SDK Core Algorithms
class AdaptiveRateEventsSplitterAlgorithm
Class used to split a stream of events into slices of variable duration and variable number of events.
This algorithm produces reasonably sharp slices of events, based on the content of the stream itself Internally, it computes the variance per event as a criterion for the sharpness of the current slice of events. An additional criterion is the maximum proportion of active pixels containing both positive and negative events.
Public Functions
AdaptiveRateEventsSplitterAlgorithm(int height, int width, float thr_var_per_event = 5e-4f, int downsampling_factor = 2)
Constructs a new AdaptiveRateEventsSplitterAlgorithm.
- Parameters
height – height of the input frame of events
width – width of the input frame of events
thr_var_per_event – minimum variance per pixel value to reach before considering splitting the slice
downsampling_factor – performs a downsampling of the input before computing the statistics. Original coordinates will be multiplied by 2**(-downsampling_factor)
inline ~AdaptiveRateEventsSplitterAlgorithm()
template<typename InputIt>
bool process_events(InputIt begin, InputIt end) Process a slice of events, and determines if slicing should be performed or not at the end.
- Parameters
begin – Iterator pointing to the beginning of the events buffer
end – Iterator pointing to the end of the events buffer
- Returns
true if the slice is ready, false is more events should be gathered before splitting
AdaptiveRateEventsSplitterAlgorithm(int height, int width, float thr_var_per_event = 5e-4f, int downsampling_factor = 2)
template<typename Impl>
class AsyncAlgorithm An asynchronous events processor class.
Here, asynchronous means that the output of the processing is at variable frequency. This is useful when one wants to apply a process on events on the fly, and another specific one when a condition is fulfilled.
As opposed to frames that arrive at a fixed frequency, events are asynchronous. The event rate depends on the activity, and so the rate varies with time. In the context of event-based processing, it is often that one wants to apply a processing to events on the fly (online processing such as filling an histogram for instance) and another process when it is considered that enough events have been received (for example in term of events processed count, or time slice of events).
The only entry point of this algorithm is the public process_events method. This method will then call two internal processing methods (process_online and process_async) that should be defined by the user and be private. While the first one processes all events that are passed to process_events, the latter one is called whenever the asynchronous condition is met.
The asynchronous condition is user defined, and set via the various ‘set’ methods. See Processing for more details.
Also see EventBufferReslicerAlgorithm, an implementation that offers a similar functionality but is designed to be used via aggregation rather than via inheritance.
This class uses a Curiously Recursive Template Pattern design. The input template parameter is expected to inherit from this class and this class should be declared as friend of the derived class.
- Template Parameters
Impl – The Asynchronous process implementation.
Public Types
enum class Processing
Processing types.
Processing policies that define the state to rely on to call the asynchronous process (process_async).
N_EVENTS: event count processing policy. Relies on the number of events processed.
N_US: time slice processing policy. Relies on the timestamp of the input events. A time slice T holds events between [(n-1)*T; n*T[.
MIXED: a mix between N_US and N_EVENTS processing policy. In this policy, the time slice has priority over the events count.
SYNC: synchronous condition. process_async is called at the end of the process_events method.
EXTERNAL: Relies on an external condition. process_async is called at each flush call.
enumerator N_EVENTS
enumerator N_US
enumerator MIXED
enumerator SYNC
enumerator EXTERNAL
enumerator N_EVENTS
Public Functions
void set_processing_n_events(const int delta_n_events)
Function to call process_async every n events.
This call can trigger a flush in case where the new condition is already satisfied by the events processed so far. However, be careful in that case because the produced events buffer is likely to be bigger than what expected with the new condition. Indeed, if you decrease the
condition, the condition gets more strict and you might end up with a buffer having an intermediate size: [ delta_n1 ] -> [ tmp ] -> [ delta_n2 ], with [ N ] being a buffer of size N events and delta_n1 > tmp >= delta_n2. In case where you increase thedelta_n_events
condition, the condition gets less strict and the transition is perfect, no flush occurs: [ delta_n1 ] -> [ delta_n2 ] with delta_n1 < delta_n2
inline int get_processing_n_events()
Getter to retrieve the number of events between two consecutive process_async calls (in N_EVENTS mode).
void set_processing_n_us(const timestamp delta_ts)
Function to call process_async every n microseconds.
This call can trigger a flush in case where the new condition is already satisfied by the events processed so far. However, be careful in that case because the produced time slice is likely to be longer than what expected with the new condition. Indeed, if you decrease the
condition, the condition gets more strict and you might end up with a buffer having an intermediate duration: [ dt_1 ] -> [ tmp ] -> [ dt_2 ], with [ dt ] being a time slice of duration dt us and dt_1 > tmp >= dt_2. In case where you increase thedelta_ts
condition, the condition gets less strict and the transition is perfect, no flush occurs: [ dt_1 ] -> [ dt_2 ] with dt_1 < dt_2
inline timestamp get_processing_n_us()
Getter to retrieve the period at which process_async gets called (in N_US mode).
void set_processing_mixed(const int delta_n_events, const timestamp delta_ts)
Function to call process_async every n events and n microseconds. The processing is done if at least one of the conditions is fulfilled.
This call can trigger a flush in case where at least one of the new conditions is already satisfied by the events processed so far. However, be careful in that case because the produced time slice / events buffer is likely to be bigger (i.e. in terms of number of events) and/or longer (i.e. in terms of duration) than what expected with the new condition (see set_processing_n_events and set_processing_n_us for further details).
void set_processing_sync()
Function to call process_async after each process online.
This call can trigger a flush if some events have already been processed
void set_processing_external()
Function to only call process_events without calling process_async.
This is especially useful if the condition to trigger the creation of a buffer is independent from the content of the processed events (for instance, an external trigger events, an other algorithm condition, etc.). The user must then call flush when the condition is fulfilled.
This call can trigger a flush if some events have already been processed
void reset()
Resets the internal state of the algorithm.
This is to be called when one wants to process events older than those already processed (e.g. in the case one wants to switch the source producing the events).
This method doesn’t change the algorithm’s processing mode (see Processing) nor flushes the ongoing time slice. It is the user’s responsibility to call flush before this method to retrieve the incomplete time slice if needed.
inline void flush()
Forces a call to process_async.
The resulting processed time slice corresponds to all the events processed since the last call to process_async (i.e. the time slice’s timestamp is the last processed event’s timestamp + 1)
The internal state is updated so that the next time slice will start just after this one (i.e. [last event’s timestamp + 1, next_processing_ts_[).
template<typename InputIt>
inline void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end) Processes a buffer of events.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to the first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
template<typename InputIt>
inline void process_events(const timestamp ts, InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end) Processes a buffer of events.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent
- Parameters
ts – End timestamp of the buffer. Used if higher than the timestamp of the last event
it_begin – Iterator to the first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
class BaseFrameGenerationAlgorithm
Base class whose purpose is to generate a frame from accumulated events when the user makes the request.
Both OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm and PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm inherit from this class.
It features basic logic to allow child class to generate frames with various constraints such as using over accumulation, regenerating a frame with different colors or accumulation time
To generate a frame from events:
Each event has an x, y, p and t information (EventCD)
Each pixel of the generated frame can be updated with 3 colors: a background color, a positive contrast detection event color, a negative contrast detection color
An event with coordinate {x, y} updates the corresponding pixel in the frame with one of the above color depending on its polarity p (0 - negative contrast detection - or 1 - positive contrast detection)
A pixel in the generated frame will have a background color if no event occurred at this position
One can accumulate a specific time interval of events in the frame. This time interval is called accumulation time.
An accumulation time of dt microseconds means that only the events that occurred in the last dt microseconds are used to generate the frame.
The static method generate_frame_from_events allows generating a frame from an event-buffer, an accumulation time and a color palette
Subclassed by Metavision::OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm, Metavision::PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm
Public Functions
virtual ~BaseFrameGenerationAlgorithm() = default
void set_colors(const cv::Scalar &bg_color, const cv::Scalar &on_color, const cv::Scalar &off_color, bool colored)
Sets the color used to generate the frame.
- Parameters
bg_color – Color used as background, when no events were received for a pixel
on_color – Color used for on events
off_color – Color used for off events
colored – If the generated frame should be grayscale (single channel) or in color (three channels)
void set_color_palette(const Metavision::ColorPalette &palette)
Sets the color used to generate the frame.
- Parameters
palette – The Prophesee’s color palette to use
void set_parameters(const cv::Vec4b &bg_color, const cv::Vec4b &on_color, const cv::Vec4b &off_color, int flags)
Sets the parameters used to generate the frame.
- Parameters
bg_color – Color used as background, when no events were received for a pixel
on_color – Color used for on events
off_color – Color used for off events
flags – A combination of Parameters
void set_parameters(const Metavision::ColorPalette &palette, int flags)
Sets the parameters used to generate the frame.
- Parameters
palette – The Prophesee’s color palette to use
flags – A combination of Parameters
void get_dimension(uint32_t &height, uint32_t &width, uint32_t &channels) const
Gets the frame’s dimension.
- Parameters
height – Frame’s height
width – Frame’s width
channels – Frames’s number of channels. 3 if the image is colored, 1 otherwise
Public Static Functions
static inline constexpr Metavision::ColorPalette default_palette()
Returns the default palette used by the frame generation.
static const cv::Vec3b &bg_color_default()
Returns default Prophesee dark palette background color.
static const cv::Vec3b &on_color_default()
Returns default Prophesee dark palette positive event color.
static const cv::Vec3b &off_color_default()
Returns default Prophesee dark palette negative event color.
template<typename EventIt>
static void generate_frame_from_events(EventIt it_begin, EventIt it_end, cv::Mat &frame, const uint32_t accumulation_time_us = 0, const Metavision::ColorPalette &palette = default_palette()) Stand-alone (static) method to generate a frame from events.
All events in the interval ]t - dt, t] are used where t the timestamp of the last event in the buffer, and dt the input
. Ifaccumulation_time_us
is kept to 0, all input events are used.Note
Even if there’s no events, a frame filled with the background color will be generated
The input
must be allocated beforehand- Template Parameters
EventIt – Input event iterator type. Works for iterators over containers of EventCD or equivalent
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
frame – Pre-allocated frame that will be filled with CD events. It must have the same geometry as the input event source, and the color corresponding to the given
(3 channels by default)accumulation_time_us – Time range of events to update the frame with (in us)
palette – The Prophesee’s color palette to use
- Throws
invalid_argument – if
does not have the expected type (CV_8U or CV_8UC3)
template<bool enable_interruptions>
class EventBufferReslicerAlgorithmT : public Metavision::BaseEventBufferReslicerAlgorithmT<enable_interruptions> class reslicing input event buffers in a user-specified way.
This class plays the same role than AsyncAlgorithm, but is designed to be used via aggregation rather than inheritance. This class is not protected against concurrent accesses and assumes input event buffers are sorted in chronological order.
The role of this class is to reslice input event buffers according to a specified condition. Input event buffers are provided to this class using the process_events function. Output event buffers are defined by successive calls to two callbacks: 1/ the event callback on_events_cb, provided to the process_event function, and 2/ the slicing callback on_new_slice_cb, configured independently in this class.
As an example, the reslicing operation can occur as follow:
reslicer.process_events(input1_beg, input1_end, on_events_cb)
on_events_cb(input1_beg1, input1_end1)
on_new_slice_cb(output1_ts, output1_nevents)
on_events_cb(input1_beg2, input1_end2)
reslicer.process_events(input2_beg, input2_end, on_events_cb)
on_events_cb(input2_beg, input2_end)
reslicer.process_events(input3_beg, input3_end, on_events_cb)
on_events_cb(input3_beg1, input3_end1)
on_new_slice_cb(output2_ts, output2_nevents)
on_events_cb(input3_beg2, input3_end2)
on_new_slice_cb(output3_ts, output3_nevents)
on_events_cb(input3_beg3, input3_end3)
Public Types
using OnNewSliceCb = std::function<void(ConditionStatus, timestamp, std::size_t)>
Type of the callback called when the specified slicing condition is met. This callback marks the end of a new output slice and, when called, is provided with the condition met status, the slicing timestamp and the number of events in the slice. The events included in the slice are provided separately, through the callback passed to the process_events function.
The slicing timestamp is here defined as the upper bound of the temporal range of the current slice. In case of a slicing status of MET_N_US, this means the first timestamp of the temporal range of the next slice. In all other cases, this means the timestamp of the last event in the slice.
Public Functions
EventBufferReslicerAlgorithmT(OnNewSliceCb on_new_slice_cb = nullptr, const Condition &condition = Condition())
- Parameters
on_new_slice_cb – callback to be called to mark the end of a new output slice.
condition – definition of the slicing condition monitored by the slicer, set to identity by default.
void set_on_new_slice_callback(OnNewSliceCb on_new_slice_cb)
Updates the callback to be called to mark the end of a new output slice.
- Parameters
on_new_slice_cb – new callback.
void set_slicing_condition(const Condition &condition)
Updates the slicing condition.
In case the new condition is already satisfied by the events processed so far, which can happen if the new slicing condition is more strict than the previous one, this call will trigger a call to the flush function. If the new condition is less strict, then the transition is perfect and no call to flush occurs.
- Parameters
condition – definition of the slicing condition monitored by the slicer.
inline const Condition &get_slicing_condition() const
Getter to retrieve the policy used to slice event buffers.
void reset()
Resets the internal state of the slicing algorithm.
This may for instance be called when one wants to process events older than those already processed (e.g. in the case one wants to switch the source producing the events).
This method doesn’t change the algorithm’s slicing condition nor flushes the ongoing time slice. It is the user’s responsibility to call flush before this method to retrieve the incomplete time slice if needed.
void flush()
Forces the generation of a new output slice.
The resulting output slice corresponds to all the events processed since the last output slice, and the internal state is updated so that the next time slice will start with the next event.
template<typename InputIt, typename OnEventsCbT>
void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, OnEventsCbT on_events_cb) Processes a buffer of events.
is true, this function can be interrupted asynchronously, with no guarantees on when the interruption will happen or what events will have been processed. In case of interruption, the user is left in charge of making a synchronous call to reset to recover a valid state.- Template Parameters
InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent. Underlying event instances must have a
field representing the timestamp.OnEventsCbT – Type of the callback used to forward re-sliced event buffers for down-stream processing, which should match the following signature: void(InputIt, InputIt). The events forwarded via this callback are part of the current output slice, whose end will be notified by a call to the slicing callback.
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to the first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
on_events_cb – event callback to be called when a new output buffer has been sliced, providing the begin and end iterators, the event timestamp and number of processed events when the slicing condition was met.
void notify_elapsed_time(timestamp ts)
Notifies the reslicing algorithm that time has elapsed without new events, which may trigger several calls to the slicing callback depending on the configured slicing condition.
is true, this function can be interrupted asynchronously, with no guarantees on when the interruption will happen or what events will have been processed. In case of interruption, the user is left in charge of making a synchronous call to reset to recover a valid state.- Parameters
ts – current timestamp
class EventFrameDiffGenerationAlgorithm
Produces diff event frames from a stream of events.
This class implements the algorithm for producing diff event frames from a stream of events. This algorithm computes, at each pixel, the sum of polarities of all processed events. Generated event frames are stored using row-major convention.
Public Functions
EventFrameDiffGenerationAlgorithm(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int bit_size = 8, bool allow_rollover = true, timestamp min_generation_period_us = 1000)
Constructor for the EventFrameDiffGenerationAlgorithm class.
- Parameters
width – The width of the event stream.
height – The height of the event stream.
bit_size – Number of bits used to represent the sum of events. The supported range is [2;8].
allow_rollover – Flag indicating whether to allow overflow / underflow when summing polarities in the 8-bit signed counters (default: true).
min_generation_period_us – minimum duration between two successive calls to the generate function, to optionally simulate a limited transfer bandwidth (default: 1000 us).
- Throws
invalid_argument – if the bit size is outside the supported range of [2;8].
inline bool is_rollover_allowed() const
Getter for the allow_rollover setting.
inline const RawEventFrameDiffConfig &get_config() const
Getter for the event frame configuration.
template<typename InputIt>
void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end) Processes a range of events and updates the sum of polarities at each pixel.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events.
- Parameters
it_begin – An iterator pointing to the beginning of the events range.
it_end – An iterator pointing to the end of the events range.
void generate(RawEventFrameDiff &event_frame)
Retrieves the diff event frame aggregating the events processed so far, and resets the internal counters for upcoming calls to
This version of the function does not simulate the limited transfer bandwidth typically met on hardware implementations and hence ignores the practical lower-bound on event frame generation frequency.
- Parameters
event_frame – diff event frame.
bool generate(timestamp ts_event_frame, RawEventFrameDiff &event_frame)
Retrieves the diff event frame aggregating the events processed so far, and resets the aggregation for upcoming calls to
. This version of the function simulates the limited transfer bandwidth typically met on hardware implementations and hence may fail to retrieve the event frame. Internal counters are only reset if the event frame retrieval is successful.- Parameters
ts_event_frame – diff event frame.
event_frame – diff event frame.
- Returns
False if the time since the last call to generate is below the lower-bound generation period, true otherwise.
void reset()
Forces a reset of the internal counters.
EventFrameDiffGenerationAlgorithm(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int bit_size = 8, bool allow_rollover = true, timestamp min_generation_period_us = 1000)
class EventFrameHistoGenerationAlgorithm
Produces histo event frames from a stream of events.
This class implements the algorithm for producing histo event frames from a stream of events. This algorithm computes, separately at each pixel, the sum of positive and negative events received between two calls to the ‘generate’ function. Generated event frames are stored using row-major convention, either splitting or interleaving polarities. The histogram values will saturate if more events than the maximum representable integers are received at a given pixel for a given polarity. Generated event frames are stored using row-major convention with interleaved channels for each polarity.
Public Functions
EventFrameHistoGenerationAlgorithm(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int channel_bit_neg = 4, unsigned int channel_bit_pos = 4, bool packed = false, timestamp min_generation_period_us = 1000)
Constructor for the EventFrameHistoGenerationAlgorithm class.
- Parameters
width – The width of the event stream.
height – The height of the event stream.
channel_bit_neg – Number of bits used to represent the sum of negative events. This should be strictly positive and the sum of negative and positive channels bit sizes should be less than 8.
channel_bit_pos – Number of bits used to represent the sum of positive events. This should be strictly positive and the sum of negative and positive channels bit sizes should be less than 8.
packed – Flag indicating whether sum counter are stored in an aligned way in memory, by padding with zeros, or in a packed way.
min_generation_period_us – minimum duration between two successive calls to the generate function, to optionally simulate a limited transfer bandwidth (default: 1000 us).
- Throws
invalid_argument – if the sum of negative and positive channels bit sizes is more than 8 or either one is zero.
inline const RawEventFrameHistoConfig &get_config() const
Getter for the event frame configuration.
template<typename InputIt>
void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end) Processes a range of events and updates the sum of events at each pixel & polarity.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events.
- Parameters
it_begin – An iterator pointing to the beginning of the events range.
it_end – An iterator pointing to the end of the events range.
void generate(RawEventFrameHisto &event_frame)
Retrieves the histo event frame aggregating events since the last call to
, and resets the aggregation for upcoming calls toprocess_events
in packed mode, a packed copy of the accumulation data will be returned, incurring a slight performance cost compared to unpacked mode.
This version of the function does not simulate the limited transfer bandwidth typically met on hardware implementations and hence ignores the practical lower-bound on event frame generation frequency.
- Parameters
event_frame – histo event frame.
bool generate(timestamp ts_event_frame, RawEventFrameHisto &event_frame)
Retrieves the diff event frame aggregating the events processed so far, and resets the aggregation for upcoming calls to
. This version of the function simulates the limited transfer bandwidth typically met on hardware implementations and hence may fail to retrieve the event frame. Internal counters are only reset if the event frame retrieval is successful.- Parameters
ts_event_frame – diff event frame.
event_frame – diff event frame.
- Returns
False if the time since the last call to generate is below the lower-bound generation period, true otherwise.
void reset()
Forces a reset of the internal counters.
EventFrameHistoGenerationAlgorithm(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int channel_bit_neg = 4, unsigned int channel_bit_pos = 4, bool packed = false, timestamp min_generation_period_us = 1000)
template<class Event>
class FileProducerAlgorithmT Public Functions
FileProducerAlgorithmT(std::string filename, bool loop = false, timestamp loop_delay = 0)
Builds a new FileProducerAlgorithmT object.
- Parameters
filename – Name of the file to read data from
loop – If true, the reading from the file will be looped
loop_delay – Time interval (in us) between two consecutive loops
template<class OutputIt>
inline void process_events(OutputIt d_first, timestamp ts) Processes events until a given timestamp.
bool is_done()
If all events have been processed, returns true.
inline timestamp get_time_at(timestamp time_window, bool backward)
Gets the timestamp in a given time window.
- Parameters
time_window – Time difference (in us) with the first (or last) event in the file
backward – If true, search will be from the end of the file (thus giving time last event - time_window)
inline void start_at_time(timestamp start_time)
Starts reproducing the file from a given time.
- Parameters
start_time – Start time
uint64_t get_n_tot_ev() const
Gets the total number of events in the file.
void load_to_ram()
Loads file events to ram.
int get_width() const
Gets the width of the sensor producer that recorded the data.
- Returns
Width of the sensor
int get_height() const
Gets the height of the sensor producer that recorded the data.
- Returns
Height of the sensor
std::string get_date() const
Gets the date.
If the date was not found in the header of the file, an empty string is returned
- Returns
String of the form YYYY-MM-DD h:m:s (example: 2017-03-08 13:36:44 ) (UTC time)
Public Static Functions
static void reset_max_loop_length()
Resets the loop length to zero.
FileProducerAlgorithmT(std::string filename, bool loop = false, timestamp loop_delay = 0)
class FlipXAlgorithm
Class that allows to mirror the X axis of an event stream.
The transfer function of this filter impacts only the X coordinates of the Event2d by:
x = width_minus_one - x
Public Functions
inline explicit FlipXAlgorithm(std::int16_t width_minus_one)
Builds a new FlipXAlgorithm object with the given width.
- Parameters
width_minus_one – Maximum X coordinate of the events (width-1)
~FlipXAlgorithm() = default
Default destructor.
template<class InputIt, class OutputIt>
inline void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, OutputIt inserter) Applies the Flip X filter to the given input buffer storing the result in the output buffer.
- Template Parameters
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
inserter – Output iterator or back inserter
inline std::int16_t width_minus_one() const
Returns the maximum X coordinate of the events.
- Returns
Maximum X coordinate of the events
inline void set_width_minus_one(std::int16_t width_minus_one)
Sets the maximum X coordinate of the events.
- Parameters
width_minus_one – Maximum X coordinate of the events
inline explicit FlipXAlgorithm(std::int16_t width_minus_one)
class FlipYAlgorithm
Class that allows to mirror the Y axis of an event stream.
The transfer function of this filter impacts only the Y coordinates of the Event2d by:
y = height_minus_one - y
Public Functions
inline explicit FlipYAlgorithm(std::int16_t height_minus_one)
Builds a new FlipYAlgorithm object with the given height.
- Parameters
height_minus_one – Maximum Y coordinate of the events
~FlipYAlgorithm() = default
Default destructor.
template<class InputIt, class OutputIt>
inline void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, OutputIt inserter) Applies the Flip Y filter to the given input buffer storing the result in the output buffer.
- Template Parameters
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
inserter – Output iterator or back inserter
inline std::int16_t height_minus_one() const
Returns the maximum Y coordinate of the events.
- Returns
Maximum Y coordinate of the events
inline void set_height_minus_one(std::int16_t height_minus_one)
Sets the maximum Y coordinate of the events.
- Parameters
height_minus_one – Maximum Y coordinate of the events
inline explicit FlipYAlgorithm(std::int16_t height_minus_one)
template<class EventType>
class GenericProducerAlgorithm Allows insertion and storage of events from any source via register_new_event_buffer.
The events will then be produced in a chronological manner with process_events.
A maximum duration defined by the difference of timestamps between first and last stored event can be set to limit the number of events stored. To enforce this constraint, the producer will either wait for events to be consumed or drop enough events to be able to insert new events, set_max_duration_stored and set_allow_drop_when_overfilled.
Conversely, a timeout can be set, to avoid the producer waiting indefinitely for events to be inserted. According to the timeout value, the producer will either not wait, wait indefinitely or wait for a predefined amount of time before returning the events,
See also
Public Functions
inline GenericProducerAlgorithm(timestamp timeout = 0, uint32_t max_events_per_second = 0, timestamp max_duration_stored = std::numeric_limits<timestamp>::max(), bool allow_drop_when_overfilled = false)
- Parameters
timeout – Maximum time to wait for events (in us). If equal 0, no timeout is set (equivalent to infinite timeout); if negative, there will be no wait at all.
max_events_per_second – Maximum event rate when “processing” events up to some time, the latest k events will be output, where k is max_events_per_second * (req_ts - last_ts), the preceding events will simply be dropped
max_duration_stored – Maximum time difference (in us) between first and last event stored by the producer if the producer already stores enough events, when new events must be added, the oldest events will be dropped if @ref allow_drop_when_overfilled is true, otherwise the producer will wait for enough events to be consumed before continuing
allow_drop_when_overfilled – If true, the oldest events (i.e. event for which the timestamp if older than latest.t - max_duration_stored) are dropped, otherwise, the producer blocks until the oldest events are consumed
template<typename IteratorEv>
inline void register_new_event_buffer(IteratorEv start, IteratorEv end) method to add a new buffer of events
When inserting events, a maximum duration stored by the producer can be set. It is disabled by default, so that the producer storage may grow indefinitely if no events are produced, or the production is too slow. If a maximum duration is set, the producer will never store events such that the difference between the first and last event stored is greater than the maximum duration. To achieve this effect, it will either wait for events to be produced if drop is disabled when the producer has overfilled set_allow_drop_when_overfilled, or it will drop enough events so that this condition is met if drop is enabled.
template<class OutputIt, typename TimingProfilerType = TimingProfiler<false>>
inline void process_events(timestamp ts, OutputIt inserter, TimingProfilerType *timing_profiler = TimingProfilerType::instance()) Produces events up to some timestamp.
If the timeout has a positive value, it will wait at most timeout us before returning the events “generated”. If the timeout has a negative value, it will immediately return the events generated. If the timeout is zero, it will wait until at least one event with a timestamp greater than ts is registered, before returning the events with a timestamp less or equal to ts.
- Parameters
ts – Timestamp before which to include events.
inserter – Output iterator or back inserter
timing_profiler – Profiler to debug
inline void set_timeout(timestamp timeout)
Sets timeout.
- Parameters
timeout – Maximum time to wait for events (in us). If equal 0, no timeout is set (equivalent to infinite timeout); if negative, there will be no wait at all.
inline void set_max_events_per_second(uint32_t max_events_per_second)
Sets max events per second.
- Parameters
max_events_per_second – Maximum event rate when “processing” events up to some time, the latest k events will be output, where k is max_events_per_second * (req_ts - last_ts), the preceding events will simply be dropped
inline uint32_t get_max_events_per_second() const
Gets max events per second.
- Returns
Max events per second
inline void set_max_duration_stored(timestamp max_duration_stored)
Sets max duration stored.
- Parameters
max_duration_stored – Maximum time difference (in us) between first and last event stored by the producer if the producer already stores enough events, when new events must be added, the oldest events will be dropped if @ref allow_drop_when_overfilled is true, otherwise the producer will wait for enough events to be consumed before continuing
inline uint32_t get_max_duration_stored() const
Gets max duration stored.
- Returns
Max duration stored
inline void set_allow_drop_when_overfilled(bool allow_drop_when_overfilled)
Enables/disables drop.
- Parameters
allow_drop_when_overfilled – If true, the oldest events (i.e. event for which the timestamp if older than latest.t - max_duration_stored) are dropped, otherwise, the producer blocks until the oldest events are consumed
inline bool get_allow_drop_when_overfilled() const
Gets value of drop when overfilled.
- Returns
true if the oldest events (i.e. event for which the timestamp if older than latest.t - max_duration_stored) are dropped, false otherwise
inline void set_source_as_done()
Sets source as done to let the producer know that no new events will be received.
inline bool is_source_done() const
Checks if source is done providing events.
- Returns
true if source is done, false otherwise
inline bool is_done() const
Checks if producer has finished processing all input events.
- Returns
true if all events have been processed, false otherwise
inline GenericProducerAlgorithm(timestamp timeout = 0, uint32_t max_events_per_second = 0, timestamp max_duration_stored = std::numeric_limits<timestamp>::max(), bool allow_drop_when_overfilled = false)
class OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm : public Metavision::BaseFrameGenerationAlgorithm
Algorithm that generates a CD frame on demand.
After providing events to the class through the process_events method, the user can request a frame generation at any timestamp using the generate method. Note that generate is expected to be called with timestamps increasing monotonically.
The class allows managing the generation of overlapping frames, i.e. the time between two consecutive frame generations can be shorter than the accumulation time.
It’s possible to generate a frame at any timestamp even though more recent events have already been provided. It allows the user not to worry about the event buffers he or she is sending.
This class shouldn’t be used in case the user prefers to register to an output callback rather than having to manually ask the algorithm to generate the frames (See PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm).
Public Functions
OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm(int width, int height, uint32_t accumulation_time_us = 0, const Metavision::ColorPalette &palette = default_palette())
- Parameters
width – Sensor’s width (in pixels)
height – Sensor’s height (in pixels)
accumulation_time_us – Time range of events to update the frame with (in us) (See set_accumulation_time_us)
palette – The Prophesee’s color palette to use
template<typename EventIt>
inline void process_events(EventIt it_begin, EventIt it_end) Processes a buffer of events.
Call reset before starting processing events from a timestamp in the past
This method is expected to be called with timestamps increasing monotonically and events from the past
- Template Parameters
EventIt – Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to the first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
void generate(timestamp ts, cv::Mat &frame, bool allocate = true)
Generates a frame.
This method is expected to be called with timestamps increasing monotonically.
- Parameters
ts – Timestamp at which to generate the frame
frame – Frame that will be filled with CD events
allocate – Allocates the frame if true. Otherwise, the user must ensure the validity of the input frame. This is to be used when the data ptr must not change (external allocation, ROI over another cv::Mat, …)
- Throws
invalid_argument – if
is older than the last frame generation and reset method hasn’t been called in the meantimeinvalid_argument – if the frame doesn’t have the expected type and geometry
void set_accumulation_time_us(uint32_t accumulation_time_us)
Sets the accumulation time (in us) to use to generate a frame.
Frame generated will only hold events in the interval [t - dt, t[ where t is the timestamp at which the frame is generated, and dt the accumulation time. However, if
is set to 0, all events since the last generated frame are used- Parameters
accumulation_time_us – Time range of events to update the frame with (in us)
uint32_t get_accumulation_time_us() const
Returns the current accumulation time (in us).
OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm(int width, int height, uint32_t accumulation_time_us = 0, const Metavision::ColorPalette &palette = default_palette())
class PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm : public Metavision::BaseFrameGenerationAlgorithm
Algorithm that generates frames from events at a fixed rate (fps). The reference clock used is the one of the input events.
As an asynchronous algorithm, this class processes any stream of events and triggers the frames generation by itself to output frames regularly spaced in time through its output callback. Note that the implementation of this class uses EventBufferReslicerAlgorithm in place of AsyncAlgorithm, with the same overall behavior.
The elapsed time between two frame generations (frame period = 1 / fps) and the accumulation time can be updated on the fly.
This class should be used when the user prefers to register to an output callback than having to manually ask the algorithm to generate the frames for increasing multiples of the frame period. However, this class shouldn’t be used in case the user wants to generate a frame inside the callback of an algorithm (See OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm)
Public Types
Public Functions
PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm(int sensor_width, int sensor_height, uint32_t accumulation_time_us = 10000, double fps = 0., const Metavision::ColorPalette &palette = default_palette())
- Parameters
sensor_width – Sensor’s width (in pixels)
sensor_height – Sensor’s height (in pixels)
accumulation_time_us – Time range of events to update the frame with (in us)
fps – The fps at which to generate the frames. The time reference used is the one from the input events. If the fps is 0, the accumulation time is used to compute it (set_fps).
palette – The Prophesee’s color palette to use (set_color_palette)
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – If the input fps is negative
void set_output_callback(const OutputCb &output_cb)
Sets the callback to call when an image has been generated.
For efficiency purpose, the frame passed in the callback is a non const reference. If it is to be used outside the scope of the callback, the user must ensure to swap or copy it to another object
template<typename EventIt>
inline void process_events(EventIt it_begin, EventIt it_end) Processes a buffer of events to update the internal time surface for the frame generation.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to the first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
void notify_elapsed_time(timestamp ts)
Notify the frame generator that time has elapsed without new events, which may trigger several calls to the image generated callback depending on the configured slicing condition.
- Parameters
ts – current timestamp
void force_generate()
Forces the generation of a frame for the current period with the input events that have been processed.
This is intended to be used at the end of a process if one wants to generate frames with the remaining events This effectively calls the output_cb and updates the next timestamp at which a frame is to be generated
void set_fps(double fps)
Sets the fps at which to generate frames and thus the frequency of the asynchronous calls.
The time reference used is the one from the input events
- Parameters
fps – The fps to use. If the fps is 0, the current accumulation time is used to compute it
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – If the input fps is negative
double get_fps()
Returns the current fps at which frames are generated.
void set_accumulation_time_us(uint32_t accumulation_time_us)
Sets the accumulation time (in us) to use to generate a frame.
Frame generated will only hold events in the interval [t - dt, t[ where t is the timestamp at which the frame is generated, and dt the accumulation time
- Parameters
accumulation_time_us – Time range of events to update the frame with (in us)
uint32_t get_accumulation_time_us()
Returns the current accumulation time (in us).
void skip_frames_up_to(timestamp ts)
Skips the generation of frames up to the timestamp
.- Parameters
ts – Timestamp up to which only one image will be generated, i.e. the closest full timeslice before this timestamp
void reset()
Resets the internal states.
the user is responsible for explicitly calling force_generate if needed to retrieve the frame for the last processed events.
PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm(int sensor_width, int sensor_height, uint32_t accumulation_time_us = 10000, double fps = 0., const Metavision::ColorPalette &palette = default_palette())
class PolarityFilterAlgorithm
Class filter that only propagates events of a certain polarity.
Public Functions
inline explicit PolarityFilterAlgorithm(std::int16_t polarity)
Creates a PolarityFilterAlgorithm class with the given polarity.
- Parameters
polarity – Polarity to keep
~PolarityFilterAlgorithm() = default
Default destructor.
template<class InputIt, class OutputIt>
inline OutputIt process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, OutputIt inserter) Applies the Polarity filter to the given input buffer storing the result in the output buffer.
- Template Parameters
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
inserter – Output iterator or back inserter
- Returns
Iterator pointing to the past-the-end event added in the output
inline bool operator()(const Event2d &ev) const
Basic operator to check if an event is accepted.
- Parameters
ev – Event2D to be tested
inline void set_polarity(std::int16_t polarity)
Sets the polarity of the filter.
- Parameters
polarity – Polarity to be used in the filtering process
inline std::int16_t polarity() const
Returns the polarity used to filter the events.
- Returns
Current polarity used in the filtering process
inline explicit PolarityFilterAlgorithm(std::int16_t polarity)
class PolarityInverterAlgorithm
Class that implements a Polarity Inverter filter.
The filter changes the polarity of all the filtered events.
Public Functions
PolarityInverterAlgorithm() = default
Builds a new PolarityInverterAlgorithm object.
template<class InputIt, class OutputIt>
inline void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, OutputIt inserter) Processes a buffer of events and outputs filtered events.
- Template Parameters
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
inserter – Output iterator or back inserter
PolarityInverterAlgorithm() = default
class RoiFilterAlgorithm
Class that only propagates events which are contained in a certain Region of Interest (ROI) defined by the coordinates of the upper left corner and the lower right corner.
Public Functions
inline RoiFilterAlgorithm(std::int32_t x0, std::int32_t y0, std::int32_t x1, std::int32_t y1, bool output_relative_coordinates = false)
Builds a new RoiFilterAlgorithm object which propagates events in the given window.
- Parameters
x0 – X coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI window
y0 – Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI window
x1 – X coordinate of the lower right corner of the ROI window
y1 – Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the ROI window
output_relative_coordinates – If false, events that passed the ROI filter are expressed in the whole image coordinates. If true, they are expressed in the ROI coordinates system (i.e. top left of the ROI region is (0,0))
template<class InputIt, class OutputIt>
inline OutputIt process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, OutputIt inserter) Applies the ROI Mask filter to the given input buffer storing the result in the output buffer.
- Template Parameters
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
inserter – Output iterator or back inserter
- Returns
Iterator pointing to the past-the-end event added in the output
inline bool is_resetting() const
Returns true if the algorithm returns events expressed in coordinates relative to the ROI.
- Returns
true if the algorithm is resetting the filtered events
inline std::int32_t x0() const
Returns the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI window.
- Returns
X coordinate of the upper left corner
inline std::int32_t y0() const
Returns the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROI window.
- Returns
Y coordinate of the upper left corner
inline std::int32_t x1() const
Returns the x coordinate of the lower right corner of the ROI window.
- Returns
X coordinate of the lower right corner
inline std::int32_t y1() const
Returns the y coordinate of the lower right corner of the ROI window.
- Returns
Y coordinate of the lower right corner
inline void set_x0(std::int32_t x0)
Sets the x coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROW window.
- Parameters
x0 – X coordinate of the upper left corner
inline void set_y0(std::int32_t y0)
Sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the ROW window.
- Parameters
y0 – Y coordinate of the upper left corner
inline void set_x1(std::int32_t x1)
Sets the x coordinate of the lower right corner of the ROW window.
- Parameters
x1 – X coordinate of the lower right corner
inline void set_y1(std::int32_t y1)
Sets the x coordinate of the lower right corner of the ROW window.
- Parameters
y1 – Y coordinate of the lower right corner
inline RoiFilterAlgorithm(std::int32_t x0, std::int32_t y0, std::int32_t x1, std::int32_t y1, bool output_relative_coordinates = false)
A utility class to generate shared ptr around a vector of events according to a processing policy (e.g. AsyncAlgorithm::Processing from AsyncAlgorithm)
The events buffers are allocated within a bounded memory pool (SharedObjectPool) to reuse the memory and avoid memory allocation.
- Template Parameters
EventT – The type of events contained in the buffer.
Public Types
ObjectPool. We use a bounded one to avoid reallocation
Alias of callback to process a generated SharedEventsBuffer
Public Functions
Supported mode from (e.g. AsyncAlgorithm::Processing from AsyncAlgorithm): N_EVENTS, N_US, MIXED, NONE.
Setting SharedEventsBufferProducerParameters::buffers_events_count_ to 0 calls set_processing_n_us (unless buffers_time_slice_us_ is 0 as well).
Setting SharedEventsBufferProducerParameters::buffers_time_slice_us_ to 0 calls set_processing_n_events (unless SharedEventsBufferProducerParameters::buffers_events_count_ is 0 as well).
Setting SharedEventsBufferProducerParameters::buffers_events_count_ and SharedEventsBufferProducerParameters::buffers_time_slice_us_ to 0 calls set_processing_external.
Setting non zero value to both SharedEventsBufferProducerParameters::buffers_events_count_ and SharedEventsBufferProducerParameters::buffers_time_slice_us_ calls set_processing_mixed.
The mode can be overridden after calling the constructor.
- Parameters
params – An SharedEventsBufferProducerParameters object containing the parameters.
buffer_produced_cb – A callback called (SharedEventsBufferProducedCb) whenever a buffer is created.
Get the parameters used to construct this object.
Resets the internal states of the policy.
class StreamLoggerAlgorithm
Logs the stream to a file.
Public Functions
inline StreamLoggerAlgorithm(const std::string &filename, std::size_t width, std::size_t height)
Builds a new StreamLogger object with given geometry.
- Parameters
filename – Name of the file to write into. If the file already exists, its previous content will be lost.
width – Width of the producer
height – Height of the producer
~StreamLoggerAlgorithm() = default
Default destructor.
inline void enable(bool state, bool reset_ts = true, std::int32_t split_time_seconds = InvalidTimestamp)
Enables or disables data logging.
- Parameters
state – Flag to enable/disable the logger
reset_ts – Flag to reset the timestamp, the timestamp used in the last call to update will be considered as timestamp zero
split_time_seconds – Time in seconds to split the file. By default is disabled: InvalidTimestamp (-1).
- Throws
std::runtime_error – If the user tries to reset the timestamp or split the stream while the StreamLogger is enabled and running.
inline bool is_enable() const
Returns state of data logging.
- Returns
true if data logging in enabled false otherwise
inline void change_destination(const std::string &filename, bool reset_ts = true)
Changes the destination file of the logger.
- Parameters
filename – Name of the file to write into.
reset_ts – If we are currently recording, the timestamp used in the last call to update will be considered as timestamp zero
template<class InputIt>
inline void process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, timestamp ts) Exports the information in the input buffer into the StreamLogger.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of Event2d or equivalent
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to the first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
ts – Input buffer timestamp
inline void close()
Closes the streaming.
inline StreamLoggerAlgorithm(const std::string &filename, std::size_t width, std::size_t height)
class TimeDecayFrameGenerationAlgorithm
Algorithm that generates a time decay visualization of input CD events on demand.
After processing events through the
method, the user can request the generation of a time decay visualization at the current timestamp using thegenerate
method.Public Functions
TimeDecayFrameGenerationAlgorithm(int width, int height, timestamp exponential_decay_time_us, Metavision::ColorPalette palette)
- Parameters
width – Sensor’s width (in pixels)
height – Sensor’s height (in pixels)
exponential_decay_time_us – Characteristic time for the exponential decay (in us)
palette – The color palette to use for the visualization
template<typename EventIt>
void process_events(EventIt it_begin, EventIt it_end) Processes a buffer of events.
Call reset before starting processing events from a timestamp in the past after later events have been processed.
- Template Parameters
EventIt – Read-Only input event iterator type. Works for iterators over buffers of EventCD or equivalent
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator to the first input event
it_end – Iterator to the past-the-end event
void generate(cv::Mat &frame, bool allocate = true)
Generates a frame.
- Parameters
frame – Frame that will be filled with CD events
allocate – Allocates the frame if true. Otherwise, the user must ensure the validity of the input frame. This is to be used when the data ptr must not change (external allocation, ROI over another cv::Mat, …)
- Throws
invalid_argument – if the frame doesn’t have the expected type and geometry
void set_exponential_decay_time_us(timestamp exponential_decay_time_us)
Sets the characteristic time of the exponential decay to use.
- Parameters
exponential_decay_time_us – Characteristic time for the exponential decay (in us)
timestamp get_exponential_decay_time_us() const
Returns the current characteristic time of the exponential decay (in us).
void set_color_palette(Metavision::ColorPalette palette)
Sets the color palette used to generate the frame.
- Parameters
palette – The color palette to use for the visualization
void reset()
Resets the internal states.
This method needs to be called before processing events from a timestamp in the past after later events have been processed.
TimeDecayFrameGenerationAlgorithm(int width, int height, timestamp exponential_decay_time_us, Metavision::ColorPalette palette)
template<int CHANNELS = 1>
class TimeSurfaceProducerAlgorithm : public Metavision::AsyncAlgorithm<TimeSurfaceProducerAlgorithm<1>> Class that produces a MostRecentTimestampBuffer (a.k.a. time surface) from events.
This algorithm is asynchronous in the sense that it can be configured to produce a time surface every N events, every N microseconds or a mixed condition of both (see AsyncAlgorithm).
Like in other asynchronous algorithms, in order to retrieve the produced time surface, the user needs to set a callback that will be called when the above condition is fulfilled. However, as opposed to other algorithms, the user doesn’t have here the capacity to take ownership of the produced time surface (using a swap mechanism for example). Indeed, swapping the time surface would make the producer lose the whole history. If the user needs to use the time surface out of the output callback, then a copy must be done.
- Template Parameters
CHANNELS – Number of channels to use for producing the time surface. Only two values are possible for now: 1 or 2. When a 1-channel time surface is used, events with different polarities are stored all together while they are stored separately when using a 2-channels time surface.
Public Functions
TimeSurfaceProducerAlgorithm(int width, int height)
Constructs a new time surface producer.
- Parameters
width – Sensor’s width
height – Sensor’s height
void set_output_callback(const OutputCb &cb)
Sets a callback to retrieve the produced time surface.
A constant reference of the internal time surface is passed to the callback, allowing to process (i.e. read only) it inside the callback. If the time surface needs to be accessed from outside the callback, then a copy must be done.
- Parameters
cb – The callback called when the time surface is ready