Generating Frames
There are two algorithms that allow you to generate frames from events:
When these classes generate an image at timestamp t, they assume that the user has provided all the events up to t
using the process_events
method, so that the generated frame makes sense. However, nothing prevents the user from
also providing events more recent than t. Both classes will simply ignore these events when generating the frame
at time t, and use them later when needed.
The generation of overlapping frames is supported. It means that the time between two consecutive frame generations can be shorter than the accumulation time, and thus some events will be displayed several times. We call this scheme over accumulation as mentioned in the event-based concepts page in the section about frame generation.
The two classes differ, however, on the triggering of frame generation. It is either internal or external to the class.
: the class triggers the frame generation by itself and output frames regularly spaced in time through its output callback.
: the user can request a frame generation at any timestamp using the generate method, which is expected to be called with timestamps increasing monotonically.
Table of Contents
Choosing a frame generation algorithm
If you want the visualization frame to be automatically generated at a given frequency, then use the
to match a display or video encoder capabilities
to visualize the last results from a producer while ignoring intermediate ones
If you explicitly want to request when to generate a visualization frame, then use the
to precisely control which events are included in the visualization
to adapt the generation rate to the publication rate of an asynchronous producer
Example using the C++ API
Here is a simple example using the C++ API. We open a RAW file with the Metavision::Camera
generate frames at 50 FPS with 20ms accumulation time using
#include <metavision/sdk/stream/camera.h>
#include <metavision/sdk/core/algorithms/periodic_frame_generation_algorithm.h>
#include <metavision/sdk/ui/utils/window.h>
#include <metavision/sdk/ui/utils/event_loop.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
auto cam = Metavision::Camera::from_file(argv[1]);
const auto w = cam.geometry().width();
const auto h = cam.geometry().height();
const std::uint32_t acc = 20000;
double fps = 50;
auto frame_gen = Metavision::PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm(w, h, acc, fps);
Metavision::Window window("Frames", w, h, Metavision::BaseWindow::RenderMode::BGR);
frame_gen.set_output_callback([&](Metavision::timestamp, cv::Mat &frame){;
});[&](const Metavision::EventCD *begin, const Metavision::EventCD *end){
frame_gen.process_events(begin, end);
return 0;
You can elaborate on this sample code to build a viewer that can play RAW files at various speed by playing with FPS and accumulation time. For example, setting FPS at 500 and accumulation time at 2ms will play files in slow motion.
The C++ sample metavision_viewer is using
which is
another Frame Generator based on PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm
but that also handles multithreading.
Examples using the Python API
In these examples, we are not only generating the frames but also displaying them. The details of the display process are covered in a dedicated guide.
When Using SDK Core EventsIterator
Let’s start by opening a live camera with an EventsIterator
import cv2
import numpy as np
from metavision_core.event_io import EventsIterator
from metavision_sdk_core import OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm, PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm
from metavision_sdk_ui import EventLoop, Window
# Events iterator on Camera
mv_iterator = EventsIterator(input_path="", delta_t=1e3)
height, width = mv_iterator.get_size() # Camera Geometry
Now we can open a window and use the
to generate frames at
50 FPS using an accumulation time of 10ms, with the timestamp written in the top left corner.
with Window("Periodic frame generator", width, height, Window.RenderMode.BGR) as window:
# Do something whenever a frame is ready
def periodic_cb(ts, frame):
cv2.putText(frame, "Timestamp: " + str(ts), (0, 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0))
# Instantiate the frame generator
periodic_gen = PeriodicFrameGenerationAlgorithm(width, height, accumulation_time_us=10000, fps=50)
for evs in mv_iterator:
EventLoop.poll_and_dispatch() # Dispatch system events to the window
periodic_gen.process_events(evs) # Feed events to the frame generator
if window.should_close():
The same result can be achieved using the
, but this time we need
to manually control the frame generation timestamps.
with Window("OnDemand frame generator", width, height, Window.RenderMode.BGR) as window:
# Instantiate the frame generator
on_demand_gen = OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm(width, height, accumulation_time_us=10000)
frame_period_us = int(1e6/50) # 50 FPS
next_processing_ts = frame_period_us
frame = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
for evs in mv_iterator:
EventLoop.poll_and_dispatch() # Dispatch system events to the window
on_demand_gen.process_events(evs) # Feed events to the frame generator
ts = evs["t"][-1] # Trigger new frame generations as long as the last event is high enough
while(ts > next_processing_ts):
on_demand_gen.generate(next_processing_ts, frame)
cv2.putText(frame, "Timestamp: " + str(next_processing_ts),
(0, 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0))
next_processing_ts += frame_period_us
if window.should_close():
Let’s now consider the case where we have an asynchronous algorithm Algo that regularly provides results through
its output callback. We can use the
and request a frame
generation directly from the callback of Algo, i.e. as soon as new results are available.
with Window("On demand frame generator + Custom asynchronous algo", width, height, Window.RenderMode.BGR) as window:
# Instantiate the frame generator
on_demand_gen = OnDemandFrameGenerationAlgorithm(width, height, accumulation_time_us=10000)
frame = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)
# Instantiate the algorithm providing a count and a label
def algo_cb(ts, count, label):
on_demand_gen.generate(next_processing_ts, frame)
cv2.putText(frame, "Timestamp : " + str(ts), (0, 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0))
cv2.putText(frame, "Count : " + str(count), (0, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0))
cv2.putText(frame, "Most seen label: " + label, (0, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 0))
algo = Algo(width, height, fps=50)
for evs in mv_iterator:
EventLoop.poll_and_dispatch() # Dispatch system events to the window
on_demand_gen.process_events(evs) # First feed events to the frame generator
algo.process_events(evs) # Then feed events to the algorithm
if window.should_close():
When Using SDK Core RawReader
As described in the section Reading Events with SDK Core Python API,
an alternate way to read the events is to use the RawReader
The same algorithm as the one described above can be used to generate frames, but some more simple code
can be enough in some situation. Hence, here is a naive example on how to build frames with numpy
and display them with matplotlib:
import numpy as np
from metavision_core.event_io.raw_reader import RawReader
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def create_image_from_events(events, height, width):
img = np.full((height, width, 3), 128, dtype=np.uint8)
img[events['y'], events['x']] = 255 * events['p'][:, None]
return img
raw_stream = RawReader("/path/to/file.raw") # use empty string to open a camera
height, width = raw_stream.get_size()
while not raw_stream.is_done():
events = raw_stream.load_delta_t(100000)
im = create_image_from_events(events, height, width)
plt.axis('off') # press "q" to close this figure and allow the program to continue
When Using SDK Stream Camera
An example of generating frames using the Python SDK Stream’s Camera
is available in our Python Get Started Guide and
the Metavision Camera Stream Slicer Python Sample.
Below is a code excerpt demonstrating how frame generation is implemented:
slicer = CameraStreamSlicer(camera.move())
for slice in slicer:
BaseFrameGenerationAlgorithm.generate_frame(, frame)
if window.should_close():
Going Further
Now that you’ve learned how to generate frames from events, the next logical step is to explore how to display those frames using the Metavision SDK.