -1, the polarity is automatically determined by looking at the most recent timestamp at the given location


Optional parameter that contains the oldest timestamp used during the flow estimation if the estimation has succeeded


tuple (True, vx, vy) if the estimation has succeeded, (False, None, None) otherwise. vx and vy are expressed in pixels/s

class metavision_sdk_cv.PeriodAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PeriodAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, filter_length: int = 7, min_period: float = 6500, max_period: float = 100000.0, diff_thresh_us: int = 1500, output_all_burst_events: bool = False)None

Algorithm used to estimate the flickering period of the pixels of the sensor.

output_all_burst_events (bool): Whether all the events of a burst must be output or not

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dPeriodBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PeriodAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dPeriodBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PeriodAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.Event2dPeriodBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

set_difference_threshold(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PeriodAlgorithm, diff_thresh: float)None

Sets the difference allowed between two periods to be considered the same.


Maximum difference allowed between two successive periods to be considered the same

set_filter_length(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PeriodAlgorithm, filter_length: int)bool

Sets filter filter length.


Number of values in the output median filter


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

set_max_period(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PeriodAlgorithm, max_period: float)bool

Sets maximum period to output.


The value max_period has to be larger than the minimum period :max_period: Maximum period to output


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

set_min_period(self: metavision_sdk_cv.PeriodAlgorithm, min_period: float)bool

Sets minimum period to output.


The value min_period has to be smaller than the maximum period :min_period: Minimum period (us) to output


false if value could not be set (invalid value)

class metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm, pixel_mask: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])None

Class that only propagates events which are contained in a certain region of interest.

The Region Of Interest (ROI) is defined by a mask (cv::Mat). An event is validated if the mask at the event position stores a positive number.

Alternatively, the user can enable different rectangular regions defined by the upper left corner and the bottom right corner that propagates any event inside them.

Builds a new RoiMaskAlgorithm object which propagates events in the given window.


Mask of pixels that should be retained (pixel <= 0 is filtered)

enable_rectangle(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm, x0: int, y0: int, x1: int, y1: int)None

Enables a rectangular region defined by the upper left corner and the bottom right corner that propagates any event inside them.


X coordinate of the upper left corner


Y coordinate of the upper left corner


X coordinate of the lower right corner


Y coordinate of the lower right corner

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

max_height(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm)int

Returns the maximum number of pixels (height) of the mask.


Maximum height of the mask

max_width(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm)int

Returns the maximum number of pixels (width) of the mask.


Maximum width of the mask

pixel_mask(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]

Returns the pixel mask of the filter.


cv::Mat containing the pixel mask of the filter

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

process_events_(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm, events_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer)None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input/output. This should only be used when the number of output events is the same as the number of input events


Buffer of events used as input/output. Its content will be overwritten. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

set_pixel_mask(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RoiMaskAlgorithm, mask: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64])None

Sets the pixel mask of the filter.


Pixel mask to be used while filtering

class metavision_sdk_cv.RotateEventsAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RotateEventsAlgorithm, width_minus_one: int, height_minus_one: int, rotation: float)None

class that allows to rotate an event stream.


We assume the rotation to happen with respect to the center of the image

Builds a new RotateEventsAlgorithm object with the given width and height.


Maximum X coordinate of the events (width-1)


Maximum Y coordinate of the events (height-1)


Value in radians used for the rotation

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RotateEventsAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RotateEventsAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

process_events_(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events_(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RotateEventsAlgorithm, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode]) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input/output. This method should only be used when the number of output events is the same as the number of input events


numpy structured array of events whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’) used as input/output. Its content will be overwritten

  1. process_events_(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RotateEventsAlgorithm, events_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input/output. This should only be used when the number of output events is the same as the number of input events


Buffer of events used as input/output. Its content will be overwritten. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

set_rotation(self: metavision_sdk_cv.RotateEventsAlgorithm, new_angle: float)None

Sets the new rotation angle.


New angle in rad

class metavision_sdk_cv.SparseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm)None
add_flow_for_frame_update(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. add_flow_for_frame_update(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, flow_np: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventOpticalFlow]) -> None

Stores one motion arrow per centroid (several optical flow events may have the same centroid) in the motion arrow map to be displayed later using the update_frame_with_flow method.

  1. add_flow_for_frame_update(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, flow_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

Stores one motion arrow per centroid (several optical flow events may have the same centroid) in the motion arrow map to be displayed later using the update_frame_with_flow method.

clear_ids(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm)None
update_frame_with_flow(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseFlowFrameGeneratorAlgorithm, display_mat: numpy.ndarray)None

Updates the input frame with the centroids’ motion stored in the history.

Clears the history afterwards

class metavision_sdk_cv.SparseOpticalFlowAlgorithm(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseOpticalFlowAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, config: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseOpticalFlowConfigPreset = <SparseOpticalFlowConfigPreset.FastObjects: 1>) -> None

  2. __init__(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseOpticalFlowAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, distance_gain: float = 0.05000000074505806, damping: float = 0.7070000171661377, omega_cutoff: float = 7.0, min_cluster_size: int = 7, max_link_time: int = 30000, match_polarity: bool = True, use_simple_match: bool = True, full_square: bool = True, last_event_only: bool = False, size_threshold: int = 100000000) -> None

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseOpticalFlowAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SparseOpticalFlowAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

class metavision_sdk_cv.SpatioTemporalContrastAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SpatioTemporalContrastAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, threshold: int, cut_trail: bool = True)None

The SpatioTemporalContrast Filter is a noise filter using the exponential response of a pixel to a change of light to filter out wrong detections and trails.

For an event to be forwarded, it needs to be preceded by another one in a given time window, this ensures that the spatio temporal contrast detection is strong enough. It is also possible to then cut all the following events up to a change of polarity in the stream for that particular pixel (strong trail removal). Note that this will remove signal if 2 following edges of the same polarity are detected (which should not happen that frequently).


The timestamp may be stored in different types 64 bits, 32 bits or 16 bits. The behavior may vary from one size to the other since the number of significant bits may change. Before using the version with less than 32 bits check that the behavior is still valid for the usage.

Builds a new SpatioTemporalContrast object.


Maximum X coordinate of the events in the stream


Maximum Y coordinate of the events in the stream


Length of the time window for filtering (in us)


If true, after an event goes through, it removes all events until change of polarity

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SpatioTemporalContrastAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SpatioTemporalContrastAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

process_events_(self: metavision_sdk_cv.SpatioTemporalContrastAlgorithm, events_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer)None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input/output. This should only be used when the number of output events is the same as the number of input events


Buffer of events used as input/output. Its content will be overwritten. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

class metavision_sdk_cv.TimeGradientFlowAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TimeGradientFlowAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, radius: int, min_flow_mag: float, bit_cut: int)None

This class is a local and dense implementation of Optical Flow from events.


This approach is dense in the sense that it processes events at the sensor resolution and produces OpticalFlowEvents potentially on the whole sensor matrix. It computes the optical flow along the edge’s normal by analyzing the recent timestamps at only the left, right, top and down K-pixel far neighbors (i.e. not the whole neighborhood). Thus, the estimated flow results are still quite sensitive to noise. The algorithm is run for each input event, generating a dense stream of flow events, but making it relatively costly on high event-rate scenes. The bit size of the timestamp representation can be reduced to accelerate the processing. :timestamp_type: Type of the timestamp used in to compute the optical flow. Typically Metavision::timestamp. Can be used with lighter type (like std::uint32_t) to lower processing time when critical.

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TimeGradientFlowAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TimeGradientFlowAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

class metavision_sdk_cv.TrailFilterAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TrailFilterAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, threshold: int)None

Filter that accepts an event either if the last event at the same coordinates was of different polarity, or if it happened at least a given amount of time after the last event.

Builds a new TrailFilterAlgorithmT object.


Maximum X coordinate of the events in the stream


Maximum Y coordinate of the events in the stream


Length of the time window for activity filtering (in us)

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TrailFilterAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TrailFilterAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

process_events_(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TrailFilterAlgorithm, events_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer)None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input/output. This should only be used when the number of output events is the same as the number of input events


Buffer of events used as input/output. Its content will be overwritten. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

class metavision_sdk_cv.TransposeEventsAlgorithm(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TransposeEventsAlgorithm)None

Class that switches X and Y coordinates of an event stream. This filter changes the dimensions of the corresponding frame (width and height are switched)

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TransposeEventsAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TransposeEventsAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

process_events_(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events_(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TransposeEventsAlgorithm, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode]) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input/output. This method should only be used when the number of output events is the same as the number of input events


numpy structured array of events whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’) used as input/output. Its content will be overwritten

  1. process_events_(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TransposeEventsAlgorithm, events_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input/output. This should only be used when the number of output events is the same as the number of input events


Buffer of events used as input/output. Its content will be overwritten. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

class metavision_sdk_cv.TripletMatchingFlowAlgorithm(*args, **kwargs)

This class implements the dense optical flow approach proposed in Shiba S., Aoki Y., & Gallego G. (2022). "Fast Event-Based Optical Flow Estimation by Triplet Matching". IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 29, 2712-2716.


This dense optical flow approach estimates the flow along the edge’s normal, by locally searching for aligned events triplets. The flow is estimated by averaging all aligned event triplets found, which helps regularize the estimates, but results are still relatively sensitive to noise. The algorithm is run for each input event, generating a dense stream of flow events, but making it relatively costly on high event-rate scenes.


PlaneFittingFlowAlgorithm algorithm for slightly more accurate but more expensive dense optical flow approach.


SparseOpticalFlowAlgorithm algorithm for a flow algorithm based on sparse feature tracking, estimating the full scene motion, staged hence more efficient on high event-rate scenes, but also more complex to tune and dependent on the presence of trackable features in the scene.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TripletMatchingFlowAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, radius: float, dt_min: int, dt_max: int) -> None

  2. __init__(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TripletMatchingFlowAlgorithm, width: int, height: int, radius: float, min_flow_mag: float, max_flow_mag: float) -> None

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TripletMatchingFlowAlgorithm, input_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_cv.TripletMatchingFlowAlgorithm, input_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_cv.EventOpticalFlowBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()