SDK Core Preprocessors

For a basic usage guide, refer to Preprocessing Events to Tensors.

template<typename InputIt>
std::unique_ptr<EventPreprocessor<InputIt>> Metavision::EventPreprocessorFactory::create(const std::unordered_map<std::string, PreprocessingParameters> &proc_params, const TensorShape &tensor_shape)

Creates the event processor in adequation with the parameters map describing the event processing to apply.

The map should contain a ‘type’ key, describing the type of preprocessor to create, as well as the necessary parameters for the selected processor. See the different types and required dictionnary parameters below.

A ‘DIFF’ instance requires:

  • max_incr_per_pixel (float)

  • clip_value_after_normalization (float)

  • scale_width (float)

  • scale_height (float)

A ‘HISTO’ instance requires:

  • max_incr_per_pixel (float)

  • clip_value_after_normalization (float)

  • use_CHW (bool)

  • scale_width (float)

  • scale_height (float)

An ‘EVENT_CUBE’ instance requires:

  • delta_t (timestamp)

  • max_incr_per_pixel (float)

  • clip_value_after_normalization (float)

  • num_utbins (int)

  • split_polarity (bool)

  • scale_width (float)

  • scale_height (float)

A ‘HARDWARE_DIFF’ instance requires:

  • min_val (int8_t)

  • max_val (int8_t)

  • allow_rollover (bool)

A ‘HARDWARE_HISTO’ instance requires:

  • neg_saturation (uint8_t)

  • pos_saturation (uint8_t)

  • allow_rollover (bool)

A ‘TIME_SURFACE’ instance requires:

  • nb_channels (uint8_t)

Template Parameters

InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events to process

  • proc_params – A dictionnary containing parameters describing the processor to instantiate

  • tensor_shape – Shape of the tensor to fill with preprocessed data (it must match the dimensions of the events which will be passed to the processor). It is expected to provide at least “H” and “W” dimensions.

template<typename InputIt>
class EventPreprocessor

Processes events to update data from a tensor.

This is the base class. It handles the rescaling of the events if necessary. It also provides accessors to get the shape of the output tensor. Derived class implement the computation. Calling process_events() on this base class triggers the computation to update the provided tensor. This tensor can typically be used as input of a neural network.

Template Parameters

InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events to process

Subclassed by Metavision::DiffProcessor< InputIt >, Metavision::EventCubeProcessor< InputIt >, Metavision::HardwareDiffProcessor< InputIt >, Metavision::HardwareHistoProcessor< InputIt >, Metavision::HistoProcessor< InputIt >, Metavision::TimeSurfaceProcessor< InputIt, CHANNELS >

Public Functions

const TensorShape &get_output_shape() const

Retrieves the shape of the processor’s output tensor. This shape can be used to initialize the output tensor provided to the process_events method.


The output tensor shape

BaseType get_output_type() const

Retrieves the type of the processor’s output tensor This type can be used to initialize the output tensor provided to the process_events method.


The output tensor type

void process_events(const timestamp cur_frame_start_ts, InputIt begin, InputIt end, Tensor &tensor) const

Updates the output tensor depending on the input events.


The tensor needs to have its memory already allocated, which can be done thanks to the class get_output_shape and get_output_type methods and the Tensor method Tensor::create.

  • cur_frame_start_ts[in] starting timestamp of the current frame

  • begin[in] Begin iterator

  • end[in] End iterator

  • tensor[out] Updated output tensor

template<typename InputIt>
class EventCubeProcessor : public Metavision::EventPreprocessor<InputIt>

Class used to compute an event cube from a stream of EventCD.

Template Parameters

InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events to process

Public Functions

EventCubeProcessor(timestamp delta_t, int event_input_width, int event_input_height, int num_utbins, bool split_polarity, float max_incr_per_pixel, float clip_value_after_normalization = 0.f, float width_scale = 1.f, float height_scale = 1.f)


  • delta_t – Delta time used to accumulate events inside the frame

  • event_input_width – Width of the event stream

  • event_input_height – Height of the event stream

  • num_utbins – Number of micro temporal bins

  • split_polarity – Process positive and negative events into separate channels

  • max_incr_per_pixel – Maximum number of increments per pixel. This is used to normalize the contribution of each event

  • clip_value_after_normalization – Clipping value to apply after normalization (typically: 1.)

  • width_scale – Scale on the width previously applied to input events. This factor is considered to modulate the contribution of each event at its coordinates.

  • height_scale – Scale on the height previously applied to input events. This factor is considered to modulate the contribution of each event at its coordinates.

template<typename InputIt>
class DiffProcessor : public Metavision::EventPreprocessor<InputIt>

Class used to compute the diff image from a stream of EventCD.

Template Parameters

InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events to process

Public Functions

DiffProcessor(int event_input_width, int event_input_height, float max_incr_per_pixel, float clip_value_after_normalization, float width_scale = 1.f, float height_scale = 1.f)


  • event_input_width – Maximum width of input events

  • event_input_height – Maximum height of input events

  • max_incr_per_pixel – Maximum number of increments per pixel. This is used to normalize the contribution of each event

  • clip_value_after_normalization – Clipping value to apply after normalization (typically: 1.)

  • width_scale – Scale on the width previously applied to input events. This factor is considered to modulate the contribution of each event at its coordinates.

  • height_scale – Scale on the height previously applied to input events. This factor is considered to modulate the contribution of each event at its coordinates.

template<typename InputIt>
class HardwareDiffProcessor : public Metavision::EventPreprocessor<InputIt>

Updates the data from a diff event frame in the form of a tensor with an input stream of events.

This class implements the algorithm for producing diff event frames from a stream of events. This algorithm computes, at each pixel, the sum of polarities of all processed events. Generated event frames are stored using row-major convention.

Template Parameters

InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events to process.

Public Functions

HardwareDiffProcessor(int width, int height, int8_t min_val, int8_t max_val, bool allow_rollover = true)


  • width – Width of the event stream

  • height – Height of the event stream

  • min_val – Lower representable value

  • max_val – Higher representable value

  • allow_rollover – If true, a roll-over will be realized when reaching minimal or maximal value. Else, the pixel value will be saturated.

void process_events(InputIt begin, InputIt end, RawEventFrameDiff &diff) const

Updates the provided diff frame with the input events.

  • begin[in] Iterator pointing to the beginning of the events buffer

  • end[in] Iterator pointing to the end of the events buffer

  • diff[out] Difference frame to update

template<typename InputIt>
class HistoProcessor : public Metavision::EventPreprocessor<InputIt>

Class used to compute a histogram from a stream of EventCD.

Template Parameters

InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events to process

Public Functions

HistoProcessor(int event_input_width, int event_input_height, float max_incr_per_pixel, float clip_value_after_normalization, bool use_CHW = true, float width_scale = 1.f, float height_scale = 1.f)


  • event_input_width – Maximum width of input events

  • event_input_height – Maximum height of input events

  • max_incr_per_pixel – Maximum number of increments per pixel. This is used to normalize the contribution of each event

  • clip_value_after_normalization – Clipping value to apply after normalization (typically: 1.)

  • use_CHW – Boolean to define frame dimension order, True if the fields’ frame order is (Channel, Height, Width)

  • width_scale – Scale on the width previously applied to input events. This factor is considered to modulate the contribution of each event at its coordinates.

  • height_scale – Scale on the height previously applied to input events. This factor is considered to modulate the contribution of each event at its coordinates.

template<typename InputIt>
class HardwareHistoProcessor : public Metavision::EventPreprocessor<InputIt>

Updates an input histogram with an input stream of events.

This algorithm updates, separately at each pixel, the sum of positive and negative events from the event stream. The histogram values will saturate if more events than the maximum representable integers are received at a given pixel for a given polarity. This algorithm expects a pre-allocated tensor using row-major convention with interleaved channels for each polarity.

Template Parameters

InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events to process.

Public Functions

HardwareHistoProcessor(int width, int height, uint8_t neg_saturation = 255, uint8_t pos_saturation = 255)


  • width – Width of the event stream

  • height – Height of the event stream

  • neg_saturation – Maximum value for the count of negative events in the histogram at each pixel

  • pos_saturation – Maximum value for the count of positive events in the histogram at each pixel

void process_events(InputIt begin, InputIt end, RawEventFrameHisto &histo) const

Updates the provided histogram with the input events.

  • begin[in] Iterator pointing to the beginning of the events buffer

  • end[in] Iterator pointing to the end of the events buffer

  • histo[out] Histogram to update

template<typename InputIt, int CHANNELS = 1>
class TimeSurfaceProcessor : public Metavision::EventPreprocessor<InputIt>

Class that produces a MostRecentTimestampBuffer (a.k.a. time surface) from events.

Template Parameters
  • InputIt – The type of the input iterator for the range of events to process

  • CHANNELS – Number of channels to use for producing the time surface. Only two values are possible for now: 1 or 2. When a 1-channel time surface is used, events with different polarities are stored all together while they are stored separately when using a 2-channels time surface.

Public Functions

TimeSurfaceProcessor(int width, int height)

Constructs a new time surface producer.

  • width – Sensor’s width

  • height – Sensor’s height

void process_events(InputIt begin, InputIt end, MostRecentTimestampBuffer &time_surface) const

Updates the provided time surface with the input events.

  • begin[in] Iterator pointing to the beginning of the events buffer

  • end[in] Iterator pointing to the end of the events buffer

  • time_surface[out] Time surface to update

class Tensor

Generic class to store information about an N-dimension tensor and its content.

Public Functions


Default constructor, no memory allocation.

Tensor(const TensorShape &shape, const BaseType &type)

Constructor with no input data Memory is allocated with respect to provided shape ad data type. Tensor values are initialized to 0.

  • shape – The shape of the tensor

  • type – The type of data stored in the tensor

Tensor(const TensorShape &shape, const BaseType &type, std::byte *ptr, bool copy = false)

Main constructor for the tensor class.

  • shape – The shape of the tensor

  • type – The type of data stored in the tensor

  • ptr – Pointer to the tensor data (use reinterpret_cast if necessary). The ownership of the pointer is never transferred.

  • copy – Indicates whether or not to copy the tensor data. If false, the pointer will be used directly and assumed to be valid.

Tensor(const Tensor &other)

Copy constructor.


other – Instance to copy from

Tensor(Tensor &&other) noexcept

Move constructor.


other – instance to move from

Tensor &operator=(const Tensor &other)

Copy assignment operator.


other – Instance to copy from

Tensor &operator=(Tensor &&other) noexcept

Move assignment operator.


other – instance to move from

void create(const TensorShape &shape, const BaseType &type, std::byte *ptr, bool copy = false)

Updates the tensor with new shape, type and data.

  • shape – New shape of the tensor

  • type – New type of the tensor’s data

  • ptr – Pointer to the new tensor’s data

  • copy – If true, the data pointed by ptr will be copied internally. If the new required memory is equal or lower than the previous one, no memory is reallocated.

void create(const TensorShape &shape, const BaseType &type)

Allocates memory to the tensor for a given shape and type of data The tensor values are set to 0 and can be set later on thanks to the Tensor::data() accessor.

  • shape – New shape of the tensor

  • type – New type of the tensor’s data

TensorShape shape() const

Gets the shape of the tensor.


The tensor shape

BaseType type() const

Gets the base type of the data stored in the tensor.


The base type of the tensor’s data

size_t byte_size() const

Returns the amount of bytes necessary to store the tensor data.


The tensor’s data size in bytes

bool empty()

Indicates whether the tensor contains any data.


True if the tensor is empty (contains 0 values)

template<typename T = std::byte>
const T *data() const

Gets the tensor data as const variable.


A const pointer to the tensor data

template<typename T = std::byte>
T *data()

Gets the tensor data.


A pointer to the tensor data

template<typename T>
void set_to(T val)

Sets the tensors values to the provided one.

Template Parameters

Type – of the input value


val – The new value to set the tensor values to.

inline void swap(Tensor &other)

Swaps the data between two Tensors.


other – The other tensor to swap data with