List Connected Devices Sample

The sample metavision_hal_ls.cpp shows how to use Metavision HAL API to list all connected event-based devices.

The source code of this sample can be found in <install-prefix>/share/metavision/hal/samples/metavision_ls when installing Metavision SDK from installer or packages. For other deployment methods, check the page Path of Samples.

Expected Output

The sample prints information about connected event-based devices to the console.

Example of the output:

$ metavision_hal_ls
Device detected: Prophesee:hal_plugin_imx636_evk4:00ca0009

Example when asking for more information:

$ metavision_hal_ls --verbose
Device detected: Prophesee:hal_plugin_imx636_evk4:00ca0009
## HAL Software
Version:                      4.0.0
VCS branch:                   HEAD
VCS commit:                   a48272ee861e8893ad0a1a9de764bb85bb7b6a61
VCS commit's date:            2023-03-07 14:33:07 +0000

## Plugin Software
Name:                         hal_plugin_imx636_evk4
Version:                      4.0.0
VCS branch:                   HEAD
VCS commit:                   a48272ee861e8893ad0a1a9de764bb85bb7b6a61
VCS commit's date:            2023-03-07 14:33:07 +0000

## Hardware
Available Data Encoding Formats:EVT3,EVT21
Connection:                   USB
Current Data Encoding Format: EVT3
EVK4 Build Date:              Fri Oct  7 14:41:28 2022
EVK4 Release Version:         3.9.0
EVK4 Speed:                   5000
Integrator:                   Prophesee
Sensor Name:                  IMX636
Serial:                       00ca0009
SystemID:                     49
device0 compatible:           psee,ccam5_imx636
device0 name:                 CCam5 Imx636 Event-Based Camera

How to start

First, compile the sample as described in this tutorial.

To start the sample, run:





To get more information about connected event-based devices:


./metavision_hal_ls -v


metavision_hal_ls.exe -v


If your camera is not detected, please refer to our camera troubleshooting FAQ entry.

Code Overview

The following code snippet shows how to retrieve the serial numbers of connected devices:

    auto v = Metavision::DeviceDiscovery::list();

    if (v.empty()) {
        MV_LOG_ERROR() << "No device found";

Once the serial number is known, a device with the given serial number can be created with the following code:

                // open device from a serial
                device = Metavision::DeviceDiscovery::open(s);

Then, from the device, the available facilities can be retrieved with Metavision::Device::get_facility.

For example, the following code displays the device hardware information:

                // Retrieves the facility that provides information about the hardware
                Metavision::I_HW_Identification *hw_identification =
                if (hw_identification) {
                    MV_LOG_INFO() << "## Hardware";
                    // Retrieves a map of key/value with the information
                    for (auto system_info : hw_identification->get_system_info()) {
                        auto key            = system_info.first;
                        auto value          = system_info.second;
                        const std::string s = key + ":";
                        MV_LOG_INFO() << Metavision::Log::no_space << std::left << std::setw(30) << s << value;