SDK CV3D Algorithms

class Metavision::ActiveMarkerPoseEstimatorAlgorithm

A class that estimates the 3D pose of an active marker with respect to the camera.

An active marker is a rigid object composed of several blinking LEDs. Knowing the 3D location of each LED in the coordinates system made by the active marker itself, its 3D pose can be recovered by tracking the 2D location of the LEDs in the sensor plane. The 3D pose can be computed either in the camera’s clock (every N events or every N us) or in the system’s clock (at a given frequency).

Public Types

enum class EstimatorType

Clock in which the 3D pose is estimated.


enumerator CameraClock
enumerator SystemClock

Public Functions

ActiveMarkerPoseEstimatorAlgorithm(const Params &params, const CameraGeometryBase<float> &camera_geometry, const std::unordered_map<std::uint32_t, cv::Point3f> &active_marker_leds)


  • params – The parameters for configuring the estimator

  • camera_geometry – The camera geometry of the event-based camera

  • active_marker_leds – The map of LED IDs to their 3D locations in the active marker’s coordinate system



void set_pose_update_callback(PoseUpdateCallback cb)

Sets the callback function for receiving pose updates.


If the pose estimation fails (e.g. not enough visible LEDs), the callback is still called but with an empty pose update. This is a way to get notified when the tracking gets lost.


cb – The callback function to be called

template<typename InputIt>
void process_events(InputIt begin, InputIt end)

Processes a range of EventSourceId events for updating the pose estimation.

Template Parameters

InputIt – Input event iterator type, works for iterators over containers of EventSourceId

  • begin – Iterator pointing to the first event in the stream

  • end – Iterator pointing to the past-the-end element in the stream

void notify_elapsed_time(timestamp ts)

Notifies the pose estimator that time has elapsed without new events, which may trigger several calls to the internal monitoring process.


ts – Current timestamp

struct Params

Parameters for configuring the ActiveMarkerPoseEstimator.

In the camera’s clock mode, if delta_n_events and delta_ts parameters are valid, then delta_n_events will be used

Public Members

EstimatorType type = EstimatorType::CameraClock

Clock in which the 3D pose is estimated.

size_t delta_n_events = 5000

Number of events between two pose estimates in the Camera’s clock.

timestamp delta_ts = 0

Time interval (in us) between two pose estimates in the Camera’s clock.

float estimation_rate_hz = 0.f

Pose estimation rate (in Hz) in the System’s clock.

ActiveMarkerTrackerAlgorithm::Params tracker_params

Parameters for the underlying ActiveMarkerTrackerAlgorithm.

Public Static Functions

static Params make_n_events_camera_clock(size_t delta_n_events, const ActiveMarkerTrackerAlgorithm::Params &tracker_params)

Creates parameters for a camera clock-based estimator using the number of events as the trigger for pose updates.


The parameters

static Params make_n_us_camera_clock(timestamp delta_ts, const ActiveMarkerTrackerAlgorithm::Params &tracker_params)

Creates parameters for a camera clock-based estimator using a time interval as the trigger for pose updates.


The parameters

static Params make_system_clock(float estimation_rate, const ActiveMarkerTrackerAlgorithm::Params &tracker_params)

Creates parameters for a system clock-based pose estimator.

  • estimation_rate – The rate (in Hz) at which pose updates are estimated

  • tracker_params – Parameters for the ActiveMarkerTrackerAlgorithm


The parameters

class Metavision::Edgelet2dDetectionAlgorithm

Algorithm used to detect 2D edgelets in a time surface.

Public Functions

inline Edgelet2dDetectionAlgorithm(timestamp threshold = 0)


See also

is_fast_edge for more details


threshold – Detection tolerance threshold

~Edgelet2dDetectionAlgorithm() = default


template<typename InputIt, typename OutputIt>
OutputIt process(const MostRecentTimestampBuffer &ts, InputIt begin, InputIt end, OutputIt d_begin)

Tries to detect 2D edgelets in the time surface at locations given by the input events.

Template Parameters
  • InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type

  • OutputIt – Read-Write output EventEdgelet2d event iterator type

  • ts – Time surface in which 2D edgelets are looked for

  • begin – First iterator to the buffer of events whose locations will be looked at to detect edgelets

  • end – Last iterator to the buffer of events whose locations will be looked at to detect edgelets

  • d_begin – Output iterator of 2D edgelets buffer


Iterator pointing to the past-the-end event added in the output 2D edgelets buffer

class Metavision::Edgelet2dTrackingAlgorithm

Algorithm used to track 2D edgelets in a time surface.

Points are sampled along the edgelet’s direction (a.k.a support points) and matches are looked for on the two sides of the edgelet along its normal. A match is found when a timestamp more recent than a target timestamp if found in the time surface. A new line is then fitted from those matches and both a new direction and normal are computed.


Because of the aperture problem, the tracking can drift very quickly. As a result, this algorithm should only be used if there are methods that constrain the tracking or to track edgelets that are orthogonal to the camera’s motion.

Public Functions

Edgelet2dTrackingAlgorithm(const Parameters &params = Parameters())



params – Parameters used by the tracking algorithm

~Edgelet2dTrackingAlgorithm() = default


template<typename Edgelet2dIt, typename StatusIt, typename OutputEdgelet2dIt>
OutputEdgelet2dIt process(const MostRecentTimestampBuffer &time_surface, timestamp target, Edgelet2dIt edgelet_begin, Edgelet2dIt edgelet_end, OutputEdgelet2dIt d_begin, StatusIt status_begin)

Tracks the input 2D edgelets in the input time surface.

For each input 2D edgelet a status is updated to indicate whether the corresponding edgelet has been tracked or not. When an edgelet is successfully tracked, an updated 2D edgelet (i.e. corresponding to the matched edgelet in the time surface) is outputted. This means that a user needs to either, pass a std::back_insert_iterator to these two buffers, or, pre-allocate them with the same size as the input 2D edgelets buffer’s one.


The output matched 2D edgelets buffer needs to be resized to only contain the matched edgelets, or a std::back_insert_iterator needs to be passed instead.

Edgelet2dTrackingAlgorithm algo;
MostRecentTimestampBuffer time_surface(height, width, n_channels);
std::vector<EventEdgelet2d> detected_edgelets;
// Detect edgelets
std::vector<EventEdgelet2d> tracked_edgelets(detected_edgelets.size());
std::vector<bool> statuses(detected_edgelets.size());

auto tracked_edglet_end = algo.process(time_surface, target_ts, detected_edgelets.cbegin(),
                                       detected_edgelets.cend(), tracked_edgelets.begin(), statuses.begin());
tracked_edgelets.resize(std::distance(tracked_edgelets.end(), tracked_edglet_end));
Edgelet2dTrackingAlgorithm algo;
MostRecentTimestampBuffer time_surface(height, width, n_channels);
std::vector<EventEdgelet2d> detected_edgelets;
// Detect edgelets
std::vector<EventEdgelet2d> tracked_edgelets;
std::vector<bool> statuses);

auto tracked_edglet_end = algo.process(time_surface, target_ts, detected_edgelets.cbegin(),

Template Parameters
  • Edgelet2dIt – Iterator type of the input 2D edgelets

  • StatusIt – Iterator type of the input statuses

  • OutputEdgelet2dIt – Iterator type of the output 2D edgelets

  • time_surface – The time surface in which 2D edgelets are looked for

  • target – Target timestamp used for matching. A timestamp ts in the time surface will match a support point if ts > (target - threshold_)

  • edgelet_begin – First iterator to the buffer of 2D edgelets that will be looked for

  • edgelet_end – Last iterator to the buffer of 2D edgelets that will be looked for

  • d_begin – First iterator to the matched 2D edgelets buffer

  • status_begin – First iterator to the tracking statuses buffer


The last iterator to the matched 2D edgelets

const Parameters &get_parameters() const

Returns the algorithm’s parameters.

struct Parameters

Parameters used by the tracking algorithm.

Public Members

unsigned int search_radius_ = 3

Radius in which matches are looked for each edgelet’s side.

unsigned int n_support_points_ = 3

Number of points sampled along the edgelet’s direction.

float support_points_distance_ = 2

Distance in pixels between the sampled points.

timestamp threshold_ = 3000

Time tolerance used in the tracking.

unsigned int median_outlier_threshold_ = 1

Distance to the median position of the support points’ matches above which a match is considered as outlier.

class Metavision::Model3dDetectionAlgorithm

Algorithm that detects a known 3D model by detecting its edges in an events stream.

Support points are sampled along the 3D model’s visible edges and tracked in a time surface in which the events stream has been accumulated. Matches are looked for in the time surface by looking for timestamps on slopes that have been generated by moving edges having the same orientations as the 3D model’s ones. An edge is considered matched when a line can be fitted from its matches. When enough edges are matched, the 3D model’s pose is estimated by minimizing the orthogonal distance between the matches and their corresponding reprojected edge.

Public Functions

Model3dDetectionAlgorithm(const CameraGeometry32f &cam_geometry, const Model3d &model, MostRecentTimestampBuffer &time_surface, const Parameters &params = Parameters())


  • cam_geometry – Camera geometry instance allowing mapping coordinates from camera to image (and vice versa)

  • model – 3D model to detect

  • time_surface – Time surface instance in which the events stream is accumulated

  • params – Algorithm’s parameters

void set_init_pose(const Eigen::Matrix4f &T_c_w)

Sets the camera’s pose from which the algorithm will try to detect the 3D model.


T_c_w – Camera’s initialization pose

template<typename InputIt>
bool process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, Eigen::Matrix4f &T_c_w, std::set<size_t> *visible_edges = nullptr, std::set<size_t> *detected_edges = nullptr)

Tries to detect the 3D model from the input events buffer.


The estimated pose might be not very accurate but accurate enough to initiate a tracking phase

Template Parameters

InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type.

  • it_begin[in] Iterator to the first input event

  • it_end[in] Iterator to the past-the-end event

  • T_c_w[out] Camera’s pose if the detection has succeeded

  • visible_edges[out] If filled, contains the model’s edges visible from the initialization pose

  • detected_edges[out] If filled, contains the model’s successfully detected edges


True if the detection has succeeded, false otherwise

struct Parameters

Parameters used by the model 3d detection algorithm.

Public Members

std::uint32_t support_point_step_ = 10

Distance, in pixels in the distorted image, between two support points

std::uint32_t search_radius_ = 10

Radius in which matches are looked for for each support point.

std::uint32_t flow_radius_ = 3

Radius used to estimate the normal flow which gives the edge’s orientation

std::uint32_t n_fitting_pts_ = 3

Minimum required number of matches for line fitting.

float variance_threshold_ = 2e-5f

Variance of the support points around the fitted line below which an edge is considered matched

float fitted_edges_ratio_ = 0.5f

Matched edges to visible edges ratio above which a pose estimation is attempted

class Metavision::Model3dTrackingAlgorithm

Algorithm that estimates the 6 DOF pose of a 3D model by tracking its edges in an events stream.

Support points are sampled along the 3D model’s visible edges and tracked in a time surface in which the events stream has been accumulated. Matches are looked for in the time surface within a fixed radius and a given accumulation time. A weight is then attributed to every support point according to the timestamp of the event they matched with. Finally, the pose is estimated using a weighted least squares to minimize the orthogonal distance between the matches and their corresponding reprojected edge.

The accumulation time used for matching can vary depending on how the algorithm is called. Indeed, the algorithm computes the accumulation time by maintaining a sliding buffer of the last N pose computation timestamps. As a result, the accumulation time will be fixed when the algorithm is called every N us and varying when called every N events. The latter is more interesting because, in that case, the accumulation will adapt to the motion of the camera. In case of fast motion, the tracking will restrict the matching to very recent events making it more robust to noise. Whereas in case of slow motion, the tracking will allow matching older events.

Public Functions

Model3dTrackingAlgorithm(const CameraGeometry32f &cam_geometry, const Model3d &model, MostRecentTimestampBuffer &time_surface, const Parameters &params = Parameters())


  • cam_geometry – Camera geometry instance allowing mapping coordinates from camera to image (and vice versa)

  • model – 3D model to track

  • time_surface – Time surface instance in which the events stream is accumulated

  • params – Algorithm’s parameters

void set_previous_camera_pose(timestamp ts, const Eigen::Matrix4f &T_c_w)

Initializes the tracking by setting a camera’s prior pose.

  • ts – Timestamp at which the pose was estimated

  • T_c_w – Camera’s prior pose

template<typename InputIt>
bool process_events(InputIt it_begin, InputIt it_end, Eigen::Matrix4f &T_c_w)

Tries to track the 3D model from the input events buffer.

Template Parameters

InputIt – Read-Only input event iterator type.

  • it_begin[in] Iterator to the first input event

  • it_end[in] Iterator to the past-the-end event

  • T_c_w[out] Camera’s pose if the tracking has succeeded


True if the tracking has succeeded, false otherwise

struct Parameters

Parameters used by the model 3d tracker algorithm.

Public Members

std::uint32_t search_radius_ = 3

Radius (in pix) in which matches are looked for for each support point.

std::uint32_t support_point_step_ = 10

Distance, in pixels in the distorted image, between two support points

std::uint32_t n_last_poses_ = 5

Number of past poses to consider to compute the accumulation time.

timestamp default_acc_time_us_ = 3000

Default accumulation time used when the tracking is starting (i.e. the N last poses have not been estimated yet)

float oldest_weight_ = 0.1f

Weight attributed to the oldest matches.

float most_recent_weight_ = 1.f

Weight attributed to the more recent matches.

std::uint32_t nb_directional_axes_ = 8

Number of pre-computed axes to consider to quantize the normal of an edge.