SDK ML Python bindings API

class metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing

Processes CD event to compute neural network input frame (3 dimensional tensor)

This is the base class. It handles the rescaling of the events if necessary. It also provides accessors to get the shape of the output tensor. Derived class implement the computation. Calling operator() on this base class triggers the computation

static create_CDProcessingDiff(delta_t: int, network_input_width: int, network_input_height: int, max_incr_per_pixel: float = 5, clip_value_after_normalization: float = 1.0, event_input_width: int = 0, event_input_height: int = 0)metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing

Creates a CDProcessing diff

static create_CDProcessingEventCube(delta_t: int, network_input_width: int, network_input_height: int, num_utbins: int, split_polarity: bool, max_incr_per_pixel: float = 63.75, clip_value_after_normalization: float = 1.0, event_input_width: int = 0, event_input_height: int = 0)metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing

Creates a CDProcessing event_cube

static create_CDProcessingHisto(delta_t: int, network_input_width: int, network_input_height: int, max_incr_per_pixel: float = 5, clip_value_after_normalization: float = 1.0, event_input_width: int = 0, event_input_height: int = 0, use_CHW: bool = True)metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing

Creates a CDProcessing histo

get_frame_channels(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing)int

Gets the number of channel in network input frame.


Number of channel in network input frame

get_frame_height(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing)int

Gets the network’s input frame’s height.


Network input frame’s height

get_frame_shape(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing)List[int]

Gets the shape of the frame (3 dim, either CHW or HWC)


a vector of sizes

get_frame_size(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing)int

Gets the frame size.


the frame size in pixel (height * width * channels)

get_frame_width(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing)int

Gets the network’s input frame’s width.


Network input frame’s width

init_output_tensor(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing)numpy.ndarray[numpy.float32]
is_CHW(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing)bool

Checks the tensor’s dimension order.


true if the dimension order is (channel, height, width)

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing, cur_frame_start_ts: int, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], frame_tensor_np: numpy.ndarray) -> None

Takes a chunk of events (numpy array of EventCD) and updates the frame_tensor (numpy array of float)

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_ml.CDProcessing, cur_frame_start_ts: int, events_buf: metavision_sdk_base.EventCDBuffer, frame_tensor_np: numpy.ndarray) -> None

Takes a chunk of events (EventCDBuffer) and updates the frame_tensor (numpy array of float)

class metavision_sdk_ml.DataAssociation(self: metavision_sdk_ml.DataAssociation, detection_merge_weight: float = 0.699999988079071, deletion_time: int = 100000, max_iou_inter_track: float = 0.5, iou_to_match_a_detection: float = 0.20000000298023224, max_iou_for_one_det_to_many_tracks: float = 0.5, use_descriptor: bool = False, number_of_consecutive_detections_to_create_a_new_track: int = 1, width: int = 640, height: int = 480, time_surface_delta_t: int = 200000, update_tracklets_between_detections: bool = True)None

Module that matches detections and builds tracklets.

Creates a DataAssociation object.


Weight to merge a tracklet and a detection. Takes a float value in range [0; 1] (0 means use only tracklet box, 1 means use only detection box)


Time before deleting a tracklet no longer supported by new detections


Maximum IOU inter tracklet before deleting the least recently updated one


Minimum IOU to match a detection


High IOU threshold above which a detection is ignored (skipped) if it is matched with multiple tracks


Boolean to enable the use of a descriptor


Number of consecutive detections to create a new track


Sensor’s width


Sensor’s height


Delta time for the timesurface


boolean to determine if tracklets are updated only when new detections are received

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_ml.EventTrackedBoxBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

process_events(self: metavision_sdk_ml.DataAssociation, ts: int, events_np: numpy.ndarray[metavision_sdk_base._EventCD_decode], boxes_np: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventBbox], output_tracks_buf: metavision_sdk_ml.EventTrackedBoxBuffer)None

Computes the data association and outputs updated set of tracked boxes

:param : ts: (int) current timestamp to process :param : events_np: input chunk of events (numpy structured array of EventCD) :param : boxes_np: input detections (numpy structured array of EventBbox) :param : output_tracks_buf: output buffer of tracked boxes. It can be converted to a numpy structured array of EventTrackedBox using .numpy()

metavision_sdk_ml.EventTrackedBox : numpy.dtype for numpy structured arrays of EventTrackedBox
class metavision_sdk_ml.EventTrackedBoxBuffer(self: metavision_sdk_ml.EventTrackedBoxBuffer, size: int = 0)None


numpy(self: metavision_sdk_ml.EventTrackedBoxBuffer, copy: bool = False)numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventTrackedBox]

if True, allocates new memory and returns a copy of the events. If False, use the same memory

resize(self: metavision_sdk_ml.EventTrackedBoxBuffer, size: int)None

resizes the buffer to the specified size


the new size of the buffer

class metavision_sdk_ml.NonMaximumSuppressionWithRescaling(self: metavision_sdk_ml.NonMaximumSuppressionWithRescaling, network_num_classes: int, events_input_width: int, events_input_height: int, network_input_width: int, network_input_height: int, iou_threshold: float = 0.5)None

Rescales events from network input format to the sensor’s size and suppresses Non-Maximum overlapping boxes.

Constructs object that rescales detected boxes and suppresses Non-Maximum overlapping boxes.


Number of possible class returned by neural network


Sensor’s width


Sensor’s height


Neural network input frame’s width


Neural network input frame’s height


Threshold on IOU metrics to consider that two boxes are matching

static get_empty_output_buffer()metavision_sdk_core.EventBboxBuffer

This function returns an empty buffer of events of the correct type, which can later on be used as output_buf when calling process_events()

ignore_class_id(self: metavision_sdk_ml.NonMaximumSuppressionWithRescaling, class_id: int)None

Configures the computation to ignore some class identifier.


Identifier of the class to be ignored

process_events(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_ml.NonMaximumSuppressionWithRescaling, input_np: numpy.ndarray[Metavision::EventBbox], output_buf: metavision_sdk_core.EventBboxBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes a numpy array as input and writes the results into the specified output event buffer

input chunk of events (numpy structured array whose fields are (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘p’, ‘t’). Note that this order is mandatory)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

  1. process_events(self: metavision_sdk_ml.NonMaximumSuppressionWithRescaling, input_buf: metavision_sdk_core.EventBboxBuffer, output_buf: metavision_sdk_core.EventBboxBuffer) -> None

This method is used to apply the current algorithm on a chunk of events. It takes an event buffer as input and writes the results into a distinct output event buffer

input chunk of events (event buffer)


output buffer of events. It can be converted to a numpy structured array using .numpy()

set_iou_threshold(self: metavision_sdk_ml.NonMaximumSuppressionWithRescaling, threshold: float)None

Sets Intersection Over Union (IOU) threshold.


Threshold on IOU metrics to consider that two boxes are matching


Intersection Over Union (IOU) is the ratio of the intersection area over union area