File Info

This tool allows you to get information about a RAW, DAT or HDF5 event file including:

  • Duration

  • Data encoding type

  • Camera info: sensor generation, ID, serial number

  • Number of events, first and last timestamps, average event rate

The source code of this tool can be found in <install-prefix>/share/metavision/sdk/stream/cpp_samples/metavision_file_info when installing Metavision SDK from installer or packages. For other deployment methods, check the page Path of Samples.

Expected Output

The tool reads a file and outputs detailed metadata and data information about the file to the console, providing insights into its structure and contents.

Here is an example of the outcome:


Name                industrial_fluid_flow.raw
Path                /path/to/industrial_fluid_flow.raw
Duration            5s 635ms 895us
Integrator          Prophesee
Plugin name         hal_plugin_prophesee
Data encoding       EVT2
Camera generation   4.0
Camera systemID     26
Camera serial       00000996


Type of event       Number of events    First timestamp     Last timestamp      Average event rate
CD                  10572601            16                  5635895             1.9 Mev/s

How to start

You can directly execute pre-compiled binary installed with Metavision SDK or compile the source code as described in this tutorial.

To start the tool, provide the full path to an event file (here, we use an HDF5 file from Metavision Datasets):


metavision_file_info -i 80_balls.hdf5


metavision_file_info.exe -i 80_balls.hdf5

Beware that for RAW files, a timestamp shifting operation is applied on the event, As explained in the dedicated documentation page, it means that the first decoded timestamp is used as the origin of time. However, metavision_file_info provides an option, --disable-timestamp-shifting (or its shortcut -d), to disable this feature as needed. This allows you to preserve the original, absolute timestamps in the output as shown here:

$ metavision_file_info -i industrial_fluid_flow.raw --disable-timestamp-shifting

Name                industrial_fluid_flow.raw
Path                /path/to/industrial_fluid_flow.raw
Duration            8s 491ms 191us
Integrator          Prophesee
Plugin name         hal_plugin_prophesee
Data encoding       EVT2
Camera generation   4.0
Camera systemID     26
Camera serial       00000996


Type of event       Number of events    First timestamp     Last timestamp      Average event rate
CD                  10572601            2855312             8491191             1.2 Mev/s


You can observe that both the duration and the average event rate output different values. This discrepancy is due to the initial “hole” without events at the beginning of the file, which is now taken into account in the computation of these values.