SDK Analytics Utils
class ClusterTrajectory
Class to store the recent history of a cluster’s trajectory.
Public Functions
ClusterTrajectory(int id, timestamp duration, timestamp t, const cv::Point &p)
- Parameters
id – Cluster’s id
duration – Maximum memory for the trajectory’s points
t – Timestamp of the first point to store
p – First point to store
void add_pose(timestamp t, const cv::Point &p)
Adds a point to the trajectory.
- Parameters
t – The timestamp of the new point
p – The new point
void remove_old_poses(timestamp t)
Removes all points in the trajectory with a timestamp older than t - duration.
- Parameters
t – Current timestamp. Points with timestamps lower than ‘t-duration’ will be removed
const Path &get_path() const
Gets the current trajectory.
- Returns
The current trajectory
int id() const
Provide the trajectory id (same as cluster tracked)
- Returns
The cluster (and trajectory) id
ClusterTrajectory(int id, timestamp duration, timestamp t, const cv::Point &p)
class CountingCalibration
Class representing the counting calibration.
Public Static Functions
static Results calibrate(int width, int height, float object_min_size = 5, float object_average_speed = 5, float distance_object_camera = 300, float horizontal_fov = 56.f, float vertical_fov = 44.f, int travelled_pix_distance_during_acc_time = 9)
Finds optimal parameters for the counting algorithm.
- Parameters
width – Sensor’s width in pixels
height – Sensor’s height in pixels
object_min_size – Approximate largest dimension of the smallest object (in mm). The value must be positive. It will be refined during the calibration
object_average_speed – Approximate average speed of an object to count (in m/s). It will be refined during the calibration.
distance_object_camera – Average distance between the flow of objects to count and the camera (in mm) Camera must look perpendicular to the object falling plane. It will be refined during the calibration
horizontal_fov – Horizontal field of view (half of the solid angle perceived by the sensor along the horizontal axis, in degrees)
vertical_fov – Vertical field of view (half of the solid angle perceived by the sensor along the vertical axis, in degrees)
travelled_pix_distance_during_acc_time – Distance (in pixels) travelled during the accumulation time
struct Results
Struct storing the calibration results.
static Results calibrate(int width, int height, float object_min_size = 5, float object_average_speed = 5, float distance_object_camera = 300, float horizontal_fov = 56.f, float vertical_fov = 44.f, int travelled_pix_distance_during_acc_time = 9)
class CountingDrawingHelper
Class that superimposes line counting results on events.
Public Functions
CountingDrawingHelper() = default
Default Constructor.
CountingDrawingHelper(const std::vector<int> &line_counters_ordinates)
- Parameters
line_counters_ordinates – Ordinates of the lines tracker in the sensor’s image
void add_line_counter(int row)
Adds a new line counter ordinate to the line_counters vector.
- Parameters
row – Line ordinate
CountingDrawingHelper() = default
enum class Metavision::CountingErrorCode : ErrorCodeType
Enum that holds runtime error codes for metavision counting.
See also
enumerator Error
Base metavision counting error.
enumerator InvalidArgument
Errors related to invalid arguments.
enumerator InvalidNumViews
Invalid number of views.
enumerator InvalidSize
Invalid counting input min size.
enumerator InvalidSpeed
Invalid counting input average speed.
enumerator InvalidDistance
Invalid counting input average distance object camera.
enumerator InvalidInactivityTime
Invalid counting argument inactivity time.
enumerator InvalidNotificationSampling
Invalid counting argument notification sampling.
enumerator InvalidOption
Invalid input option.
enumerator InvalidDataType
Invalid counting data type.
enumerator InvalidLinePosition
Invalid line position.
enumerator LineNotFound
Line not found (e.g., when removing a specific line)
enumerator FileDoesNotExist
File does not exist.
enumerator WrongExtension
File extension is not the one expected.
enumerator CouldNotOpenFile
Could not open file.
enumerator RuntimeError
Counting runtime errors.
enumerator InvalidEngineModification
Modification of the Engine during run time.
enumerator Error
class CountingException : public Metavision::BaseException
Class for all exceptions thrown from Metavision counting.
Public Functions
CountingException(CountingErrorCode e)
Creates an exception of type e with default error message.
See also
- Parameters
e – Counting error code
CountingException(CountingErrorCode e, const std::string &additional_info)
Creates an exception of type e with precise error description contained in additional_info.
See also
- Parameters
e – Counting error code
additional_info – Message containing information about the error
CountingException(CountingErrorCode e)
class FilteredBool
Class implementing a boolean variable that’s updated in time, and whose value only changes when the new value has been validated for a certain, configurable, time.
Public Functions
FilteredBool() = default
Default constructor.
FilteredBool(bool initial_value, timestamp rise_delay_us, timestamp fall_delay_us)
- Parameters
initial_value – Initial value
rise_delay_us – Delay to validate a rising edge. The internal value will change from “false” to “true” only if the variable is updated to “true” for a duration >= rise_delay_us
fall_delay_us – Delay to validate a falling edge. The internal value will change from “true” to “false” only if the variable is updated to “false” for a duration >= fall_delay_us
void update(timestamp ts, bool value)
Updates the observed value.
- Parameters
ts – Timestamp of the update. Successive calls must have increasing values of
value – Observed value to update
- Throws
std::runtime_error – if successive values of
are not increasing
bool value() const
Returns the filtered value.
- Returns
The filtered value
bool raw_value() const
Returns the unfiltered value.
- Returns
The last value updated, regardless of if it has been confirmed
FilteredBool() = default
class HistogramDrawingHelper
Class that draws an histogram.
Public Functions
HistogramDrawingHelper() = default
Default Constructor.
HistogramDrawingHelper(int height, const std::vector<float> &hist_bins_centers)
- Parameters
height – Height of the image
hist_bins_centers – Centers of the histogram bins
void draw(cv::Mat &output_img, const std::vector<unsigned int> &hist_counts)
Updates data to display.
- Parameters
output_img – Output image
hist_counts – Counts of the histogram
int get_width() const
Gets width of the generated image.
HistogramDrawingHelper() = default
class JetMonitoringAlarms
Class that generates alarms depending on the results of the JetMonitoringAlgorithm.
Public Functions
JetMonitoringAlarms(const JetMonitoringAlarmConfig ¶ms, timestamp jet_detection_delay_us)
- Parameters
params – Alarm parameters
jet_detection_delay_us – The time that the jet monitoring algorithm takes to confirm a jet. This is needed so we don’t generate an alarm for a missing jet when it has already started but not yet confirmed.
~JetMonitoringAlarms() = default
Default destructor.
void reset_state()
Reset internal state.
void set_on_alarm_callback(const AlarmCallback &cb)
Sets the callback that is called when an alarm is raised.
- Parameters
cb – Callback processing a const reference of EventJetAlarm
JetMonitoringAlarms(const JetMonitoringAlarmConfig ¶ms, timestamp jet_detection_delay_us)
class JetMonitoringDrawingHelper
Class that superimposes jet monitoring results on events.
Public Functions
JetMonitoringDrawingHelper(const cv::Rect &camera_roi, const cv::Rect &jet_roi, const JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig::Orientation &nozzle_orientation)
- Parameters
camera_roi – Region of interest used by the camera (Left x, Top y, width, height)
jet_roi – Region of interest used by the jet-monitoring algorithm to detect jets (Left x, Top y, width, height)
nozzle_orientation – Nozzle orientation
JetMonitoringDrawingHelper(const cv::Rect &camera_roi, const cv::Rect &jet_roi, const JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig::Orientation &nozzle_orientation)
class JetMonitoringLogger
Class maintaining circular buffers with data of interest concerning jet monitoring, and dumping it to a set of files each time a log trigger arrives:
events_td.dat: CD events
monitoring_out.csv: Algorithm output
algo_parameters.json: Algorithm parameters
The intended use is:
Call process_events() to register events
Call log() to register JetMonitoringSliceData
(if needed) call schedule_dump(), this will dump data after the specified delay
Call erase data to discard unnecessary data
Public Functions
JetMonitoringLogger(cv::Size sensor_size, const cv::Rect &roi_camera, const JetMonitoringAlgorithmConfig &algo_config, const JetMonitoringAlarmConfig &alarm_config, const JetMonitoringLoggerConfig &logger_config)
Constructor: initializes the logger.
- Parameters
sensor_size – Sensor size (width, height) in pixels, needed to log events
roi_camera – Camera ROI
algo_config – Jet Monitoring Algorithm configuration parameters
alarm_config – Jet Monitoring Alarm configuration parameters
logger_config – Jet Monitoring Logger configuration parameters
template<typename InputIt>
void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end) Processes a buffer of events.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to the first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
void log(const JetMonitoringSliceData &history_item)
Logs data to the buffer and erases old buffers that won’t be used for log dumps.
- Parameters
history_item – Item to be logged in the buffer
void process_alarm(const EventJetAlarm &alarm)
Processes alarm (dumps data)
- Parameters
alarm – Alarm information from the Jet Monitoring algorithm
void schedule_dump(const timestamp ts, const std::string &trigger_description)
Schedules a log data dump, after the delay specified in the constructor by dump_delay.
If several dumps are requested for the same time slice, only the last one will be kept
- Parameters
ts – Timestamp of the dump
trigger_description – Description of what triggered the dump, this will be appended to the dump directory name
template<typename InputIt, typename RoiIt, typename OutputIt>
void Metavision::accumulate_events_rectangle_roi(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, RoiIt roi_begin, RoiIt roi_end, OutputIt output) Accumulates events corresponding to multiple ROIs.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Iterator type of an event-buffer, the elements of which have x, y and p as attributes
RoiIt – Iterator type of a buffer of RectangleRoi
OutputIt – Iterator type of a buffer of std::array<int, 2>
- Parameters
it_begin – First iterator to a buffer of events
it_end – Past-end iterator to a buffer of events
roi_begin – First iterators to a buffer of ROIs
roi_end – Past-end iterator to a buffer of ROIs
output – Iterator to a buffer of std::array<int, 2>
struct NoTrackZone
Public Functions
inline const cv::Point2f get_center() const
Returns the center of the cluster.
- Returns
The center of the cluster
Public Members
int radius
Radius of the no-tracking zone.
bool filter_inside
Indicates whether to filter events inside or outside the zone.
Public Static Functions
static inline NoTrackZone read_event(void *buf, const timestamp&)
Reads event 2D from buffer.
- Returns
Event spatter cluster
static inline size_t get_raw_event_size()
Returns the size of the RawEvent.
- Returns
The size of the RawEvent
inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &output, const NoTrackZone &e)
Operator <<.
inline const cv::Point2f get_center() const
struct RectangleRoi
Struct representing a rectangular ROI.
class SlidingHistogram
Public Functions
SlidingHistogram(precision_type min_val, precision_type max_val, precision_type precision_val, timestamp accumulation_time_us, timestamp output_period_us)
We split the range [
] to get values spaced apart byprecision_val
. Bins are centered around these values and are of widthprecision_val
so that consecutive bins touch each other. For example, given the range [3, 5] andprecision_val
= 1, it will compute the bin centers {3, 4, 5}, the boundaries of which are given by {2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5}Note
The histogram bins are initialized during the class construction and won’t change dynamically.
- Parameters
min_val – Minimum included value (lower bound of the histogram bins)
max_val – Maximum included value (upper bound of the histogram bins)
precision_val – Width of the bins of the histogram (same unit as the value to estimate)
accumulation_time_us – Accumulation time of the histogram (in us), a negative value disables this option and old values are not discarded
output_period_us – Period (in us) between two histograms generations. The period is measured with the input events’ timestamp
template<typename T>
bool add_time_and_value(timestamp ts, T val) Adds a new timestamped measure.
- Parameters
ts – Timestamp of the measure
val – Measured value
- Returns
false if the value is outside the extreme values of the bins
void add_time(timestamp ts)
Specifies the current processing timestamp to the class, to let it know that there’s no new measure up to this timestamp.
- Parameters
ts – Current processing timestamp
inline void set_output_callback(const OutputCb &output_cb)
Function to pass a callback to know when a histogram is available.
SlidingHistogram(precision_type min_val, precision_type max_val, precision_type precision_val, timestamp accumulation_time_us, timestamp output_period_us)
template<typename T>
bool Metavision::init_histogram_bins(T min_val, T max_val, T step, std::vector<T> &bins_centers, std::vector<T> &bins_boundaries) Computes the histogram bins given a minimum value, a maximum value and a step value.
We split the range [
] to get values spaced apart bystep
. Bins are centered around these values and are of widthstep
so that consecutive bins touch each other. For example, given the range [3, 5] andstep
= 1, it will compute the bin centers {3, 4, 5}, the boundaries of which are given by {2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5}- Template Parameters
T – Type used to define the type of the boundaries of the histogram bins
- Parameters
min_val – Minimum included value (lower bound of the histogram bins)
max_val – Maximum included value (upper bound of the histogram bins)
step – Width of the bins of the histogram
bins_centers – Output vector containing the bin centers, e.g. {3, 4, 5}
bins_boundaries – Output vector containing the bin boundaries, e.g. {2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5}
- Returns
false if it fails
template<typename T>
bool Metavision::value_to_histogram_bin_id(const std::vector<T> &bins_boundaries, T value, size_t &output_id) Finds the ID of the histogram bin that corresponds to the input value.
- Parameters
bins_boundaries – Vector containing the histogram bin boundaries, e.g. {2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5} when bin centers are {3, 4, 5}
value – Input value that is compared against the bins values
output_id – ID of the bin that matches the input value. N.B. This is the ID of the center, not of the boundary.
- Returns
false if the value is outside the bins range
struct LineCluster
Structure that stores the begin and end position of a cluster in a line.
struct LineClusterWithId
Structure representing a 1D Cluster with its id.
struct TimedLineCluster
Structure representing a 1D cluster with its timestamp.
struct LineParticleTrack
Structure storing information about a track of a particle matched over several rows.
Public Functions
LineParticleTrack() = default
Default Constructor.
LineParticleTrack(LineParticleTrack &&other)
Move Constructor.
- Parameters
other – Object to move
LineParticleTrack &operator=(LineParticleTrack &&other)
Move assignement operator.
- Parameters
other – Object to move
Public Members
std::vector<cv::Point> positions
XY Positions of the detections.
std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point2f>> centered_contours
Particle contours centered around (0,0)
float traj_coef_b
Linear Model X = a*Y + b.
float particle_size
Estimated size of the particle.
int id
Track id.
float vx
Estimated speed of the particle along X-axis (in pix/us)
float vy
Estimated speed of the particle along Y-axis (in pix/us)
LineParticleTrack() = default
struct LineParticleTrackingOutput
Class collecting information about LineParticle tracks.
Public Members
OptimVector<LineParticleTrack> buffer
Vector of line particle tracks.
int global_counter = 0
Number of particles that have been matched over several lines.
OptimVector<LineParticleTrack> buffer
template<typename T>
class OptimVector Class to avoid reallocating memory after clear() in case of a 2-dimensional vector.
The vector itself isn’t cleared, but the end() iterator is moved back to begin(). Items of type
might contain vectors. The idea is to clear an existing Item and rewrite values on it, instead of creating a new object and reallocating memory. SuchT
elements have only a default constructor.To be used in the case one can only clear the vector or add an element at the end.
- Template Parameters
T – Type of the elements, implementing a void clear() method
Public Functions
inline OptimVector()
Default Constructor.
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if type T doesn’t implement the void clear() method
inline OptimVector(OptimVector &&other)
Move Constructor.
- Parameters
other – Object to move
inline OptimVector &operator=(OptimVector &&other)
Move assignment operator.
- Parameters
other – Object to move
inline const_iterator_type cbegin() const
Returns const iterator to the begin of the vector.
inline const_iterator_type cend() const
Returns const next_it_ instead of the end of the vector, as if the items beyond this iterator have been cleared.
inline T &at(size_t pos)
Returns a reference to the element at specified location
, with bounds checking.- Parameters
pos – Position of the element to return
inline const T &at(size_t pos) const
Returns a const reference to the element at specified location
, with bounds checking.- Parameters
pos – Position of the element to return
inline size_t size() const
Returns the number of elements in the container, i.e. std::distance(begin(), end())
inline bool empty() const
Returns whether the vector is empty (i.e. whether its size is 0).
inline T &allocate_back()
Makes a new element available at the end of the container.
- Returns
Reference to this last element in the container
inline void clear()
Makes all elements in the container unavailable by shifting the end ptr to begin.
void reserve(size_t new_cap)
Increases the capacity of the vector to a value that’s greater or equal to
. If it’s greater than the current capacity(), new storage is allocated, otherwise the method does nothing.
void move_and_insert_to(OptimVector<T> &other)
Moves elements to another vector.
- Parameters
other – Vector that will take ownership of the data
class LineClusterDrawingHelper
Class that superimposes event-clusters on the horizontal lines drawn on an image filled with events.
Public Functions
template<typename InputIt>
inline void draw(cv::Mat &output_img, InputIt first, InputIt last) Draws colored segments along an horizontal line.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Iterator to a cluster such as LineClusterWithId. Required class members are x_begin, x_end and id. The ID refers to the ordinate of the line cluster
- Parameters
output_img – Output image
first – First line cluster to display
last – Last line cluster to display
template<typename InputIt>
class LineParticleTrackDrawingHelper
Class that superimposes Particle Size Measurement results on an image filled with events.
Public Functions
LineParticleTrackDrawingHelper(int persistence_time_us)
- Parameters
persistence_time_us – Time interval (in the events-clock) during which particle contours remain visible in the visualization. Since a track is sent only once, it will appear only on one frame if we don’t keep results in memory. We need to know how long we want to display these detected tracks
template<typename InputTrackIt>
void draw(timestamp ts, cv::Mat &output_img, InputTrackIt begin, InputTrackIt end) Stores and draws particle tracks.
- Template Parameters
InputTrackIt – An iterator type over a track of type LineParticleTrack
- Parameters
ts – Detection timestamp
output_img – Output image
begin – Begin iterator to the particle tracks to display
end – Past-end iterator to the particle tracks to display
LineParticleTrackDrawingHelper(int persistence_time_us)
struct MonoCountingStatus
Structure to store the mono counting results on several lines.
class SpatterTrackerCsvLogger
Class that logs the output of SpatterTrackerAlgorithm to csv format.
Public Functions
inline SpatterTrackerCsvLogger(std::string file_name)
- Parameters
file_name – Output file name
inline void log_output(const Metavision::timestamp ts, const std::vector<EventSpatterCluster> &trackers)
Writes information about the trackers to file.
- Parameters
ts – Timestamp
trackers – Trackers to write
inline SpatterTrackerCsvLogger(std::string file_name)
template<typename InputIt>
void Metavision::draw_tracking_results(timestamp ts, InputIt begin, InputIt end, cv::Mat &output) Generic function used to draw tracking results.
Results are drawn as bounding boxes with tracked objects’ ids beside.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Iterator type over a tracking result
- Parameters
ts – Current timestamp
begin – First tracking result to draw
end – End of the tracking results buffer
output – The output image in which the tracking result will be drawn