SDK Calibration Processing
class EBPatternDetector
Base class for pattern detectors using event-based data.
Subclassed by Metavision::calib::ActiveMarkerDetector, Metavision::calib::BinaryChessboardDetector, Metavision::calib::BlinkingChessboardDetector, Metavision::calib::BlinkingDotsGridDetector, Metavision::calib::RectifiedChessboardDetector
Public Functions
virtual ~EBPatternDetector() = default
virtual std::optional<PatternDetection> detect(const std::vector<Metavision::EventCD> &events) = 0
Detects the pattern in the given events stream.
- Parameters
events – The events stream to detect the pattern in
- Returns
A pattern detection or nothing if the pattern was not detected
virtual ~EBPatternDetector() = default
class ActiveMarkerDetector : public Metavision::calib::EBPatternDetector
Detector for active markers-based patterns.
Public Functions
ActiveMarkerDetector(const Pattern &pattern, const Params ¶ms = Params())
- Parameters
pattern – The active marker-based pattern to detect
params – Parameters for the detector
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if:
the pattern is not of type active marker
the pattern has less than 4 corners
virtual ~ActiveMarkerDetector() = default
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *const kType = "active-marker"
Type of the detector.
struct Params
Parameters for the ActiveMarkerDetector.
Public Members
ModulatedLightDetectorAlgorithm::Params modulated_light_detector_params
Parameters for the modulated light detector
ActiveMarkerTrackerAlgorithm::Params tracker_params
Parameters for the active marker tracker.
ModulatedLightDetectorAlgorithm::Params modulated_light_detector_params
ActiveMarkerDetector(const Pattern &pattern, const Params ¶ms = Params())
class BinaryChessboardDetector : public Metavision::calib::EBPatternDetector
Chessboard detector that internally works on binary reconstructed frames.
The binary frame is reconstructed by setting pixels corresponding to positive events to 255 and pixels corresponding to negative events to 0. The binary frame is then optionally blurred and morphologically closed to remove noise.
Public Functions
BinaryChessboardDetector(const Pattern &pattern, const Params ¶ms)
- Parameters
pattern – The chessboard pattern to detect
params – Parameters for the binary chessboard detector
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if the pattern is not of type chessboard
virtual ~BinaryChessboardDetector() = default
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *const kType = "binary-chessboard"
Type of the detector.
struct Params
Parameters for the binary chessboard detector.
Public Members
std::uint32_t sensor_width
Width of the sensor generating the events.
std::uint32_t sensor_height
Height of the sensor generating the events.
std::uint32_t blur_kernel_size = 5
Kernel size for the Gaussian blur, if 0 no blur is applied.
std::uint32_t close_kernel_size = 5
Kernel size for the morphological closing, if 0 no closing is applied.
bool show_binary_frame = false
Whether or not to show the binary frame.
std::uint32_t sensor_width
BinaryChessboardDetector(const Pattern &pattern, const Params ¶ms)
class BlinkingChessboardDetector : public Metavision::calib::EBPatternDetector
Detects a blinking chessboard pattern. It uses a BlinkingFrameGenerator to reconstruct an image of the pattern from the blinking pixels.
Public Functions
BlinkingChessboardDetector(const Pattern &pattern, int sensor_width, int sensor_height, const BlinkingFrameGenerator::Params ¶ms = BlinkingFrameGenerator::Params())
- Parameters
pattern – The chessboard pattern to detect
sensor_width – The width of the sensor generating the events
sensor_height – The height of the sensor generating the events
params – Parameters for the blinking frame generator
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if the pattern is not of type chessboard
virtual ~BlinkingChessboardDetector() = default
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *const kType = "blinking-chessboard"
Type of the detector.
BlinkingChessboardDetector(const Pattern &pattern, int sensor_width, int sensor_height, const BlinkingFrameGenerator::Params ¶ms = BlinkingFrameGenerator::Params())
class BlinkingDotsGridDetector : public Metavision::calib::EBPatternDetector
Detects a grid of blinking dots. It uses a frequency-based algorithm (i.e. FrequencyAlgorithm) to detect the blinking pixels from the events stream. The dots are then recovered by clustering the blinking pixels using the FrequencyClusteringAlgorithm. The dots are finally sorted according to the provided grid pattern.
Public Functions
BlinkingDotsGridDetector(const Pattern &pattern, std::uint32_t sensor_width, std::uint32_t sensor_height, const Params ¶ms = Params())
- Parameters
pattern – The blinking dots grid pattern to detect
sensor_width – The width of the sensor generating the events
sensor_height – The height of the sensor generating the events
params – Parameters for the detector
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if the pattern is not of type CirclesGrid
virtual ~BlinkingDotsGridDetector()
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *kType = "blinking-dots-grid"
Type of the detector.
struct Params
Parameters for the BlinkingDotsGridDetector.
Public Members
float special_freq = 125.f
Special frequency, frequency of the first row of the grid, in Hz.
float normal_freq = 166.f
Normal frequency, frequency of the other rows of the grid, in Hz.
timestamp period_diff_thresh_us = 2000
For the frequency estimation, the maximum difference between two successive periods to be considered the same (in us).
int frequency_filter_length = 7
Minimum number of successive stable periods to validate a frequency.
float cluster_center_filter_alpha = 0.05f
Filter constant for the position of the center of the cluster. This value must be > 0 and <=1. Values closer to 1 produce a more reactive, but noisier position estimation.
float max_cluster_frequency_diff = 10.f
Maximum difference to add a frequency event to a cluster, in Hz.
int min_cluster_size = 20
Minimum size of a frequency cluster to be used (in pixels). For a LED grid, larger values can help filtering small clusters produced by reflections, but might prevent detection when the leds are far away.
bool fisheye = false
Allows the detection of strongly distorted grids, as when using a fisheye lens.
float special_freq = 125.f
BlinkingDotsGridDetector(const Pattern &pattern, std::uint32_t sensor_width, std::uint32_t sensor_height, const Params ¶ms = Params())
class RectifiedChessboardDetector : public Metavision::calib::EBPatternDetector
Special chessboard detector that detects chessboards on rectified images to improve the precision of the detected corners. Chessboards are first detected by an inner chessboard detector, then the detection image is warped to a front-parallel view using a prior camera geometry. The detected corners are then refined in the front-parallel view.
This detector can be used in a two-passes calibration mode where the first pass is used to provide a prior for the camera geometry.
The detection might be slow, so this detector should only be used in offline mode.
Public Functions
RectifiedChessboardDetector(const Params ¶ms)
- Parameters
params – The parameters of the detector
- Throws
std::invalid_argument – if:
the sensor width or sensor height is not valid (i.e. 0)
the blur kernel size is not valid (i.e. 0)
the chessboard detector is not set
the camera geometry is not set
the pattern is not of type chessboard
virtual ~RectifiedChessboardDetector() = default
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *const kType = "rectified-chessboard"
Type of the detector.
struct Params
Parameters for the rectified chessboard detector.
Public Members
std::uint32_t sensor_width
The width of the sensor producing the events.
std::uint32_t sensor_height
The height of the sensor producing the events.
std::uint8_t blur_kernel_size = 11
The size of the kernel used to blur the warped detection images.
bool display_images = false
If true, the warped detection images are displayed.
std::shared_ptr<EBPatternDetector> chessboard_detector
The inner chessboard detector used to detect the chessboard
std::shared_ptr<CameraGeometry32f> camera_geometry
The camera geometry used to warp the detection images.
std::uint32_t sensor_width
RectifiedChessboardDetector(const Params ¶ms)
class BlinkingFrameGenerator
Generates a frame of blinking pixels from an event stream. Positive and negative events are counted independently.
Public Functions
BlinkingFrameGenerator(int sensor_width, int sensor_height, const Params ¶ms = Params())
- Parameters
sensor_width – The width of the sensor generating the events
sensor_height – The height of the sensor generating the events
params – Parameters for the blinking frame generator
~BlinkingFrameGenerator() = default
template<typename InputIt>
std::optional<const cv::Mat> process(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end) Processes a range of events and returns the binary frame with blinking pixels if enough blinking pixels.
- Template Parameters
InputIt – Type of the iterator
- Parameters
it_begin – Iterator pointing to the beginning of the range of events
it_end – Iterator pointing to the end of the range of events
- Returns
The binary frame with blinking pixels if enough blinking pixels, otherwise an empty optional
struct Params
Parameters for the BlinkingFrameGenerator.
Public Functions
inline Params()
Public Members
int min_num_blinking_pixels = 100
Minimum number of blinking pixels to consider the frame as blinking.
double blinking_pixels_ratios_on = 0.15
Ratio of blinking pixels from positive events to consider the frame as blinking
double blinking_pixels_ratios_off = 0.15
Ratio of blinking pixels from negative events to consider the frame as blinking
int median_blur_radius = 1
Radius of the median blur filter to apply to the positive and negative masks. If negative, no filter is applied
bool enable_event_count = false
Whether or not to count the number of events.
inline Params()
BlinkingFrameGenerator(int sensor_width, int sensor_height, const Params ¶ms = Params())
class ExtrinsicsEstimator
Estimates the extrinsics of a set of cameras.
Public Types
using Extrinsics = std::vector<std::pair<cv::Mat, cv::Mat>>
Rotation and translation vectors for each camera.
using Ret = std::pair<ExtrinsicsReport, Extrinsics>
Report and extrinsics.
Public Functions
explicit ExtrinsicsEstimator(std::vector<CameraData> cameras_data)
- Parameters
cameras_data – Per camera data needed for the extrinsics estimation
- Throws
std::runtime_error – if:
The number of cameras is less than 2
The patterns do not have the same number of points
One of the cameras has no detections
The number of views in the cameras do not match
The number of detections in the cameras do not match
virtual ~ExtrinsicsEstimator() = default
struct CameraData
Structure containing the per camera data needed for the extrinsics estimation.
The reference camera is the first camera in the list
The detections are first normalized using the camera geometry before being used for the extrinsics estimation
Public Members
std::shared_ptr<CameraGeometryBase<float>> camera_geometry
Camera geometry (i.e. intrinsic parameters)
std::vector<PatternDetection> detections
Pattern detections produced by this camera.
std::shared_ptr<CameraGeometryBase<float>> camera_geometry
using Extrinsics = std::vector<std::pair<cv::Mat, cv::Mat>>
class IntrinsicsEstimator
Base class for intrinsics estimators.
Subclassed by Metavision::calib::PinholeEstimator
Public Functions
IntrinsicsEstimator(std::uint32_t sensor_width, std::uint32_t sensor_height)
- Parameters
sensor_width – Width of the camera sensor
sensor_height – Height of the camera sensor
virtual ~IntrinsicsEstimator() = default
std::optional<Ret> calibrate(const Pattern &pattern, const std::vector<PatternDetection> &detections)
Calibrates the intrinsics of the camera.
- Parameters
pattern – The pattern used for the calibration
detections – The detections of the pattern by the camera
- Returns
The report and the camera geometry if the calibration succeeded, otherwise an empty optional
IntrinsicsEstimator(std::uint32_t sensor_width, std::uint32_t sensor_height)
class PinholeEstimator : public Metavision::calib::IntrinsicsEstimator
Estimates the intrinsics of a camera using the pinhole model.
Public Functions
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *kType = "pinhole"
Type of the estimator.
struct Params
Structure containing the parameters needed for the pinhole estimation.
static constexpr const char *kType = "pinhole"