
This Python sample may be slow depending on the event rate of the scene and the configuration of the algorithm. We provide it to allow quick prototyping. For better performance, look at the corresponding C++ sample.

Spatter Tracking using Python

The Python bindings of Metavision SDK Analytics provide the metavision_sdk_analytics.SpatterTrackerAlgorithm class for spatter tracking or tracking simple non-colliding moving objects. This tracking algorithm is a lighter implementation of metavision_sdk_analytics.TrackingAlgorithm, and it suits only to non-colliding objects.

The sample shows how to use metavision_sdk_analytics.SpatterTrackerAlgorithm to track objects.

The source code of this sample can be found in <install-prefix>/share/metavision/sdk/analytics/python_samples/metavision_spatter_tracking when installing Metavision SDK from installer or packages. For other deployment methods, check the page Path of Samples.

Expected Output

Metavision Spatter Tracking sample visualizes all events and the tracked objects by showing a bounding box around each tracked object with an ID of the tracked object shown next to the bounding box:

Setup & requirements

By default, Metavision Spatter Tracking looks for objects of size between 10x10 an 300x300 pixels. Use the command line options --min-size and --max-size to adapt the sample to your scene.

How to start

To start the sample based on the live stream from your camera, run:


To start the sample based on recorded data, provide the full path to a RAW file (here, we use a file from our Sample Recordings):

python -i sparklers.raw

In sparklers.raw from Sample Recordings, the speed of sparkles is very high and the sparkles are very tiny. To be able to track the sparkles in this particular file, the tracking parameters should be tuned, for example:

python -i sparklers.raw --accumulation-time-us 50 --cell-width 4 --cell-height 4 --activation-ths 2

To check for additional options:

python -h

Algorithm Overview

Spatter Tracking Algorithm

The tracking algorithm consumes CD events and produces tracking results (i.e. metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterBuffer). Those tracking results contain the bounding boxes with unique IDs of tracked objects.

The algorithm is implemented in an asynchronous way and processes time slices of fixed duration. This means that, depending on the duration of the input time slices of events, the algorithms might produce 0, 1 or N buffer(s) of tracking results.

Like with any other asynchronous algorithm, we need to specify the callback that will be called to retrieve the tracking results when a time slice has been processed:

# Events iterator on Camera or event file
mv_iterator = EventsIterator(input_path=args.event_file_path, start_ts=args.process_from,
                             max_duration=args.process_to - args.process_from if args.process_to else None,

if args.replay_factor > 0 and not is_live_camera(args.event_file_path):
    mv_iterator = LiveReplayEventsIterator(mv_iterator, replay_factor=args.replay_factor)

The tracking algorithm consists mainly of two parts. First, the input events are continuously accumulated in a user-defined grid during the time slice. Then, at the end of the time slice, cells where the event count is high are marked as activated. Clusters are formed from connected active cells and a bounding box is defined around each of them. Small and big clusters are filtered out depending on the user’s input for their desired size. Finally the newly detected clusters are matched with previously detected clusters, based on their center-to-center distance, to update the position of the tracked Metavision::EventSpatterCluster.

The algorithm’s steps are illustrated below:

Heatmap of events count during a time slice

Heatmap of events count during a time slice

Bounding box of detected clusters

Bounding box around detected clusters

Matching of clusters

Matching previous clusters (in red) to new detected ones (in green)

Code Overview


The sample implements the following pipeline:



The pipeline also allows to apply filters on the events using the algorithms SpatioTemporalContrastAlgorithm that can be enabled and configured using the --stc_threshold command line option. Other software filters could be used like ActivityNoiseFilterAlgorithm or TrailFilterAlgorithm. Alternatively, to filter out events, you could enable some of the ESP blocks of your sensors.

Slicer initialization

The metavision_core.event_io.EventsIterator is used to produce events slices with the appropriate duration:

# Events iterator on Camera or event file
mv_iterator = EventsIterator(input_path=args.event_file_path, start_ts=args.process_from,
                             max_duration=args.process_to - args.process_from if args.process_to else None,

if args.replay_factor > 0 and not is_live_camera(args.event_file_path):
    mv_iterator = LiveReplayEventsIterator(mv_iterator, replay_factor=args.replay_factor)

Events of the slice are directly processed on the fly in the iterator’s loop.


In the iterator’s loop:

  • input events are optionally filtered and then passed to the frame generation and Spatter Tracking algorithms

  • we retrieve the results of the Spatter Tracking algorithm

  • generate an image where the bounding boxes and the IDs of the tracked objects are displayed on top of the events

# Process events
filtered_evs = SpatioTemporalContrastAlgorithm.get_empty_output_buffer() if do_filtering else None

for evs in mv_iterator:
    ts = mv_iterator.get_current_time()

    # Dispatch system events to the window

    # Process events
    if do_filtering:
        stc_filter.process_events(evs, filtered_evs)

    buffer = filtered_evs if do_filtering else evs

    spatter_tracker.process_events(buffer, ts, clusters)

    clusters_np = clusters.numpy()
    for cluster in clusters_np:
        log.append([ts, cluster['id'], int(cluster['x']), int(cluster['y']), int(cluster['width']),
    events_frame_gen_algo.generate(ts, output_img)
    tracked_clusters.update_trajectories(ts, clusters)
    draw_tracking_results(ts, clusters, output_img)

    if args.out_video:

    if window.should_close():


Finally, the generated frame is displayed on the screen, the following image shows an example of output:

Expected Output from Metavision Tracking Sample

Going further

Estimate Speed of a tracked object

The sample uses the class metavision_sdk_analytics.EventSpatterClusterBuffer (the python binding of the C++ structure Metavision::EventSpatterCluster) which produces tracking results containing the bounding boxes with unique IDs of tracked objects. The coordinates of bounding boxes and the current track’s timestamp are also given by this structure.

Hence, for two different positions of a tracked object, it should be possible to estimate its speed for a given time slice.